Hold Us Together.

Disclaimer: I do not own Austin & Ally nor do I own any songs that are featured in the story. If a song is featured I will put the name of the song and the artist. Other than that I hope you enjoy the story. The story will switch from the point of view from mostly Austin and Ally.


Hello I am Ally Dawson and I am eighteen years old. I graduated high school this past summer and focusing on a career and taking online classes for college .I have been given the best life I can dream of a loving boyfriend, three amazing best friends and two supportive parents who do everything to make me happy.

Chapter 1:

Lester's POV:

I can't help but fear as go to meet Austin for lunch as he says he has big news about Ally. I just hope isn't asking me to break up for him because he is too much of a coward to do it himself. As I approach the restaurant I can't help but relive the conversation we had the previous night. (Regular = Lester, Bold = Austin.)


Yes Mr. Dawson I hope I am not catching you at a bad time.

No Austin what is it?

Is Ally around you?

Nope she took a break, why are you asking?

I have something to tell you about her and I wanna tell you over lunch tomorrow.

Okay where and when do I meet you?

Meet me at the Red Lobster near the Mall of Miami at 1:30 PM.

Okay I will see you then.

I pull my car in to a parking space and enter the restaurant to see Austin sitting in a booth with a baseball cap and sunglasses on to avoid being spotted by paparazzi. "Hey Austin." I whisper to him. "Hello Mr. Dawson." He says as he takes off his glasses and looks around. "You are probably wondering why I asked you to meet me here." He said calmly, I can barely hear him as I am running different scenarios in my head what if he wants to end things with my daughter, what if he is having affair, or worse what if he impregnated her. "Yes I am." I say as calmly as I can. "Mr. Dawson the past four years of my life have been great with Ally and I don't know what I would do without her in my life." He says, I noticed that he stops speaking and he reaches for something in his pocket he pulls out a black box with Zale's written across the top. "I felt like it was love at first sight with your daughter so I was wondering if I can have your permission to ask for your daughters hand in marriage." He says, I can tell he is sincere as he is nervous and shaky as can be. This is nerve-wracking for me as it is for him. I take about ten minutes to before I even say anything. I finally break the silence by asking him "When would the wedding be?" I ask. "I want to be on New Year's Day." He replies with a big smile on his face. "Well I guess you better get used to calling me dad." I say while laughing. I see his eyes grow large and even a tear in the corners in his eyes.

Austin's POV:

I can't believe he said yes, HE FUCKING SAID YES. I can't help but jump for joy and hug him that's how ecstatic I am but I gotta remain cool and levelheaded. "When do you plan on asking her?" Lester ask after he takes a bite from his food. "I plan on asking her this Saturday it is our fourth year anniversary." I say trying to fight back tears of joy. "Who else know?" He has look of inquiry on his face. "Just you and my parents no one else." I reply. "Well I guess you will see her Saturday, wait what day is it today?" He ask with concern. "Oh it is Wednesday September 26th, our anniversary is on the 29th sir." I say with the biggest smile on my face. "Well I will see you around son." He says as he gets up, and leaves. I can't help but wish for it to be Sunday.