Chapter 1
A young man, who stood 6' 2" and wore pitch black double layer leather armor with Night Fury dragon scales in-between the layers; the armor covered him from the bottom of the next down. He had a pitch black clock with a thick golden stripe down the middle; the cloak was wrapped around his next the hood covering part of his face and the part of cloak wrapped around his neck covered most of the other half; the rest of the cloak hung off his right shoulder only about 7in width and goes down to about his knee. He also had two 2 ½ foot long, single edge, midnight black swords on his back. He walked into a great hall and sat down at the counter.
A man walked up to him and asked "What can I get you?"
"Food" the young man replied.
The other man laughed a second and said "I know that, but what kind of food."
"Human" the young man joked and saw the slightly less amused face then before and continued with "Water and three legs please."
"Coming right up" the other man grabbed the young man's food and brought it to him.
"If you don't mind me asking who you are and what's with the armor" The older man asked the younger.
"A traveler, explorer, and adventurer all those apply to me. As for the armor, well I'm bound to run into some trouble along the way" the young man answered and started eat careful not to get the cloak dirty and face hidden.
"So that's what brings you do Berk, anyways where have you traveled to" the older man asked.
"You name it, I've been there" the younger man replied.
"Sharktooth Island" the older man asked and the younger man nodded.
"Outcast Island, Berserker Island, Draak, Helk, Kelhelm" the older man asked and the younger man nodded to everyone.
"Valhalla" the older man asked smugly knowing you have to die to get there.
"Oh, come on that doesn't count, you have to die to get there" the younger man replied.
"You said "You name it, I've been there"" the older man said smugly.
"Fine whatever" the younger man sighed not really feeling like a fight.
Suddenly the doors to the great hall opened and five young adult, three male, two female all 19 or 20. One of the males stood 5' 10", somewhere between fat and muscular, with short black hair, slight stubble, with green eyes; wearing a horned helmet, black fur coat, pale green pants, brown boots, and a brown belt with a war hammer on it. The one of the other males stood about 6' 1", had short blonde hair, early signs of a beard, green eyes, fat looking; wearing a helmet with wings, brown fur coat with went down to his knees, dark green pants, brown boots, and a brown belt with pouches and a 5in dagger. The last male had long blonde hair, stood 6 feet tall, blue eyes, slender but muscular; wearing a horned helmet, light brown fur coat, greenish gray shirt underneath, gray pants, dark green boots. One of the females had long blonde hair with two breads in the front, stood about 5'7", blue eyes, slender but muscular; wearing a horned helmet, light blonde fur coat, light blue shirt underneath, light blonde skirt with brown leggings underneath, and light gray boots. The last female stood about 5'9", had long blonde tied into one bread, blue eyes, slender but muscular; wearing a fur hood that stopped at her metal shoulder guards, red shirt, brown fur gauntlets, dark brown studded skirt, dark brown leggings, and brown boots.
The short black haired one was complaining about some training to the others who weren't even listening.
"That's Snotlout he is the next chief" the older man said pointing him out.
"With him is Fishlegs, the twins Tuffnut and Ruffnut, and Astrid. Who he has a things for, but gets blown off by her constantly" the older man continued pointing them out.
Some things never change the younger man thought in his head amused.
"If Snotlout's going to be your chief you have my deepest sympathies" the younger man said only half joking.
"He while be a fine chief" the older man said clearly trying to convince himself more the than the younger man.
The younger man burst out laughing at the thought and said "Are you kidding me that guy basically radiates arrogance, stupidity, self-absorption, and spoiled brat. And I've met enough people know those combined never make for a decent chief, much less a good one."
Unfortunately Snotlout heard what the younger man said and stormed over to him and said "Oh yeah right I'll make an excellent chief."
This caused the younger man to laugh again, who then turned around and replied "You make think that but everyone else doesn't."
"What are you doing here anyways" Snotlout asked.
"I'm a traveler, explorer, and adventurer" the young man replied.
"Are you sure you didn't get exiled" Snoutlot said.
"I'm sure, I left because I hated everyone there" the young man replied.
"I'm sure you made the right decision you were probably too useless for anyone to like you" Snotlout replied.
"They thought I was, but when I left I became someone that far exceeded their exceptions, even my own. Turns out they were holding me back." the young man replied.
"What's your name, I just realized you never told me" said the man who severed him his food, to stop a fight from breaking out and having to repair more chairs and stools.
"Which one I've many given throughout the years" the young man asked.
"The one you were given at birth" Snotlout answered.
"Now that kills all the fun if I do that" the young man replied.
