A/N: It's back!


P.S. These may be the unedited versions of the chapters. Fair warning.

It has been five years since our beloved Team RWBY has graduated from Beacon Academy. Relationships flourished, promises were broken, hearts were mended, and people grew. During the countless changes the world and its inhabitants have endured during those five years past, was immense and worthy of their own stories.

But not today!

Opening up her heavy eye lids, a small girl no more than the tender age of five years old woke up. She sat up in her small bed and looked around her spacious bedroom. The walls were a mix of white, light blue, pink, and a bright yellow. It was the small girl's choice on coloring and even her mommy found the color taste weird, but her mama told her it suited her.

Happy with her surroundings, the young girl kicked her covers away and jumped off the small bed. She opened her blinds to reveal yet another bright and sunny afternoon. The warm sensation from the sun tickled the girl's smooth skin as she tried to stifle a small yawn, but a familiar and delicious smell wafted into the girl's nose and she sniffed the air to confirm her suspicions.

The smell of coffee! And that only meant one thing…

"Mommy!" The young girl squeaked loudly as she dashed out of her bedroom and down the hall. Her long white hair waving behind her in a gentle dance from side to side. The small pitter patter of her bare feet hitting the wooden floor underneath her as she ran through the hallways and straight to the kitchen.

"G'morning mommy!" The small girl cried out as she spotted her mother.

The woman turned around from the kitchen counter with a large white cup of freshly made coffee in her hand. The mother mirrored her child in looks almost identically; down to her long white hair to her cute upturned nose. The few noticeably differences though were that the mother had a scar running across her left eye and her pupils were a chilling ice blue. Whereas her small daughter's eyes were a familiar shade of light purple; lilac actually.

Her mother was dressed in a large white silk bathrobe and looked as if she had just woken up herself not long ago. Her hair was already made up in its usual styling of an off centered ponytail, a look she had kept almost every day since she was eight years old.

"Well good morning to you as well, Snowflake!" The off centered pony tailed mother replied back while flashing her daughter a warm smile.

The small girl now known as Snowflake rose up on her tip toes to plant a kiss on her mother's cheek to finish their usual good morning ritual.

Bending down to meet Snowflake's impending kiss her mother giggled at the wet and warm sensation as her daughters planted a sloppy smooch on her cheek.

"Was it as good for you as it was for me, Weissy?" Snowflake then asked loudly with a broad devious smile that was all too familiar to her mother now known as Weiss.

Weiss felt her mouth open and her cheeks flush at the sentence her daughter had just asked. Stuttering over her words, Weiss finally was able to form a coherent sentence;

"W- Where did you hear that from?" She demanded slightly nervous and upset.

She watched her daughter, Snowflake flash an even wider devilish smile that mirrored her wife's own. Weiss knew where she had heard those words from as there was only one woman who still called her by that silly nickname. Ever since they met at Beacon and still to this day.

A girl that infuriated her to no end in the past. But as time went on by, Weiss felt an odd attraction to the boisterous and wild blonde girl. And after that… the rest is history; thought Weiss as she stared into those sparkling lilac eyes that belonged to Snowflake as she still smiled up at her mother.

"I heard mama say it before, one night!" The girl finally replied innocently.

Weiss almost spit out her coffee then and there. She had told Yang multiple times to keep it down when they were in their bedroom at night, but the obnoxiously loud oaf always brushed off her complaints as needless worry. But now look! Their daughter was picking up on the filthy lines that the wild brawler liked to say during their intimate times.

Sighing once more and feeling her nervousness and embarrassment die down Weiss wore a tired smile before setting her cup of coffee on the counter, and bending down to meet her daughter's height. She looked into Snowflake's sparkling purple eyes and saw that beneath those same eyes that she had adopted from her mama, were also the same mannerisms as the blonde oaf. Weiss had hoped that their daughter, almost looking like a carbon copy of herself minus her eyes wouldn't have picked up on Yang's personality. But it seems like her hopes were becoming dashed rather quickly.

"You shouldn't repeat things you hear your mama say, Snowflake. Mama can be…" Weiss paused for a second to think of the proper term.

"Mama can be rather dumb at times." Weiss finally finished and wrapped her arms around her daughter's body. Snowflake returned the hug enthusiastically and placed another wet kiss on Weiss' cheek.

"If mama is dumb why does mommy like her?" Snowflake suddenly asked as Weiss broke their embrace and resumed sipping on her coffee.

This girl has Yang's mouth and Ruby's curiosity. Weiss thought to herself.

"Mommy loves mama because at certain times she is very caring and nice to mommy. I'll explain to you one day, but for now… How about breakfast?" Weiss asked, hoping she can dodge a long conversation that she knew would dissolve into the birds and the bee's speech with Snowflake's intuition.

She happily watched as her bribe of breakfast caught her daughter's full attention and the girl cheered while raising her arms in a victory pose.

"Yay breakfast!" Snowflake cheered loudly.

She's so much like Yang. Weiss thought to herself happily while adopting the same goofy smile as her daughter now.

"So what do you want to make today, Snow? Weiss finally asked as she made her way to the large refrigerator in the kitchen.

Weiss was pretty proud of the expensive kitchenware and the large condominium she and Yang had bought a few years back together. It was spacious enough for their now growing family and overlooked the more prestigious part of Vale sitting at the forty-second floor. With her working from home for her father and the SDC, and Yang still pursuing her career as a huntress; money was of no concern for the small family of three.

Of course Weiss tried to talk Yang out of continuing her work as a huntress but the blonde would have none of it, she loved her work and so Weiss decided to stop nagging her. Weiss knew that Yang was never in any danger; the girl was strong and over the years only grew stronger. As she also had her younger sister Ruby and old partner Blake watching her back. Although Weiss was the only team member of the original Team RWBY no longer a huntress; she didn't mind it. Especially since they now had a daughter together. So Weiss was able to work from home and spend time with the best thing that's ever happened to her.

