2 years later of tranquility, 2 years of peace, 2 years of adventures and... 2 years of joy for the Hamato Clan. Ever since the victory against Shredder, they never heard from him again nor his henchmen, they assumed that maybe they left the city or something, but they didn't really care if he wasn't on their tails again. The lair, their home, hasn't been the same, but in a good way. The turtles had grown more mature, well, Mikey just a pinch and have been fully dedicated in raising their children safely in the sewers. They still trained and fought against the Kraang or any other mutant threat that came, but with the Shredder out of the way, it was a lot easier to keep New York safe.

It was just a new life they really liked and thought would never happen.

In the lair, the turtles we're having a relaxing day knowing that there hasn't been any news of the evil aliens from Dimension X, giant evil weeds, spiders or any mutants of the sort. It was a normal and calm—


Or not.

Running scared out his mind from the living room to the kitchen was Leonardo's youngest son, Kotaro. He ran away, terrified, from his hyper and giggling cousin Rosabella with something in her hand. The father of the little boy was in the kitchen with his brother Raphael and heard his cries, sighing at how his frantic son can be very nervous and scared of many things.

Leo saw his son make a loud entrance to the kitchen and quickly hide behind where he was sitting, "What is it, Kotaro?" he asked the trembling turtle tot.

"Hewp me!" The little turtle squeaked out until another loud entrance was made but by Raphael's little girl. She came in with a huge grin and a fit of giggles at seeing how the only boy reacted at her new 'little friend'. She looked to her father and uncle and then lifted her hand up and showed that she had a small bug in her palm and that it was the reason why Kotaro was running away in the first place.

"Pwetty bug!" She exclaimed with happiness at the little creature on her hand.

The leader in blue chuckled at how cheery his niece could be and leaned down a bit, "Oh Rosie... What did we say about bringing up bugs?"

"No do it?" She said with a smile.

The red clad smiled at his daughter and cut in, "Exactly princess, because they're..." before he could say more, he saw the small bug on her hand and felt a goose bump run down his spine, "gross..."

The older saw his reaction and laughed a bit to Raph and then turned back to Rosie, "Now don't bug your cousin anymore with that thing. Hey, I just made a little joke just now." He realized with a chuckle.

At hearing the lame joke from his brother, he face palmed and groaned. Sometimes it really hurt to hear him talk.

"Ugh...So no more messing around with Kotaro, okay sweetheart?"

"Okay daddy!" she nodded with a smile, "Amyyy!" she called out and then ran out of the kitchen giggling happily.

Leo smiled at the little girl's exit, but then he remembered Kotaro and looked down to him with a smirk, "You okay there, kiddo?"

The turtle boy looked around for Rosie and when he saw no sign of her, he looked up at his father and smiled at him saying, "Uh-huh! Thank you, daddy!" he smiled at him exposing a thinner version of Donnie's gap in the middle of his teeth.

"Anytime, little guy." Leo smiled to him.

Raph watched Kota suck his thumb while he left and smiled at his brother with hooded eyes, "They each have a bit of us... Rosie sure has a lot of Mikey." He chuckled.

"Yeah." The blue one agreed, "And Kotaro has a bit of Donnie in him."

"Yup... hey let's go to the living room and see what they're doing."

"I just hope Donnie's almost done with whatever he's working on." Leo said getting up from the chairs with Raph.

"What's he doing? Or is it the type that he doesn't wanna tell?"

"I'm not sure what it is, but I'm hoping it's some kind of surprise."

"Heh, typical Don." Raph chuckled while they finally reached the living room to check on what the kids were up to. The muscular turtle then eyed Rosie glomping a very concentrated Amy 'reading' an upside down book near the TV.

"I got you!" Rosie chanted giggling like crazy.

"Heyy! Wosie!" Amy cried being toppled by her and dropped her book.

"Pway wit me! Pway wit me!" The second oldest tot happily requested getting on top of her.

"I weading! You get in da way...!"

"No wead! Pway!"

"Ugh, where's Mikey when you need him?" Raph groaned rubbing the back of his head.

"Think he went to go get a couple of pizzas topside for us and the kids." Leo recalled.

"Oh yeah..." said the stronger remembering but then turned to his hyper girl, "Rosie! Leave Amy alone, she doesn't wanna play!" he made his way to her and picked her up, until the turtle tot literally crawled up from his arm making her way to his head and began to pull on his face.

"Daddy funny!" she laughed out loud pulling his bandana while Leo watched his hothead brother in a tight situation.

