Chapter 52 - The Lone Hero


I finally managed to write this, the amount of blocks I had to fight through to get this on paper was unbelievable. Still I enjoyed writing this fight scene. There is an important author's note at the bottom of this chapter about the future of this story which i think you should all read especially those who have been following this story from the beginning or are writers themselves.

Anyway don't forget to fave, follow and review.


Link could taste blood in his mouth. The sensation swelling as his teeth in anger. A cold fury filled his eyes countering the fire fuelled eyes of the man he was fighting. Ganondorf stood taller than Link could ever remember, leering over the boy with the cruel sneer of superiority.

Link gave a yell and swung the Master Sword at his foe once again. It clashed against the black jagged steel of Ghirahim. Link could feel the shockwave of power released on contact as the two spirits within the sword battled for dominance. Link grimaced and pushed against the blade hoping to drive Ganondorf back. The demon just sneered and pushed back crushing the boy between his blade and the ground.

"Farore's Wind!" Link yelled vanishing into thin air. He appeared only a few feet back from his original position and watched as Ganondorf stumbled forward.

An opening.

Link ran forward. Batted Ghirahim away with his shield. Thrust towards the heart.

The sword stopped just inches away. A large black hand gripped at the blade of the master sword stopping it before it could go any further.

Ganondorf growled, chastising himself for his foolish lapse in judgement. He threw Link back almost nearly one hundred feet. Link managed to land safely and met the eyes of the demon king. Ganondorf sneered as a cruel blue energy surrounded him.

"Come at me boy, try your luck."

Link prepared himself by reinforcing his body with magic power.
"I'm going to make you pay for handing me this false power." Ganondorf said clenching his left fist, the mark of the triforce on it glowed faintly. Link knew that it was but a fraction of the triforce of power but it was still a fraction to be feared. Ganondorf slid his left foot back and raised his sword above his head. Instantly the power surrounding him vanished concentrated into one point. The tip of his sword.

"Demon's Storm!" Ganondorf called. A bolt of shining lightning struck the clouds from Ganon's blade. Instantly the sky darkened further and Link shuddered as he felt hundreds of magic circles open above him. Thunder rumbled making the earth tremble. All of a sudden the first circle unleashed hell. Great magic bolts fell to the earth like meteorites exploding as they hit the earth like rain. Link cursed as the other circles activated and held his shield above his head. He prayed that it would be able to take the impact of such a spell.

Link's eyes met Ganon's this magic was not going to stop him, he was a hero of legend. It was his duty to destroy the demon in front of him at whatever cost.

"Nayru's Love." Coating his shield in crystal Link surged forward, speeding up his movements to entirely new heights using Farore's wind. Ganondorf merely laughed as he watched the hero approach. His eyes glowed in the shadow of an explosion behind.

A bolt of magic exploded on Link's shield shattering Nayru's Love and casting an enormous cloud of smoke. Link used this and leapt through the cloud to attack Ganondorf. He raised his sword to point at the sky roaring as he descended on the demon. The shockwave produced by the clashing swords shattered what was left of the floor of the hall. Link released the hilt of his blade and fell below Ganondorf using his edge of his shield to smash Ganondorf in the torso. He then caught the falling master sword and flooded it with magic before attempting to strike the demon king again. A great black sword deflected the blade causing Link to back off a few paces as the storm died down. Link raised his blade to point at the throat of his enemy.

"Don't take me lightly Demise, I have grown in strength too for one goal. To take your heart!" Link roared.

All of Link's fury, all his anger powered his motions. Years of combat, years of training, years of honing his skills and building on his instincts were all for this moment. Link burst forward, his blade leaving a trail of light in its wake. Link thrust forward, Ganon defended. Link spun round for a horizontal strike. Ganon defended. Ganon pressed his advantage Link rolled below the blade and made an attempt on the demon king's legs. Ganon trod on the holy blade treading it into the earth as he brought his own blade down on Link. Link raised his shield supporting it with his sword hand before launching a Din's flame towards the ground to give him the boost needed to throw Ghirahim out of the way. Link the spun round to deliver a series of kicks, punches and shield bashes at Ganon. All of them landed and Ganondorf was helpless to all of them. One final shield bash knocked the demon king back enough for him to retrieve his blade.