Snowflake Summer Xiao Long.

Weiss remembered the big debate on that whole name and everyone wanted a piece of it, but in the end it worked out. Snowflake was Weiss' idea and Summer was Ruby's in memory of her mother, and finally she adopted Yang's last name, much to how Weiss also did once they have gotten married five years ago, a story she couldn't wait to share with Snowflake later on.

"Last time with Auntie Rubbies she made chocolate pancakes! I want that mommy! Chocolate pancakes!" Snowflake half shouted while still holding her victory pose of cheering her arms up and down.

Weiss on the other hand was utterly shocked by the words chocolate pancakes. Surely she meant chocolate chip pancakes right?

"Don't you mean chocolate chip pancakes, Snow?" Weiss asked her daughter while she opened the pantry and gathered the necessary ingredients they'd need to make pancakes.

"Nuh uh, actual chocolate pancakes, mommy! They were mm-mm good! Auntie Rubbies said that instead of pancake mix you use melted chocolate!" Snowflake explained to her mom while she opened a cabinet to grab a pan for her.

Weiss grabbed the pan out of her daughter's helpful hand and brought her other hand to the bridge of her nose in a fit of slight annoyance and disbelief at how Ruby would think it was a good idea to feed her five year old niece what was basically just baked chocolate for breakfast.

"Auntie Rubbies did that for you, huh?" Weiss asked, not masking the anger she now had towards Ruby and that she would unleash later on once she saw her again.

Snowflake hummed affirmation and leaned up on her tip toes to watch her mother cook the pancakes on the stove.

"Well, it seems I'll have to have a talk with Auntie Rubbies later. Set the table for me, sweetie?" Weiss asked.

Snowflake did as she was told and a few minutes later the two ate their breakfast and decided to watch television on the couch in the living room after cleaning up.

Now with Snowflake curled up in her mother's lap watching cartoons, Weiss thought her daughter would be content with her life at the moment.

But of course being Yang's daughter as well it wasn't long before the girl asked another question that was on her tiny mind, luckily for Weiss this one was seemingly innocent in nature.

"Mommy, when will mama come home?" Snowflake asked suddenly.

She turned her gaze upwards to stare into Weiss' eyes. The look of sadness mixed with the puppy eye trick she no doubt learned from Ruby caused Weiss to almost tear up herself. It had been two days since Yang was last home. She had gone on a long hunt to quell an uprising of Beowolves attacking a village just outside the kingdom's walls.

She was out of contact ever since she had left the house early that morning two days prior. Of course Yang herself wasn't worried; she flashed her brightest smile before taking off and ensuring that she'd be fine. Weiss herself was growing worried with each passing day that Yang wasn't at her side.

Weiss sighed softly before placing a kiss on top of her daughter's head.

"Mama is off fighting the bad monsters. She'll be home any day now, honey."

Weiss wasn't sure if she was trying to convince her daughter or herself with that statement, sadly. But as the two continued to watch Snowflake's favorite cartoons, it wasn't long until they both heard a familiar sound of a door opening.

Ice blue and lilac eyes widened at the words that echoed throughout the large apartment though.

"Guess whose back?!"

Weiss had never seen Snowflake move so fast; one second she was still sitting on her lap and the next she was already halfway out of the living room running towards the front door. But Weiss herself wasn't far behind her.

Standing at the front door still dressed in her yellow and tan combat gear stood the loud and crazy woman that Weiss had promised to spend the rest of her days with.


The wild blonde still had her long and unruly mane of golden hair, much the same from her time at Beacon although slightly longer now. Her body filled out even further which Weiss couldn't help but feel slightly jealous about, but other than that she was still the same wild and goofy girl.

Yang closed the front door and was quickly rushed upon by Snowflake. The young girl was squealing with happiness and hugging Yang's leg with joy.

"Mama! I missed you!"

Yang smiled broadly and winked at Weiss before bending over and hoisting Snowflake up and over her shoulders.

"Have you been good for Mommy, Snowy?" Yang asked while leaning in and placing a kiss on her wife's cheek.

"Yeah huh, Mama! The Ice Queen has melted under my watch!" Snowflake declared loudly.

Weiss shot Yang a dark look knowing that their daughter had learned about that other nickname from her as well. Yang giggled before looking away embarrassed, but started to run around the apartment with Snowflake on her shoulders.

"Good job, Snowy. But look out! Mommy is giving us the cold look, we have to get away! Ahh!" Yang announced as she continued running around all the furniture with Snowflake still on her shoulders who was cheering the whole time with her arms wrapped around Yang's eyes.

"Ahh I can't see Snowy! Where do I go? Where do I go?!" Yang bellowed as the two girls ran out of sight of Weiss.

Weiss shook her head slightly but had on a wide grin. Snowflake and Yang took after each other so much; it was the cutest thing she'd ever seen. She truly felt blessed to have those two girls in her life. Of course though she was going to have a talk with Yang tonight about the things she says around their daughter but she knew it was all in good fun.

The Heiress glanced down at her watch and realized that it was already almost time for dinner, as she walked towards the kitchen to figure out what to cook for her family. That is until she heard a loud crash, with the sound of glass breaking in which she felt her body go rigid.

"Snowflake did it!" Yang yelled from the hallway.

"No, Mama did it!" Snowflake shouted not a moment later.

Weiss shook her head once more but still wore her smile. Sure it was a handful living with these two but she wouldn't trade it for anything. She loved both of her girls and looked forward to the many adventures they all would have together…