A/N: Hello, I am back! Sorry, had some internet issued.

Thank you soooooo much for the reviews, they have made my day(s).

Now, I need all of you who are reading this last chapter, yes, last. Chapter. I need everyone to review, there will be an important announcement at the end of this chapter.

So. Read and Enjoy and Review!

Chapter 18: Home

"Rin!" Kagome called.

Rin was standing in front of the hut she and Sesshomaru shared, staring at where he had gone in to rest.

"Yes?" Rin looked at her.

"Phew. I was really hoping you weren't taking InuYasha's shout out into consideration. He just needs some rest." Kagome said, coming up to her.

"So does Sesshomaru apparently. But. I don't think he really wants to be here." Rin said.

"Yet he's here..." Kagome said.

"For me. He's here for me. But... I don't know where we are going to go next, I mean... We don't have anywhere to go to." Rin said.

"You know you're always welcome here right?" Kagome asked.

"Yes, but... I don't know. Everything is so still now, it's peaceful. And, I guess I've never known what that felt like. Maybe Sesshomaru hasn't either." Rin said.

"He's a full demon. He probably thinks the world is full of battles and war. InuYasha felt the same way after Naraku was dead. But now that all dangers are really out of the way. Perhaps this is normal again." Kagome said.

"Yeah." Rin said, "Um. I'm going to take a nap. I didn't get much sleep last night."

"Do I want to know why?" Kagome asked surprised.

"Probably not. I'll be up in a few hours." Rin said, before disappearing within the hut.

Kagome instantly turned back to her hut where Kaede was tending InuYasha.

He had been bandaged all through his middle, where InuKimi had scratched him.

"How are you feeling?" Kagome kneeled to his side.

He opened his eyes from a small rest, "Any possible chance I can still use the Tenseiga and revive that no good mother of his and kill her again?"

Kagome sighed, "Just fine huh?"

"As I said, I'll live. Where is he anyway. And the girl?" InuYasha asked.

"Rin." Kagome sighed, "They are resting."

"Hmm. Well you can tell them that I didn't really mean what I said back there." InuYasha said.

Kagome smiled, "Why don't you go tell them yourself?"

He glared at her, "Don't push it."

Kagome sighed, "Get some sleep InuYasha."

Rin sat on the bed, observing Sesshomaru.

She didn't think the fight would tire him this much.

Most of his visible wounds were around the neck, and the stomach, minor scratch marks here and there.

Rin watched as his wounds slowly began to heal, and after half an hour of watching, she felt as if he wasn't healing fast enough. As time flew by, it seemed to be going in slow motion as well.

What if he caught infection? What if he lost too much blood? What if...

"I can hear you, you know?" Sesshomaru muttered without even looking at her.

"I'm sorry." Rin said nervously, "I... I can't help it."

He turned to her, "I told you, I'll heal. You don't have to worry so much."

"Well I do. Especially after that grand plan of yours if something were to happen." Rin said, a stray tear coming down, which she didn't know where it came from.

Sesshomaru gently pulled her down to him, kissing her lightly, but long.

When he slowly pulled back, "Better?"

Rin laughed lightly, "Not really. I'm still shaken up about this whole thing."

"Well don't. It's over now. And if it makes you any happier, I'm planning to let you stay here." Sesshomaru said.

"With you?" Rin asked skeptically.

"With you." Sesshomaru promised, kissing her again.

Rin replied, one of her hands sliding up his neck, only to notice smooth skin, all the way up to his cheek. She barely noticed that he had turned more to her, deepening the kiss.

Unknowingly, she let out a quiet moan, wanting nothing more than to stay in this embrace, forever. And since all was over, and with Sesshomaru with her, they could do just that.

Soon, Rin found herself resting on him, her head resting below his chin, as they both found sleep again.

A/N: So. This is where this ends.

I am thinking of making a sequel.

Which is up to you guys.

It will be involving the dog demons in the West.

Because surely after the Queen(InuKimi) and Lord(InuTaisho) are dead, surely they're not going to be as a rogue pack, and just let this go.

So. Yeah. I was thinking to fix that little problem.

But it's up to you guys!

For those of you who read and patiently stayed with my story, mark your final reviews and decide whether or not there should be a sequel.

If you were here for the lemons, if I continue, I will try to think of some lemons along the way of the sequel.

So, leave some reviews!