"Hey Rosie, you're not being a very nice young turtle." Her uncle said with a serious look.

"No?" she asked looking at him with a questioned look, holding onto Raph's nose.

"Pulling on your daddy's face isn't very polite for a little lady like you."

Rosabella remained silent for a second, suddenly her face lit up and cried out, "I A LADY!" she squealed and laughed out loud and gripped on Raph's face even more.

"Gaaaahh!" was all the poor daddy turtle could say with his face in his little one's grasp.

Then Leonardo to the rescue.

He came close to brother a parole and gently helps Raph out and takes her in his arms with a chuckle. Much for the second oldest's relief. Raph massaged his face softly, surprised at how his little girl inherited his strength.

"Phew, thanks. Jeez! She's definitely another Mikey!" he said out loud.

"Can't be helped if she takes up after him." Leo answered with a chuckle.

All of a sudden after all the commotion, Kotaro came and tugged on Leo's leg to get his attention, "Daddy?" he asked innocently.

"Yes, Kotaro?" The blue daddy turtle asked back looking down to his son.

"Wanna see Space Hewos..." he pointed to the TV screen showing the colorful explosions and images of his idol slapping his cadet.

"Oh man...! I haven't seen this show in ages!"

"You cannot be serious that you taught him to watch that stupid show!" The red turtle shouted in disbelief.

"Hey, I didn't get him into it." He smiled innocently.

"Really?" Raph replied not buying it, "Then how does he know about it?" he insisted with a suspicious look.

"Maybe he just discovered it on his own?"

"You watch one time wit him. Now he wike it." Amedea pointed out from the sofa still concentrated on her book.

"I think that proves my point." The tough uncle smirked.

"Uncle Weo?" Rosie said from Leo's arms, "Wanna get down." she said starting to whine.

The oldest rolled his eyes with a smile and said, "Alright, alright. As long as you behave I'll put you down."

"Okay!" she replied with a big smile.

"Okay, there you go!" then the leader put down the little freckled girl, and just before she left, the sounds of footsteps were heard from Mikey returning with at least 5 boxes of pizza.

"I'm back dudes!" the youngest brother announced.

At hearing the familiar voice, Rosie turned gasping happily and ran as fast as she could towards Mikey, "MOMMYYYYY!" she shouted with joy.

"Rosie! My little pumpkin!" the orange clad smiled back at her and put the pizzas down later swooping her up into a big hug.

Raph walked up to his family and gave his little love a half hug with a smirk, "She's sure been a hand full." He chuckled.

Mikey smiled at his strong mate and turned to his daughter once more, "Were you good for Daddy and your uncles?" he playfully asked nuzzling his nose to hers.

"Yes!" The little girl nodded with pride.

Yes that's Raphael's daughter.

"She wants you to believe that..." The daddy whispered to the turtle mom in orange.

"Hehe... Well mommy brought home some nummies!" Mikey said gesturing to the pizza boxes.

Just at taking a quick look at the boxes with small lines of smoke escaping it, she squealed out loud and bounced in Mikey's arms yelling, "NUMMIES!" she laughed out loud.

The orange clad laughed along with her and then looked to Leo and Raph asking, "Is Donnie around?"

"He said he was still working on something in the lab and hasn't been out since." Leo replied.

"Must be an important thing or something, the type that he doesn't want to be interrupted until he's done." Raph implied.

"Awww... And have him miss out on the best pizzas with his favorite toppings?"

"Maybe when he gets a smell of it, he'll come out." The blue one assured.

As the parents talked, Kota made his way to the pizzas and tried to reach one, getting his father's attention he said, "I wanna eat now, Daddy!"

"You go on ahead; I'll go get your mom."

"There's plenty to go around! So help yourselves kiddies!" Mikey invited the toddlers happily.

"Yaaaayy!" Rosie cheered after being put down again and ran to their dinner.


The sound of keys being typed and some faint beeping sounds were heard in the lab of the most technical turtle as he wrote some words in the computer with a blank look. He concentrated on whatever invention or program he had planned and failed to notice a certain blue bandana turtle quietly come in with a smile. He reached his smart mate standing behind him and suddenly surprised him with a kiss on the cheek, causing the slimmer to jump in surprise but later smile knowing it was Leo.

"Oh Leo...! You startled me!" He chuckled putting a hand to his chest.

The other chuckled and said, "I just came here to say Mikey's back with pizza in case you were getting hungry."

"Oh that sounds good; I could use a break from this." The taller smiled.

