(A/N: I know I mentioned doing a happy one after the last few, but this one was already written, so I hope at least it's not too sad. This is Remus centric, but I think it fits in this collection. I read this theory on tumblr and figured the common room was the Hogwarts equivalent ^ ^)


(Remus' pov)

I have heard it said that you must ask to be in Gryffindor.

That's the idea people were discussing in the common room the other night, at any rate.
There may be something to it, although privately I think it's most likely just a lot of Gryffindor ego. Our house being special somehow, having a hidden test. Not only must you be suited to it, but you need to want it, to claim your lion status from the hat. Qualities like intelligence or cunning are inherent, but bravery is a choice (or so my classmates claim). Therefore, if you don't choose Gryffindor, the hat won't let you it.

So the theory goes, and many students seemed quick to volunteer their own stories of what they said to the hat, and what the hat said to them, to prove that it's true. It was older students that started the conversation, but my friends were quick to jump in. James boasted that he always knew he'd be in Gryffindor, never any question, and he honestly can't remember if the hat told him or he told the hat. Sirius was equally adamant that he'd been rooting for Gryffindor all along and wouldn't have accepted any other answer. Peter was free with the information that the hat considered him for another house, but he firmly told the hat he wanted Gryffindor (Peter said the other house was Hufflepuff, but he said so with a cunning look in his eye that made me think of snakes).

Somewhere during this conversation Sirius turned to me and said, "Remus, your Sorting was fast, wasn't it? Like, the kind where the hat barely touches you before it's shouted where you're going. You must have been thinking really hard about Gryffindor."

"Naturally," I said. It seemed like such a small lie, compared to some of the others I have to tell. And as ever, I didn't want to admit I was different from my friends. Didn't want to confess I'd had no idea which house I would go into, and no preference either. I, at least, had never asked to be in Gryffindor.

I didn't have to. When the Sorting Hat was put on my head, there was an indistinct exclamation of surprise and pain; then the Hat said, "Oh, my... you've no choice but to be brave, have you? You'll need brave companions to go with you. This one's a GRYFFINDOR!"