Link picked his blade up thrusting it into the sky. Power ran up the blade and Link didn't hesitate to lash out. A blade of light flew out of the master sword and struck Ganondorf with an almighty explosion of light.

Link didn't even question if the demon was still alive, he thrust forward and continued to attack. Blade once again met blade in a furious flurry of clashes. Ganondorf was no longer on the defensive though. He had chosen to regain his lost ground and force Link back.

A cruel feint gave Ganon the chance he needed. He brought his blade down on Link who blocked it with his shield. Link prepared to counter attack but soon realised his mistake. Ganon's fist broke through Link's defence hitting his square in the chest. Link grimaced as he was forced to the other end of the hall. Link thrust the Master Sword into the earth using it to slow his momentum. Blood leaked out of Link's mouth furious the warrior spat it out and once again raised his blade to the sky. Ganondorf did the same.

"Farore's Wind!" Link yelled as a battle cry. His entire body was forced forward by the spell his blade shone blindingly as he soared towards Ganondorf. Ganondorf sliced downwards in his own skyward strike. The black streak tore through the earth towards Link. Link simply placed his shield in front of himself allowing it to nullify the magic. The explosion was monumental but it was not enough to stop Link.

"Your existence disgusts me!" Link roared as he thrust forward to attack Ganondorf. Ganondorf blocked it but took one step back.

"You destroy innocent lives." Link broke Ganondorf's defence leaving his chest wide open.

"All for your own selfish gains." Link spotted a tear in Ganondorf's armour and the one he had made when Ganondorf was still Acnologia. He went for it striking to draw blood. Link then began his true rampage.

"You manipulate, steal,"

Ganondorf remained silent as the master sword sliced through his flesh. Link just continued.

"Lie and Destroy"

Ganondorf's armour was now just shredded pieces of metal scattering the floor as the master sword did away with them.

"Maim and kill." Link raised his sword it gained light for one last time before being coated in crystal, wind and fire. "The Goddesses have judged you."

Link thrust his blade into the bare chest of Ganondorf piercing the heart of the great demon. "And they want rid of you."

The Demon choked, blood dripping out of his mouth and marring Link's face. Ganon's eyes were locked with the hero's as he fell to his knees in defeat. Mortal enemies were silent as the light in the demon's eyes faded. With a final breath the demon died.

Link couldn't look away from the dead eyes of his foe. Had he done it? Had he slain his greatest enemy? He had done it, after a long year he had… completed his mission. Slowly Link drew the Master Sword from the heart of the demon and let the tip of the blade hit the floor with a definitive chime. Link's heart rate slowed, as he breathed out a shaken breath. Link fell to his knees his muscles aching as the adrenaline finally wore off. He looked up at the sky. The sky was clear, the clouds of Demise's malice had vanished already. The stars shone down on Link. A tear fell from Link's eye, even after 3000 years the stars had not changed since the last time his blade had destroyed his foe. Yet so much had. Link couldn't help but smile, his fight was over, he was free. So why did he feel a sense of unease

Link frowned but buried the thought, he had won, which meant he could go home… Pulling himself up, he turned to the destroyed portal in the centre of the ruins and frowned.

"Looks like I'm going the long way? I hope she can wait." Link said.

"She'll be waiting a long time Hero!"

Link's eyes widened and he jumped out of the way. The sword tore through the hero's green tunic narrowly avoiding the body beneath it. Link rolled spinning on his shield to face the cause of his unease. Ganondorf grinned at the terrified face of his enemy.

"As if it would be that easy for you to defeat me, my soul has existed for many millennia more than yours has and that sword has been shoved into me one too many times. Death no longer has meaning to me. Remember our curse boy, you and I are intertwined by fate. So long as you breathe I breathe too." Link's eyes widened as the Demon flew towards him. Link held up his shield but it was futile, he was cast aside like a rag doll.

"And if you thought my human form was weaker than my dragon form you were sorely mistaken. It is time I showed you the gap between our powers." The demon grinned breathing in, "Etherion Dragons Roar!"

Link instinctively cast Nayru's love as a whirlwind of blue light soared towards him. The crystal shattered in seconds and the attack tore at Link shredding the armour off the hero. Link flew back and collided with a wall. His chainmail and undershirt in tatters from the attack. The hero's tunic all but gone. If it were not for the Hylian shield Link would no doubt be dead.

