First off, I apologize if this seems short. Secondly, if things don't seem to make much sense here, they will down the road.
Alexis woke into a dark bedroom.
Groggily she sat up carefully as she pushed the blanket off.
Getting out of bed she quietly made her way to the kitchen.
That's when she realized the boy were not in bed with her or it seemed anywere in the house.
Her heart skipped a beat as she turned on the stove light. * Were are they? Shouldn't at least one be here? *
With a shaky hand she reached up into the cupboard to get a glass for water. Turning the tap on
she filled the glass before drinking it all quickly.
As her gaze went to the window over the sink she was greeted by a large shadow with glowing eye's.
Her eye's widen in fear as the glass dropped from her hand to shatter on the floor.
Turning she gasped in pain as she stepped on broken glass before running to the bathroom.
Once there she slammed and locked the door behind her then frantically looked for a weapon
of some sort. She came across a bottle of perfume before making herself as small as possible while
holding the perfume close to her.
She wasn't sure how long she stayed like that for before she heard a door bang open and her
name being yelled.
She didn't say anyting as she heard footsteps quickly go through the house before stopping outside
the bathroom door.
Whoever it was tried the doorknob and realized it was locked then gently knocked on the door.
"Alexis sweetheart. Open the door. You're okay. No one is going to hurt you. "
She frowns as she recognized the voice. " Seth? "
She heard a sigh of relief. " Yeah, it's me. Can you open the door sweetheart. "
Unfolding from her spot she made her way a little cautiously over to the door, perfume at the
ready. Just in case her mind was playing tricks on her.
Opening the door she indeed saw Seth standing there concerned wearing nothing but shorts. She didn't open the
bathroom door all the way. Just enough for her to peak out.
Seth could smell blood as well as see uncertainty and fear in her hazel eye's. "Sweetheart. Are you alright? I smell
blood. I didn't mean to scare you in the kitchen. "
"That was you?"
He ran a hand over his face. "Yes it was. I just came back from a quick perimeter check when I saw you in the kitchen.
I got changed as fast as I could. " He looks at her pleadingly. "Please let me in. I want to help you."
"Where are Dean and Roman?" She winced slightly at the shaky tone in her voice.
Seth swallows hard at the fear in her voice. "They are with Wade and AJ up at the clearing were we where."
"They went to get rid of the bodies."
Alexis frowns. There was something at the edge of her memory but it alluded her for some reason. "What bodies?"
Seth looked at her shocked a moment. "You don't remember what happened up there?"
"There's something there but I can't quite grasp it."
He tried again to get her to let him in and help her as the smell of blood was getting stronger.
"Please let me help you sweetheart. You're bleeding more."
She didn't budge. "I want to see Roman and Dean."
The hairs on his arms started to rise up as she started to draw energy to herself. He raised his hands and took a step back. "Alright. I'll go get them for you. Just try to stay calm. No one wants to hurt you." With that he quickly left to go out the back door and howled anxiously for the others. He was very worried about Alexis and her lack of memory of what happened.
AJ stood there arms folded across her chest looking at the men as they looked and sniffed around.
"I told you what I saw. The ground started to swallow the bodies."
Wade looked at her. "It's not that we don't believe you AJ. But there should be at least a trace of them."
Just then they heard Seth's howl carry to them.
Roman and Dean stiffen before looking at each other.
AJ and Wade tense up at the anxious note that was in the howl.
Roman. "She's awake and scared."
AJ. "I thought she wouldn't wake up for a little while yet?"
Dean. "That's what we thought."
Without another word all four ran back down the hill to the house. Once there they found Seth pacing in the hall
outside the bathroom.
All of them smelled the blood and could sense her confusion and lingering fear as soon as they reached the back door.
When they saw Seth pacing in the hallway it looked like he was ready to pull his hair out. He looked at them with a mix of relief and
"She won't open the door until she saw the both of you."
Wade. " Why is she bleeding?"
"I just came back from doing a quick check when I saw her in the kitchen with a glass of water." He ran a hand over his
face. "It scared the shit out of her causing her to drop the glass, shattering it before stepping on some glass before
baracading hewrself in the washroom."
