Author's note: This story has been sitting on my computer for over a year now without an ending. I just wanted to get it out. It will most probably be my last Flashpoint story.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters.

Warnings: Un-betaed. Apologies in the advance for all the errors.

Henry Thompson stood at his son's grave site. James Thompson was only 24 when he died. He was caught in the crossfire of two rival gangs within the prison; stabbed to death during the brawl. There was nothing the doctors could do. By the time the prison guards got the situation under control, James had already bled to death. That was a year ago, today.

Three years ago, James was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of Jessica Welsh. There were three witnesses placing him at the scene and all three confirm that James Thompson stabbed Jessica to death for her purse. According to the prosecutor, it was an open and shut case, James approached Jessica and when she refused to give him her purse, James stabbed her three times. There was a photo of James with the knife, a witness saying he heard James threaten Jessica and another witness confirming their struggle. James was found guilty of murder, but Henry knew it was not the truth. He knew his son and he would never hurt a fly let alone a young woman. The evidence and witnesses did not tell the truth and Henry aimed to prove it.

Henry knelt down in front of his son's grave stone. "Today's the day, James. I'm going to clear your name so that you can truly rest in peace. Wish me luck." Henry got up and headed to his car.