Disclaimer: Obviously I don't own anything from UtaPri no matter how much I wish I did… but I do own my OC and whatever crazy bull goes on in the rest of it apart from the various interchanges with the plot of course…

Chapter 8: The resort

The flight didn't take too long, which was almost a shame since Aika only got the chance to draw on Starish's faces and Ranmaru's, as all the boys slept. Camus, Ai and Reiji began laughing uncontrollably as soon as they woke up, and she showed the boys all their faces in the camera on her phone when they asked what they were laughing at. Ranmaru naturally blamed Reiji, as planned, and chased him off the plane, him roaring with anger and Reiji screaming his head off. She got endless amusement out of that, and the boys spent a decent while in the bathroom, scrubbing off their pen moustaches, eyebrows and beards. Despite this, by the time they got to the resort, even Ranmaru was starting to smile about the whole fiasco. Of course, they all still blamed Reiji, who was adamant that he had been asleep the whole time. This made Aika start sniggering evilly at them all, not really caring if she might be giving herself away as the culprit.

Reiji was the first to catch on, "It was you!" he yelled, bursting out laughing at the others shocked expressions, "Respect!" he said, fist bumping her, which only made Aika laugh so hard she was practically crying. "Why, you little…!" said Ranmaru, almost awed, yet furious and amused at the same time. "You little sneak!" he shouted, charging at her and knocking her flat on the ground. He landed on top of her, flattening her on the ground. She couldn't stop laughing and as she met Ranmaru's gaze, her blue and green mismatched eyes sparkling with laughter, he began to laugh too. His shoulders shook and his laugh was a deep timbre that made her heart beat faster. She went very still, all of a sudden realizing how close their bodies were pressed, and how attractive he was up close.

He met her eyes again, and this time he went still as well, a deep blush spreading across his cheeks at their closeness, and he almost unconsciously leaned even closer. Recognizing the sharp tug of attraction, she began to pull out from under him before she did something stupid. Like kiss him, for example. Just as she started to move away, the other members of Quartet Night pulled him off her, whacking him over the back of the head and jokingly asking him if he had any etiquette at all.

Quietly, Aika turned away from the group, ready to head towards the cabin at the edge of the resort where she usually stayed. "Kal, you're staying in the cabin next to Quartet Night's this time." Ringo called to her before she could start walking. She shrugged nonchalantly, hiding her surprise, throwing her bags over her shoulder and heading towards the designated lodge. Quartet Night followed on behind her chattering quietly between themselves as they caught up to her. She didn't look at them, not really trusting herself to, and sped up.

"Hey, Kal?" called Ranmaru, "sorry for flattening you back there…" he scratched the back of his head awkwardly. She forced herself to meet his eyes and stop walking. "Don't worry about it!" she made her tone light, "I get it all the time when Hyuuga practices his fighting on me!" Quartet Night frowned as they played through Hyuuga fighting Kal in their heads, they almost looked ready to be protective. "Don't worry," she said cheekily, "I flattened him back." She laughed at the memory, and Quartet Night grinned at her in return. A charged silence descended as she met their eyes and they smiled at her, she broke it by clearing her throat and hoping her scarf covered her red cheeks. They all blushed as well, which made her feel better, and she turned on her heel, walking up the short path to her front door with her bags. When she reached the door, she looked back, and realizing they were all still stood there watching her, she waved cheerily and pointed for them to go to their cabin.

That evening, Aika used the hot springs to wash, and then went into the woods with her guitar after dinner, as the sun was starting to set, turning the sky all different shades of red, orange and pink. She perched on a rock next to the river that ran through the resort, in the middle of the woods. After a moment of just watching the river she pulled out her guitar, finally able to practice the song that she had been itching to practice since that Saturday in the practice room, the one that was close to her heart.

Her fingers began to strum the strings, and her voice rose and fell with the first verse.

Down by Jason Walker

I don't know where I'm at
I'm standing at the back
And I'm tired of waiting
Waiting here in line, hoping that I'll find what I've been chasing.

Meanwhile, four sets of footsteps approached through the woods, and Quartet Night stopped a few metres away from her rock, they were stood behind her so she couldn't see them, her eyes were fixed on the river.

I shot for the sky
I'm stuck on the ground
So why do I try, I know I'm gonna fall down
I thought I could fly, so why did I drown?
Never know why it's coming down, down, down.

Not ready to let go
Cause then I'd never know
What I could be missing
But I'm missing way too much
So when do I give up what I've been wishing for.

I shot for the sky
thought I could fly, so why did I drown?
Never know why it's coming down, down, down.
Oh I am going down, down, down
I can't find another way around
And I don't want to hear the sound, of losing what I never found.

I shot for the sky
I'm stuck on the ground
Why do I try, I know I'm gonna fall down
I thought I could fly, so why did I drown?
I'll never know why it's coming down, down, down.

I shot for the sky
I'm stuck on the ground
Why do I try, I know I'm gonna fall down
I thought I could fly, so why did I drown?
I never know why it's coming down, down, down. I'm stuck on the ground.
So why do I try, I know I'm gonna fall down

The song finished and the last strains of guitar faded into the rush of the river. Aika still didn't look at Quartet Night as they approached, a silent tear trickling down her face. She had poured out her heart in that song, all the emotion and attraction and confusion that she had experienced recently rushing out. The four boys stood in front of her, and very slowly, they wrapped her in a massive hug, sensing the emotion and the glimpse into her past that they had just been made privy to. After a moment she hugged them back.

They walked back to the cabins in companionable silence, Ai had his arm slung over her shoulders, and she leaned her head on his shoulder, emotionally drained and completely exhausted. They reached the front door of her cabin, and her legs gave out, the energy going out of her. Ai caught her as she slumped against him, picking her up easily and laying her gently on her bed, scarf and hood still intact.

Before she drifted off to sleep, she heard Quartet Night each pull up a chair next to her bed, and two hands took her as she lay on her side, facing where they sat next to her bed. As her eyes closed, she smiled, perfectly comfortable with them gathered around her.