Fates that deserve it chapter 11

Orius was pacing back and forth in the throne room of his fortress, all while Daegon and A very nervous looking group of moblins stood behind him.

"How? How did this happen?" he said, his voice shaking with anger.

No one said A word for what felt like an eternity, until Daegon spoke up.

"My Master, rest assured that we capture Link and any others in the Fortress" he said, but despite saying it in his usually sinister manner, he was slightly worried, Knowing full and well what this madman was capable of and that in a one on one fight Daegon had no chance.

Orius said nothing for a few moments and then replied "Daegon...why do you insult me so" he asked not looking at the scared group off to his side.

He then motioned for Daegon to approach him, Daegon showed no emotion, but did as instructed and walked to his side.

As Daegon finally arrived beside Orius, he was grabbed by the throat and lifted into the air all while Orius continued to pretend he wasn't there.

Daegon attempted to use his powers to escape, but felt a powerful shock jolt through his body, neutralising his powers and rendering helpless.

"I gave you A simple task, wait for Link to break into the tower to save his fiancee and then capture him" Orius said still not looking at his struggling minion gasping for air.

As Orius continued to look down at his amy that was nearly ready for his conquest, he finally turned to face Daegon "you know full well that I only use the very strongest for my army...when I made you one of my commanders and personal soldier hunter, I believed you were at very least capable of keeping A single opponent engaged in battle".

The moblins were still standing in the corner, not daring to interfere, not that they had any reason too.

Orius then turned to them and asked "Swines, what happened up there?" it was more of an order than A question and despite how afraid they were of Daegon, they were absolutely terrified of Orius.

Knowing that if they tested his patience, one of them stepped forward "we-well...um, L-Link was found by L-lord Daegon a-and…" he kept stuttering clearly trying not to anger either of them if possible.

But unfortunately, Orius had lost all patience "What happened!" he roared causing the moblins to fall backwards.

Completely terrified the moblin up front now spock without breathing "Daegon and Link fought and Link disappeared and we can't find him!" he said shaking.

Orius showed no emotion and then spoke "see that wasn't so hard, was it" he addresses the moblin still cowering on the floor.

He turned back to Daegon and then asked him "how did he escape?"

"D-Deku nut...Disorientated m-my senses" Daegon replied still gasping for air as Orius spoke again "you let A piece of trail mix, stop you from capturing A wounded opponent" it was clearly more of A statement than A question.

As the room fell silent, Orius was debating in his mind whether or not he should dispose of Daegon, he hated when his minions failed, but he also knew A single soldier, especially one as gifted at bringing death as this one, can turn the tides in battle.

Just then A loud bang was heard below, followed by the sounds of people yelling and metal clashing.

He walked to the edge of the altar and saw below him, all of his captured soldiers and heroes battling with the rest of his army, he then spotted none other that the hero of Hyrule himself Link leading the charge.

Looking down tactically, his enemy had the upper hand, they had the element of surprise and every soldier was clearly better.

As Link and his new brothers in arms continued cutting their way through the first line of the defence Orius turned to Daegon "fortune has smiled upon you Daegon, i'm going to give you. One . Last. Chance. He said menacingly bring Daegon closer with each word until they were barely touching before throwing the shaken up commander to the side.

"Now get down there and bring me Links head, he's not worth the trouble" Orius said as Daegon and the Moblins got up and left for the battlefield.

He then turned his attention back to the battle itself and began thinking of A strategy

Down to Link

"Hyaaa!" Link yelled as jump slashed an enemy straight down the middle.

Noticing that all of his forces and Orius's were now engaged in battle, he took A moment to assess the situation and track down the man of the hour himself.

As Link navigated his way through the battlefield, clashing with foes and assisting his allies, he finally saw him.

Orius was giving orders to his troops via hand signals to prevent interception and a quick backwards glance showed that it was working.

His cavalry had arrived and were now surrounding the battle between Link's forces and Orius's.