AJ. "That explains the glass, water and some blood in the kitchen."
Roman went and tapped lightly on the door. "Babygirl, please open the door for us."
After a moment she did and peeked out. Seeing all three men as well as Wade and AJ had her in tears while she opened the
door wider. "This isn't a dream? You didn't leave me?"
She didn't sound the same. She sounded like a child.
AJ caught the glow in her eye's and gasps softly. The others saw it as well and understood immediately.
Her wolf was there and scared her mates left her alone.
Dean was the first to react as he went up to her and gently framed her face. "No. We could never leave you. We love you.
All of you."
Tears spilled free as she smiled slightly before reaching up to touch his face. The glow in her eye's fading as her wolf
retreated safe in knowing her mates didn't abandoned her. Alexis blinked rapidly as more tears spilled free.
"We were so scared. Waking up, not knowing where anyone was. Panic set in."
Dean gave her a gentle kis on her forehead. "It's alright darlin'. We didn't think you'd wake up this early."
Seth cleared his throat and when she looked at him she saw sadness in his brown eye's. "We should get the glass out of
your feet."
Alexis gave a nod and was about to take a step when Roman scooped her up in his arms and took her to the bedroom.
Wade. "I'll get some water and a cloth."
AJ. "I'll get the first aid kit."
In the bedroom Roman gently set her down on the edge of the bed as Seth sat beside her and Dean on the other. Reaching
out she lay her hand on Seth's forearm as she looked at him. "I'm sorry. I was so confused and disorientated when I
woke up. I really didn't mean to upset you Seth. "
Gently, he picked up her hand and placed a kiss on the back of it before smiling softly at her. " It's alright
sweetheart. You woke up a little early fom your rest. Do you remember anything now? "
She frowns as Wade and AJ came back in. " I do. I remember seeing how Roman acted towards Lana..."
Roman flinched slightly as his gaze dropped to the floor as she continued.
" I felt 'her' leap forward inside me. She was confused, hurt and angry at him. "
She looked at Roman's bowed head and swallows hard. " She was at the forefront as I tried to re-assure her that everything
was alright. I saw the knife in Lana's hand. But being new... she wasn't sure what was happening. She's always been there
in one form or another. I just didn't know it. She was running on her emotions. She doesn't seem as confused now. A little
un-sure, but she knows what was done was to protect us. "
Roman lifted his gaze to hers and she saw unshed tears in his eye's. Without another word he carefully lifted her foot to
gently remove the glass with the tweezers AJ also brought with her. AJ Crawled onto the bed behind Alexis and wrapped her arms
around her shoulders as he rested her chin on her shoulder.
" We were so worried for you. Even after the boys explained how tiring it can be when your wolf emerges for the first time. "
Alexis smiles softly as she patted AJ's arm. She then let out a small hiss of pain as Roman had to dig for a little for a piece
of glass. Afterwards, Roman had cleaned and bandaged her wounds as Wade leaned against the wall listening and watching
silently. After a moment he spoke. " So you and your wolf understand what happened? "
Alexis looks at him as she nods. " I was confused when I woke up and didn't hear anyone. I decided to try getting up
to get a drink. "
Dean. " Fuck! That's twice we should have left someone with you and failed! We're terrible mates! "
" No, You're not Dean. No one knew I'd wake up early. It's no one's fault. Everything is alright. We're all together
and in one piece. We have each other and our friends. "
Roman. " We're going to be okay. " He looked at her with confidance and love.
Seth. " Because we have each other. We can lean on each other for support if needed. "
Dean. " I love my brothers almost as much as I love you darlin'. We'll always be there for each other. "
Alexis smiled softly at him. " Just as I love all of you equally. "
Wade. " So, what happened with the bodies? AJ said the ground swallowed them. "
Alexis nods. " I didn't want any evidence of them left. "
Her mates got close to her so their inner wolves could reassure hers as she found a way to touch each of them in reassurance
and love.
AJ smiles. " So, what now? "
Alright. Finally, this is done and I'm so sorry that this took so long to get out. I thank everyone who have been waiting patiently
for this. This chapter will be closed for now as they get ready for another one in the future.