Snotlout grabbed the young man by the collar of his armor, but the young man instinctively grabbed Snotlout's hand and twisted it painfully with breaking it. The action brought Snotlout down to his knees.
"You know it is never a good idea to grabbed a stranger by his collar attempting to threaten him" the young man said. The young man then released Snotlout's hand and said "Now leave me alone."
Snotlout stood up and shouted "I want you off this island."
"Don't really care since you don't have that power yet" the young man replied smugly and turned back around to his food.
"Yes I do" Snotlout said and tried to remove the young man from his seat. However the young man had grabbed the table with a steel like grip and was laughing at Snotlout's attempt to move him.
"What's going on here" boomed a voice and everyone look to see a man that stood 6' 1" with a long red beard and hair with some gray hairs in them, green eyes, muscular; wearing a brown fur cloak, green tunic that went down to his brown fur boots, with a thick brown belt with chainmail hanging from it.
"Uncle Stoick he isn't respecting my authority" Snotlout said letting go of the young man.
"You first have to earn my respect before I respect your authority" the young man added in.
"Who are you and what are you doing here" Stoick asked the young man.
"It doesn't matter I was leaving soon anyways" the young man said getting up from his seat and walking towards the door. "Oh, and pick someone else to be chief Snotlout will just mess it up" the young man added in.
When the young man walked past Stoick he was stopped by Stoick putting a hand in front of him. "You're not going anywhere" Stoick said.
"Why is that" the young man said annoyed that he could leave.
"Because you might be a threat to Berk or even a spy" Stoick said.
The young man laughed at that and said "Ok first off what kind of spies walks into the great hall of the place he is spying on. Second if I wanted to harm you in anyway I would have done it by now."
Stoick opened his mouth to say something, but the young man beat him to it and said "I'll be on my way."
On the young man's way out the twins tried to jump on him by Snotlout's orders, but the young man had heard Snotlout give the order's during his talk with Stoick, and easily avoid the twins. That caused the twins to collide with each other and they started fighting each other.
"You're going to have to do a lot better than that if you want to stop me" the young man said.
Astrid got in front of him and said "I'm that better."
The young man laughed at the comment and said "Step aside and I won't have to hurt."
"The only one that is going to get hurt here is you" Astrid said charging the young man.
Astrid throw a punch a the young man, who backstepped it. Astrid throw some more punches and kicks, all of which the young man dodge or backstepped the entire time having his arms behind his back. Snotlout shouted "Gotta" when he charged the young man from behind figuring that Astrid was keeping him occupied.
However because Snotlout opened his big mouth the young man was able to easily dodge Snotlout's tackle, that would have hit the young man around the midsection, by doing a backflip over Snotlout's tackling form. Snotlout collided with Astrid and the both hit the floor with a thud.
"Oh, look at the two lovebirds" the young man couldn't help but tease.
The young man walked past Astrid and Snotlout tangled up on the floor and made his way to the door where a trembling Fishlegs got in his way.
"Really Fishlegs you think you can stop me" the young man asked plainly.
"No, but that's not going to stop me from trying and how do you know my name" Fishlegs said stuttering here and there.
"The guy who served me food told me when you guys walked in" the young man answered. " But I will give you credit for being brave even if its to impress a girl" the young man continued.
"I don't know what you are talking about" Fishlegs stuttered embarrassed.
"Don't worry about it I've done plenty of stupid stuff in my life to impress girls too" the young man said with a chuckle. "Now please step out of the way so I don't have to hurt you" the young man continued.
Fishlegs hung his head in shame and stepped off to the side. The young man past Fishlegs, but stopped and placed a hand on Fishlegs shoulder and said "There is no shame in backing down from a fight you know you can't win and if anyone tells you otherwise than they're an idiot who waste time, energy, and resources."
Everyone looked at him shocked especially Fishlegs. The young man just switched from humiliating Fishlegs friends to giving the guy a pep talk to lift his spirits.
Just then the doors of the great hall flew open showing a man with his left hand and right foot missing, about 6 feet tall, blue eyes, long blonde breaded mustache, muscular; wearing a brown fur vest, yellow shirt underneath, gray pants, and one brown fur boot. The man shouted "Where's the fight?"
The gust of wind that the doors caused the hood of the cloak to fall down to the back of the young man's head revealing his auburn hair and forest green eyes. The movement of his hood made the part of the cloak covering his lower half of his face fall revealing his face.
The man with the missing limbs was shocked at the face he saw and said basically yelled "HICCUP!"
The young man said "Hey Gobber it's been awhile hadn't it" with a weak wave. This has Freyja written all over it Hiccup thought in his head.