At this moment the tide had changed, they were now outnumbered badly and worst still, these enemies were way tougher than what Link and probably most of his army were used too.

"It appears that luck favors me this day!" Link turned to see Orius addressing him directly from the Balcony.

Link glared at his foe, but then he did something that forced Link to evade, Orius jumped down from his viewpoint, crushing the ground below and nearly Link in the process.

When the dust cleared Orius was in A superhero landing position.

Link could only feel how ironic that looked...but also pretty cool.

He quickly shook off that thought however as he had to then dodge an attack that nearly cleaved him in two.

"Whoa" was all Link could say, this guy was far more powerful and fast than he originally thought.

The same second he avoided the attack however, Link found himself having to block A bone shattering strike from Orius's warhammer.

"Ah!" Link yelled staggering back as he keep his eyes fixed on his enemy, but as he was about attack himself.

"Ugh!" Link yelled as he started to cough blood.

All of a sudden all of the attention was on him as he turned his head around to see non other than Daegon with A spear in hand, that was going through Link's side.

With A swift kick to the back, Link went down to his knees.

As he tried to breath while clutching his side in pain, Link looked up as Orius stood over him with his war hammer readied.

"Finally, I have you at my feet" Orius said standing over Link who was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

As Link looked for a way out of this situation, he looked around but all of his allies were engaged in battle around him.

He looked back to Orius "no one is coming to save you, now submit to me or die and leave you your future wife and child alone".

At this Link's eyes narrowed and he readied himself to lung at Orius, only to be kicked to the floor by Daegon again.

"Ah!" Link yelled pain clutching his bleeding side that just got kicked in.

As he tried to recover Orius spoke "So you chose death, fine, I will kill you and recapture the soldiers you released, you're more trouble than you're worth anyway" he said raising his war hammer, ready to smash Link's skull in.

Link could do nothing, as he readied himself for his inevitable fate, he could only think of Lana and the life they could have had together as a tear began to form in his eye.

"Lana...i'm sorry" Link said in a little more than a whisper.

His eyes closed, time seemed to become slower as he waited for death.




Link felt for sure that he was dead, that huge explosion he just heard must have been his head being smashed, but as he gradually opened his eyes Orius was nowhere in sight.

Link turned his head and saw that Daegon was still there, looking equally as confused as he was, until he too was blasted by whatever caused the first band and sent him flying into a wall that Orius was just getting up from.

Link then out of curiosity turned his head to the source of the attack and the sight he saw forced him to smile.

It was Zelda and the rest of his Friend and soldiers charging through the main doors.

Link then noticed the light arrow readied in her bow and realised that she had just saved him "Thank you, Zelda" Link said.

But as he got up he then saw something that gave him mixed emotions, Lana and Cia were both here, one one hand he was happy to see them and to know that they were safe, but on the other, they were in the least safe place in the universe.

On that note he got up, still in pain and made his way over to them.

"Alright everyone, we need to put an end to this tyrant and his plans!" Zelda yelled to her troops, spurring them on to fight.

As everyone ran off in different directions to assist Link's allies, Link himself limped up to his friends.

"Link!" everyone yelled as both Cia and Lana ran up to him,

With Lana resting him on her lap Cia began using her magic to heal his wounds as the rest of the group kept them within a circle while keeping enemy forces out.

"Lana, Cia, what are you doing here?" Link asked them both as looked slightly annoyed at this.

"Did you really think that we would let you get away from us that easily?" Cia said with seductive smirk.

"Yeah, we won't let you go without taking responsibility for making us love you!" Lana agreed.

At this Link smiled at the pair of them, knowing that he was loved by two very special people and after about two minutes Cia had finished healing Link's injury.

Link got up of Lana's lap and gave the two of them a hug "Thank you, I love you both too" he said sincerely.

Link then turned his attention back to the battle, where he saw Orius and Daegon causing huge casualties to his allies and soldiers.

"Time to end this" Link said as he made his way over, taking the fight to them.