Disclaimer ; I do not own American Horror Story but Rita is mine.

When I was small I used to sleep walk, which I thought was over with since I turned eleven. But I woke up in the basement. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, it was dark. Very, very dark. I squinted my eyes as a bright light suddenly turned on. "Did you make an appointment with my wife?" A man asked me, making my insides twist and turn. He was a doctor, and there was a bed behind him with tools beside it.

My head was pounding as I felt the crash of different emotions roll over. Hurt. Regret. Fear. Pain. It was too much. My heart was beating out of my chest and I felt like puking as I felt sweat begin to build against my forehead. "Excuse me, Miss? I'm ready when you are." The doctor said as he held up a shot, laughing loudly. As I fell to the ground.

I jerked up, looking around with wide eyes as I glanced around my bedroom. I took a quick glance at the digital clock on my dresser.

'3:45 A M'

I rubbed my face in exhaustion as I grew anxious. The dream.. It felt so real.

A few hours later when I woke up for the day, I couldn't shake away the anxiety from last night and for what will come today. Moving here came with a whole new set of worries and I wasn't sure my mind could take it. And the whole 'Murder House' scene wasn't helping. When we first moved in, the realtor mentioned suicides and I felt it. I felt their pain, the heartbreak, confusion and anger. Ever since I was young I always got 'vibes' from people but this house was a whole other level.

I wasn't sure if I believed in ghosts, I always turned my cheek at the thought. If you ignore it, It'll go away. I never had time to dwell on the thought, but after last night I wasn't too sure if I was just being paranoid or not.

"You ready to scare this bitch, Casper?" Violet teased, snapping me out of my thoughts. I glanced at her and my anxiety grew even worst.

I felt like I was making a deal with the Devil himself, but I had already signed the contract. "Sure." I forced a small laugh, before following her out the door to head to the school.

I walked behind Violet and Leah, as Violet lead us into the basement. I hesitated for a moment, thinking about just stopping this all together but before I even had a chance to linger on the thought, Leah started asking what was down here. "My stash. My parents toss my room every week." Violet explained, making me raise my brow a bit. She was good. "If you're screwing with me.."

"It's just the basement. I found the best hiding place. This is great shit, too. All the coke coming to the U.S. from Central America smuggled in on lobster boats in Gloucester. I used to show my boobs to the lobstermen in return for a key or two before they cut it." She lied and lied, making me give a bitter smile at this. Lord only knows how many times she's lie to my face if she came up with all of that within seconds. "So where is it" Leah asked impatiently. "Right around the corner, to the right."

"I want my goddamn drugs." She snapped, making me sigh. "Then shut up and keep going." I muttered, losing my patience with the girl. I just wanted this to be over.

We finally made it to the dark side of the room, and I felt chills go down my spine as I thought of the night before.

"So this is the coke whore." Tate said, with a disturbing smile, making me frown. I believed in Karma, but as every minute passed I regretted going along with this more and more. "Who the hell are you?" Leah asked in annoyance. "Get the lights." I heard Tate mumble and with a sick feeling in my stomach, I silently obeyed.

After that, shit hit the fan.

I watched in confusion as the lights started to flicker, making my anxiety go even higher. I looked around the room quickly, listening as Tate's laugh echoed throughout the room. "Kill her. Kill her. Kill her.: Tate chanted, as I slowly backed away as the girls started freaking out. But I was frozen when I finally spotted it. It was hard to keep my eyes on it directly as the lights flicker on and off but in that moment, I knew this was real fear.

I felt my brain fry as I watched the creature slash Leah's face, and I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me glance at Tate as he watched on with a sick smile.

Finally, Violet turned the lights on and I felt the shock slowly starting to hit me when I seen Tate wasn't beside me anymore, but he was back in the rocking chair. Leah started crying and screaming as she ran towards the stairs, making Violet follow her. Tate leaned against the wall, "I don't think she'll be bothering you anymore." he said with a smug smile. I watched the scene fold out as Violet called him a psychopath and asked, 'What the hell is wrong with you?' before running up the stairs. With a small shrug Tate turned to me. I stared at him for a moment, knowing that anything that was going to come out of his mouth would be a lie.

"Rita?" He said, snapping me out of it. I rubbed my face, "Are you alright?" he asked softly, making me frown. "What was that?" I asked as I felt sweat building on my forehead, as I glanced around feeling as if there was no air in the room. He looked away as he sighed. "Please don't lie to me." I felt my lips trembling as a lump formed into my throat.

"If you don't want a lie, then I can't answer that question." He paused, "at least not now." he added as he gave me a small frown.

The room seemed so small as each second passed, I heard ringing in my ears before I felt my legs give out.

and in an instant Tate was beside me, catching me before my head hit the cement as my eyes fell shut.

"She'll need anesthesia." Doctor Montgomery muttered as he looked around his tools, before glancing at a sleeping Rita who laid on the operation table.

In an instant Tate had him held up against the wall by his neck, "You're not touching her, Charles." Tate spat. "She'll only be here till I know her parents are gone."

Rita slowly opened her eyes, as she looked around her bedroom. The last thing she remembered was being in the basement after everything had happened, but she couldn't remember getting to her room, until she looked at the chalk board hanging.

'Feel better. T'

and with a small sigh, she fell back into her pillows.

not as long as I wanted it to be but hey. finally *sobs* we could move onto episode two now.

Let me know if there's any mistakes! Reviews are appreciated. xx