Link pulled himself up, pain wracked his body. The week of fighting began to weigh down on him. Link knew his magic power was at an all time low but the fight was not over, he still had to win this. Before he could raise a counter attack Ganondorf was on him. Link just managed to defend as the demon's blade cast him into the sky. Link was helpless as Ganondorf jumped up and punch Link back to Earth with a fist coated in blue magic. Link coughed blood and felt his crack as he collided with the earth. Ganon grinned descending on the hero with his sword aiming for his heart.

Link managed to teleport away with moments to spare and in desperation fired a weak din's flame in the direction he had just been before falling to the floor in utter agony. Ganondorf only laughed as he let the din's flame hit him. It did nothing but make him look even more menacing as he walked out of the flames.

Ganondorf leapt towards Link with his sword raised. Link raised his shield to deflect the blade and stabbed his blade forward towards Ganondorf. The Demon was too quick though and tore the blade from Link's hands. With a final punch into the earth the hero was well and truly defeated. Link's eyes began to mist over. Link could feel darkness descending on him. Link stood on the edge of a great black cliff… and it was crumbling.

He could hear Ganondorf talking but it was pointless to listen it was no doubt some kind of boast. The raised sword of the demon was coated in an unbearable energy that pulled all the willpower out of Link. He had lost, was there any purpose in fighting anymore.

Tears fell from Link's eyes as he saw his death building in Ganon's blade. Link closed his eyes and remembered his mission from the goddesses, He had failed, it was all over.

Link sighed clenching his body for the demon's attack. He decided to open his eyes and face the death with courage like Ganondorf had looking into the eyes of his executioner.

Link opened his eyes incrementally to see the blade fall, he could hardly feel the pressure it was giving off. The sense of doom it drove into the world. He just accepted it. Accepted his death without the thought of anything else. Time slowed as Link looked past the blade into the night sky. How peaceful it was. How the moon and the stars and the golden symbol of Fairy tail shone above his foe. Link met the comforting eyes of a fairy before he peacefully fell unconscious.

"Your part is not over yet… Hero of the Fairies."

Important AN.

It is about time I let you know why this fan-fiction hasn't been updating recently. I am fine other than a slightly larger workload from uni but that is not something I should be complaining about. The truth is I have lost my enthusiasm to write for this particular fan-fiction. You may be able to see this in my chapters because I know I can. Slowly the quality of my writing has deteriorated as my inspiration had fallen.

So I have regretfully decided to stop writing for this story.

You may be wondering then why I haven't just ended the fan-fiction in this chapter, that is because it was a very recent decision of mine. Originally I wanted to continue it for a bit longer to tie off a few loose ends and complete the side arcs but then I decided that I should stop writing this story so I could work on new and more exciting projects. I put on the brakes too late and too fast to be able to close the story properly and so I have decided to put the story UP FOR ADOPTION.

Truthfully I have loved every second of writing this fan-fiction from the early stages of thinking about it while watching Fairy Tail all the way up to hearing feedback from your awesome reviews. To everyone who has reviewed, I thank you so much because you have taught me so much and influenced my writing in far more ways than you know. This especially includes all the people who have helped me from incredibly early on when I was a complete novice writer. People like Jackflame, schniedragon88, Nik799, Nalufordays, wolfshadow96, Telron and many more you guys have been awesome reviewers so thanks :)

As for people who wish to adopt the story, please PM me if you are interested and we will talk about it. You do not have to be a fantastic writer because god knows I'm not and I certainly wasn't one when I first started out. You can also write at your own pace and even take the story in a whole new direction if you would like, I look forward to meeting whoever volunteers to do so.

To all my followers and favourites or even if you're just passing through, I would love it if you could give me one final review to help me and my future stories. Which chapters did you like/dislike? Which were your favourite/least favourite fights, fluffy or funny moments, arcs, side stories? Is there anything I should improve on in the story or in my writing? Was my grammar atrocious? Were there points in the story where I didn't seem to know what I was writing? Were there any moments that made you laugh, cry, cringe or smile? Most of all was my fan-fiction enjoyable and would you recommend it to others?

Anyway, Thank you all so much once again for reading and I hope to see you in the next story I write.

Until then. See you soon! XD