Hi! Kate here, I just wanted to say Hi, and…

All rights go to the wonderful mastermind *drum roll* RICK RIORDAN!

Percy POV

As I lazily woke up I was blinded by the color around me, and I'm not just talking about how when you first open your eyes when you wake up and it takes a few seconds to adjust. I'm talking about the actual colors around me, wherever I am. They certainly had a favorite color.

The entire room was a bright white, it looked so clean, it made a OCD person look more like the Hermes cabin. And that's saying a lot.

I sat up in the bed I was laying in. How did I get here?

From the opposite side of the room a figure rushed over to me, my eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw it clearly.

With light, faded red skin, long purple hair, small white wings, and a nurse's outfit the woman started to call someone, at least that's as much as I could guess as I heard her talking in a language I've never heard before.

I tried to ask what was going on but no one seemed to hear me... Hades, they might not understand me.

Suddenly a swirling back portal-like thing appeared right in front of me and my words of confusion got caught in my throat.

Out stepped a man with pure black eyes that swirled with colors, pale white skin that was almost as white as the walls, wearing a business suit making him look very important.

"Hello Perseus, I'm glad to see you've healed well." the man said in a voice deep, but smooth like silk.

"Wh-Who are you?" I managed to ask.

"Oh! My apologies that was rude of me. I'm Chaos creator of the universe."

My jaw dropped involuntarily, and I started to get up so I could bow.

'This man is the most powerful being in the universe it would be stupid for me not to... right?' I thought to myself.

He chuckled as if reading my thoughts.

"Please, Perseus don't bother I am not like those petty gods that require you to bow and basically wither under their very being."

"Why am I here?" I decided to change the topic, I had to know why I was here shouldn't I be in the underworld? I mean... i did die right? As if trying to remind me, the cut on my arm started to pound and burn. I looked over at it and for the first time was able to read what it said clearly.

It was one simple word written in ancient greek. But the deep meaning that had brawned into me was much harsher than the word itself. See, during the time that Drake had tried to turn the entire camp away from me there was one statement he repeated multiple times. That I was to blame for BOTH wars, that it was my fault that so many innocent people had died that the entire world almost came to ruin. Like I didn't think that before he had to rub it in I had always blame myself for everyone's death but being told directly that it was my fault it stung and that everyone else agreed... well it made it true. It WAS my fault for everything if I hadn't been such an immature kid directed by a whimsy little crush... it's all my fault.

Carved into my arm was "Δολοφόνος".


Thats what I am.

Thats what I always will be.

Chaos POV

"Why am I here?" Well straight to the point then, I see.

I saw Perseus look at the carving that was made into his arm, that had turned into an ugly white scar.

I could practically since what was going through his mind now. He's reliving the accusations held against him. The ones he took to heart.

I watched unable to speak as sorrow already filled his pain-filled eyes.

They broke him.

I quickly decided to speak up.


He looked up at me as if he had forgotten I was there.

"How would you like to be the commander of my army?"

His expression changed to shock and confusion. "What do you mean your army?, and why would you want someone like me in charge of it? All I do is get people killed.."

I cut him of in a serious tone.

"Perseus Jackson. You are the greatest hero planet earth has ever seen. You have completed so many tasks that I, myself believed impossible. You saved the world twice. You changed the gods actions. You did so much for them. All throughout you remained loyal and humble to them . Even when they broke you."

"That's exactly what I would want in the leader of my army. For millenia i have saved heroes from all over the universe that have been betrayed, forgotten, and thrown out just like you. ANd throughout all that time. I have looked for a perfect leader of my army. I should've realized it sooner Perseus. That perfect leader Is you."

Perseus took his hand and rubbed it through his hair, and smiled slightly. "I'm glad you have faith in me, my lord... I accept."

Pride, coursing through my veins I grinned and helped him up.

"Now, Perseus you do not have to call me 'lord' or anything like that you may simply call me Chaos."

"Well Chaos..." He said with a smirk on his face. "I will only agree to those terms if you would call me 'Percy'."

I grinned at his incompetence, "Okay Percy, but being in this army you will make many enemies, not that you don't have enough already. So, I suggest you take on a new name to go by."

Looking thoughtful for a second he looked up at me I'll let you decide that. I'm bad with name I recall that when I was a kid I had a turtle name turtley."

Keeping that in mind, I continued.

"Now Perseus I mujst introduce you to the army, but first I will give you the powers and traits of the commander. You will be the third most powerful being in the universe, second only to me."

On that note I tapped him once on the forehead with my index finger and watched as the power took hold.