Hey guys it's DarkFusion68. I've been reading a lot of pokemon fannfictions lately and I decided to try to do one. Please tell me if I made a mistake or if something didnt make sense. Ok without further delay lets start this fanfic.

Somewhere on a island near Johto

"Pikachu pika" said a yellow mouse.

"Yeah Pikachu it sure has been a long time... 8 years now now I think" said a raven hair young man.

"Pika pika" pikachu nodes.

The raven hair man pulls out a letter out of his pocket that says "To Ash Ketchum". Ash the opens up the letter to read it again.

Dear Pokemon Trainer

You have been invited to participate in the Johto Master Tournament because of your pokemon trainer achievements. You are to arrive in Johto in a few days to participate in the league that is going to have the best trainers and all of the champion's and gym leaders around the world. We hope you join in this event.

Ash continues to look through the letter and sees the ps at the bottom.

Ash you really don't know how hard it is to find you. It took all of my sources, and plenty of bribes to track you down. I don't know why you disappeared and honestly I really dont want to know. Maybe we should drink and then you can tell me haha. Hope you come Ash we could use some skill in this tournament.

Sign Mr Goodshow.

Ash finishes up on reading the letter and looks at Pikachu. "So Pikachu think we should go we already know 'they' are going to be there?"

"pika pikachu pika!" (Yeah lets go kick show them what we're made of) Pikachu shouts in his agreement.

Ash then smiles and says "Yeah lets go show them were going to be the very best trainer and pokemon alive!" "Come on out Charizard!" Ash throws the pokeball and pops out a dragon look alike pokemon.

"Char!" Charizard shoots a flame out of its mouth ready to listen to Ash.

Ash looks at looks at Charizard and remembers when he was a little Charmander then says "Charizard you ready to fight in another tournament after all of these years?"

"Char!" Charizard then shoots out a even bigger blast out of its mouth.

"Ok then Charizard can you fly us to Johto?" Wondering if he even can.

Charizard then nods and lowers itself so Ash can climb on.

Ash then climbs on to Charizard and then shouts "Johto look out because we're going to take you by storm! Lets get this on the road Charizard!"

Charizard takes of at its masters command and moves like a speeding race car.

Ash managing to hold on "Man looks like training nonstop did wonders for you buddy."

In pallet town kanto

A short 5'2 boy with glasses "Hey everybody I just got a invite from Mr Goodshow to join in the Johto Master Tournament!" As he ran to a group of people consisting of May, Brock, Dawn, Serena, Paul, Cilan, Bonnie, Clemont, Gary, Misty, Tracey, Iris, Delia, and Professor Oak.

"Way to go max!" Almost everyone said

Misty then said "Think you can win against us?"

Max then stated smiling "Man if that loser can win against all of you I'm pretty sure I can!"

Paul then retorted "He only won because of luck, not like he lasted much after that anyway.."

"Yeah haha its not like that loser can do it twice anyway!" Gary said agree with paul.

Max, Gary, and Paul continued to argue while the somewhat or not somewhat started to talk.

"We're sorry misses Ketchum that our friends are saying this about your deceased son" Said Serena while putting her head down.

May then stated "Yeah I'm sorry about my brother" while trying to contain her inner laughter because she knew what her brother said was true.

Delia not seeing Mays trying to contain her laughter says "Its ok May, Serana." She says smiling.

Dawn starts thinking about Ash and her crush on him or her was crush on him.

Brock then says to everyone "Ok guys we should start to get a move on to Johto because the majority of us needs to get ready for the tournament. We will be leaving tomorrow morning.

After a few hours of flying Ash arrives in Johto

Ash looks at the region "Well everybody we are finally here. Lets win us a tournament."

Hey guys did you enjoy the first chapter I had a joy writing this hope you did reading this. I'll try to update in a few days and I'm going to actually finish this unlike other fanfics that do that but we still love them though :). See you next time.