Just as he was getting up, he somehow had a bit of trouble doing so, grunting a bit and shifting. Leo saw him and helped him out, "Ahh... wouldn't want you to strain yourself." He said finally helping him out the chair.

"Ohhh... Thank you." Donnie chuckled softly...

Revealing a 4-month-long bulged stomach.

The older smiled sweetly to him and sighed happily, "Glad you're doing alright."

"Yeah..." Don smiled back and then looked down at his belly, "I just can't wait to see the new baby." He said then giggled and rubbed his stomach, "How Kotaro insisted in wanting a little 'brother'."

"We'll just have to see and find out." The father-to-be of a third chuckled and placed a hand to his belly.

At the very touch to his belly, Don then felt the baby start to kick and looks down at his bulge softly, "Awww, you know it's daddy, baby?" He cooed while Leo smiled more at feeling the baby continue to kick.

Donnie looked at Leo and chuckled, "I sure hope it's just one this time."

"So far it's not as big as it was last time." He said pulling him closer and nuzzling against his neck.

The mother-to-be –once more— nuzzled back and said, "I'm so glad our family's growing. With the twins it was a hand full at first, but now I feel like I want 7 of them!" he said smiling wide and hugging Leo closer at the thought of having more babies than the ones they had now.

Leo gave a nervous smile at his eager mate and chuckled rather awkwardly, "Let's not get too carried away." He then remembered another subject, "By the way, if you don't mind asking, what are you working on that you're so into getting it done?"

"Oh that? It's just a little something for the kids to entertain their selves in. Maybe you should see it." The slimmer said going to the table and taking out a small object covered with a blanket.

"May I...?" Leo asked feeling curious at the object under it.

"Of course."

The leader went to uncover what was hidden and he just couldn't believe with his very own eyes. His mate had in his hands a little mechanical puppy with fully articulated legs, tail and head; it had artificial fur covering it as well as a small collar on it. He looked over to his love with a smile and giggled, "You have no idea how much time it took to make it."

"Wow... I bet! It looks just like the real thing!" The blue one still admired.

"Yep." Don nodded, "I think it would be good for the kids to have a pet to entertain their selves."

"It's really cute! And it's so life like. Almost remind me of Metalhead a little."

"Yeah..." Don said until he frowned slightly, "But one day he'll come back, I'm sure of it." Before he could say anything else, they both heard his stomach growl loudly, guess the baby and him are getting an appetite, "Oh..." he blushed, "I guess I'm starting to get hungry."

The dominant chuckled and said, "Well, Mikey did get your favorite topping. And maybe afterwards we can surprise the little ones to their new pet."

"Sounds like a plan. Come on, let's go."

And with that, Leo nodded and put an arm around his slimmer love's shell as they both exited the lab. They made it to where the pizza fest was, until the turtle mom in purple saw both Kotaro and Amedea covered in pizza with small pouts.

"Wha-?" he asked curiously.

"Hey... what's up guys?" Leo asked walking up to his kids.

"Amy took my pizza!" The younger boy said pointing to Amy.

"No I didn't! He had more tan me!" Amy justified and pointed back.

"Did not!"

"Did too!" she retorted and stuck her tongue out at him.

"Did not!" he said back and blew a raspberry.

Before this 'argument' could go any further, the pregnant mother came and stood in front of them with a frown and bent down slowly getting their attention and calmly said in a strict tone, "Sweeties, no fighting!"

"But he stawted it!" Amy defended and pointed at her brother.

"It doesn't matter who started, what matters is that you're making a big fuss over pizza."

"But Kotaro had more tan me! I wanted more!"

"Well, do you know how many each of you had?" Leo cut in, "Also, you two have to learn to share if any little harmless thing comes between you." He added with his arms crossed.

"... Well..." Kotaro said looking shamefully at his father and tracing small circles on the floor with his foot.

"If this is how you act between each other, how will you two act when your little brother or sister gets here?" Don said patting his belly.

Amy looked at her mom and then at his stomach and softly said, "...You wight mommy..." she said looking to Kotaro with a sorrow look, "I sowy."

"...I sowy too..." Kotaro answered with a sad look.

"Wet's not fight anymore, ok bwother?"

"Ok, sistah!"

After patching up, the turtle boy went and hugged his sister with a smile making her giggle and hug him back with a smile. The proud mom looked to his mate and smiled, "They're so cute...!"

"Our little angels." He replied smiling back to him.

While the twins hugged it out, another little giggle machine noticed their embrace and dashed to them with a smile, "HUUUUG!" she yelled and glomped them while she laughed.

Leo began to laugh and pulled Donnie in closer as they watched the turtle tots laughing joyfully. This was worth more than anything in the world for them.

"Little angels... Oh wait! Kids! I have a little something for you all!" Don remembered.

"Huh? What Mommy?" Little Amedea asked.

"Just a new little pet for you three to play with!" Her mom said taking out the mecha puppy and activates it to make it bark and wag its tail.

The turtle tots all gasped and saw the little robot move and bark playfully at them, "A puppy!" Amy squealed with excitement.

"Puppy!" Rosie's face lit up and bounced in her place while Kotaro just stares at it for a few seconds and tilts his head in awe.

"Hope you kiddies enjoy!" Leo smiled to them.

Raph shortly made his way to all the commotion and saw the kids all entertained with the little puppy. He chuckled and said, "Well, I think they'll be too busy with their new puppy."

"Awww...!" Mikey came to them as well and noticed the robot later turning to Don, "It's so adorable! How did you manage to come up with this little fella?"

"I just looked up what kids their age would love to have around."

"And you did great." Leo complimented and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you." Donnie shyly thanked with a smile.

Then, little Amy came to them and hugged Don's leg with a smile, "Thank you, Mommy! He so cute!"

The slimmer bent down slightly and rubbed her head softly with a smile, "Anything for my sweeties." He said earning a giggle from his daughter while the little dog barked and wagged its tail.

Little Kotaro saw how his sister and cousin petted and played with the puppy and decided to do the same. He got closer to it and tried to pet it, but when it barked out loud, it scared him, "Daddy!" he gasped out loud and went to hide behind Leo's leg peeking an eye out to see it.

The father looked down at him with a chuckle and said, "Don't be frightened, Kota. It won't bite."

"...Weally?" he asked with a scared look.

"I assure you, it won't hurt you."


The turtle tot boy made his way to the robot and extended a hand to it, but he hesitated in petting it thinking it would bite him or scratch him. At seeing his scared face, Rosie went into a giggle fit until she burst out laughing and pointing at Kota, "You afwaid of it!" she blurted out until she fell on her shell still laughing at her scaredy cat cousin, which only made the little boy get embarrassed and blush.

"Now, now Rosie. Remember what we said earlier, hehe." Mikey said to his daughter making her stop but still smile.

Amy looked to her brother with a frown and decided to help him out, "It okay Kotaro. Do what I do. Watch me." She said and went to pet the dog as it squats down and pants.

He watched his sister carefully and went to touch it with his eyes shut tight; he moved his hand ever so slowly towards it until he made contact with it. He held his breath then slowly began to open his eyes and saw it only sat there and later he had a small smile forming on his face.

"See?" Amy smiled to him.

As the parents were watching their children interact with the new pet in the lair, the rat master, Splinter, came into the living room to see all his sons and grandchildren in one place. He walked over to the center of attention and saw the little invention that had the little ones laughing and playing.

"Well, hello my children. Ah, I see you've invented a little playmate for the little ones, Donatello?" He asked to his intelligent son.

"Yes Master Splinter! It's for the kids to have a little pet and new way to have fun."

"Very impressive...And very life-like." He added admiring the details on the robot.

The tallest chuckled softly and turned to them once more, "I did my best on it." He said rubbing his belly.

"And how are you feeling with your next child on its way?" The grandfather asked with a small smile.

"I'm good." he said with a smile and looked down at his stomach, "And it's growing." He chuckled and pat it softly turning back to his father, "Just getting excited!"

The sensei chuckled a bit and turned to his other sons, "I can see everyone is content here. There weren't any problems, were there?"

"No problems, Sensei." Mikey assured him, "Just returned back to get dinner for everyone."

"And just spending some time with the kids." Raph added.

"And getting acquainted with everything now that we don't have to worry about much like we used to." Leo said.

"Though there's still some Kraang activity here and there but, meh, it's not a threat as it used to be." Raph shrugged.

"Good thing 'cuz there's no telling when they'll be showing up again! I remember when we were all in Dimension X I showed those Kraang who's boss!" Mikey remembered with a smirk.

"Yes Mikey, you kicked some serious Kraang butt!" The muscular one said rubbing his mate's head.

"Mommy Hewo!" Rosabella cheered jumped slightly up and down.

Mikey saw his little girl and went to pick her up, "And someday, my little girl will grow up to be just like her mommy!" He said as he held her up in the air making the toddler laugh and take a hold of his cheeks.

"Ohh! I love you so much my little angel!"

"Me too mommy!" she said nuzzling his nose.

The daddy turtle then made his way over to his little love and hugged Mikey with an arm and nuzzled his cheek with hooded eyes, "Don't you just love our little family?"

"I love it more than anything in this world." He looked to him and kissed his cheek.

"And I love my 'little' family." Leo said feeling Donnie's belly, "And it's still growing."

Donnie placed a hand on top of Leo's and smiles warmly at him, "How can this get any better?"

"With this." He then moved forward and planted a soft kiss on his lips.

The smart turtle felt his lips press against his and lovingly kissed back, after he broke the kiss he grinned and said, "...You're right, it did get better."

"Yes." Splinter chuckled, "It seems our family is growing and will continue to grow for a new generation to come."

"We'll see if later on we get a new addition to our famil..." Raph laughed and winked at Mikey.

"Hey...! Not in front of the kids!" The youngest blushed madly.

"Just saying. Maybe we'll get a Raph Jr. next time!" The red clad nudged him playfully with a smirk.

"As if, dude! Hahahaha!" The smaller laughed along with Leo and Splinter.

"I can imagine that!" Don laughed as well.

"We'll just have to find out, don't we?" Leo asked with a smirk.

"Ohohohoho... gladly." The second oldest looked over to Mikey with a seductive smirk.

"Raaaph...! The kids are watching...!" Mikey blushed even more.

"Then we'll do it privately!"

"Later tonight?"


While the other 2 brothers planned their late night 'activity', Leo looked to Donnie with a warm smile and said, "And when our new little member arrives, we'll be sure to give, him or her, a name as special as our 2 little special ones."

"I still have the list saved from when we were expecting the twins. So we can look it up if you want. And we'll see what name fits our little angel." Donatello said looking down at his belly.

"Sounds good." The blue clad said as he patted his belly softly until he feels a kick.

"Oh!" The turtle in purple giggled and rubbed the spot where he felt the kick, "Honey, easy in there."

"Ah, I love being a turtle."

"All of us do!" Don agreed while he saw Leo pick up the twins and snuggled close to Donnie, feeling so content with his family.

Like them, Raph hugged Michelangelo and Rosie close to him and nuzzles them playfully, "Oh... I love you Raph." The orange turtle smiled warmly.

"I love you too, Mikey... and our Rosie."

"Our little angel." The freckled ninja said nuzzling his girl.

"And I love all of you my children." Splinter said making all turtles turn to him.

"We love you too, Father." Don warmly smiled at him.

"I second that!" Raph gave a thumbs up to their sensei.

"Totally! You're the master!" Mikey smiled brightly to him.

"We all do." Leo smiled at their master and turned to the tots, "Right kids?"

"We wove our Gwanpa Spwinter!" Amedea gave a cheeky smile at her grandpa, while Kotaro cheered for him, "Yay gwampa!"

"Wove you! Wove you!" Rosie said cheered for him.

Splinter felt so content in getting the chance to be a grandfather in the form he is in, and even more that he was grandfather 3 and soon to be 4 little kids, and smiled softly at them and said, "And I love you all. My sweet little grandkids."

Then, Kotaro and Amedea were put down by their parents as well as Rosabella and all go hug Splinter's kimono joyfully. He knelt down and hugged all 3 turtle tots tenderly feeling grateful for his family with love and care his sons put into it to make it whole.

While the old rat enjoyed a moment with his grandkids, Donnie turned to Leo and softly spoke to him, "Hey Leo? ...You wanna know how I knew this would be a wonderful life together?"

"How so, Don?"

He then took a hold of his hand and makes direct eye contact with a smile, saying, "Because it was since the moment I saw you..."

"Donnie..." Leo said with his eyes glistening. The slim turtle didn't say anything and kisses his mate on the lips passionately, making the other close his eyes and cup his cheek to deepen the kiss.

As they kissed, their son saw what they were doing and covered his mouth, shouting, "Eeeeew!"

"Gwoss!" Amy said with a giggle.

"Yucky!" Rosie added with a laugh.

Don giggles at the toddlers' reaction and turns to Leo again, "Kids..."

"Ah, that's why I love our family." Leo chuckled.

"All of us do." Raphael joined in getting closer to them and wraps both arms around Leo and Donnie to bring them into a group hug. Mikey joined in shortly and completed the group hug with a big grin and said to them, "I'm so glad everything is the way it should be."

"And it'll stay that way... with all of us together." Don said to them.

"No matter what, we will always be together as one as a family." Leo said hugging his brothers tight.

And with that only, life was more than perfect with a family, kids, love and tranquility.

All of this happened... The moment I saw you...