I do not own Pokémon

The Dark of the Elite

A 16 year old Ash Ketchum walked down Route 1 on his way to Pallet Town. On his shoulder sat his ever trusty Pikachu. He had sent all his other Pokémon to Professor Oak's already. As the yellow rodent sat there he was still upset about its latest defeat. 'If only we had trained harder, we had time, but he had to screw around.' Was all that went through Pikachu's mind as he glared at his trainer.

"Hey Pikachu we're finally home" Ash softly spoke as he gazed at pallet town. "Let's stop by Professor Oak's Lab, since were early. We can see if my new Pokémon are settling in alright."

"Pi" was all Pikachu said.

They walk up to the Professor's door, ash was about to knock when he heard voices on the other side. Voices that he recognized. Voices that were saying very unpleasant things regarding Ash.

"I don't know why he doesn't give up on his ludicrous dream of being a Pokémon Master"

"He has been holding me back"

"He's such a little kid"

"He battles with pure luck, no skill"

"If I had Pokémon I'd kick his ass"

Many more hurt words were said, but Ash was going so many emotions. Sadness turned to betrayal, which turned to anger and finally pure rage. He calmed himself somewhat before twisting the door handle. As soon has it twisted he heard the voices go silent. He took a very deep breath before entering.

Misty, May, Max, Dawn, Brock, Professor Oak, Gary, Tracey, Iris, Cilian and Delia all standing there silent. Also standing there with them were Ash's rival from Sinnoh, Paul as well as Ash's most resent rival in Unova, Trip. Ash didn't care that they were here, it just backed up what he had heard and what he suspected.

"Hey Ash, yo….." that was all Brock managed to get out before being interrupted.

"Do you all feel this way?" Ash asked in a calm tone.

"Feel this way about what?" Ash's mother Delia asked in a sweet voice.

Hearing her talk in that way made Ash nearly sick after what he had just heard. "I heard what you were saying before I entered"

Trip was the first one to speak. "Well Ash in that case, yes. After all these years you still haven't one a single league, so we all agree."

There was a barrage of insults and profanities shouted in his direction about his strength as a trainer.

The smartass 9 year old soon to be trainer then spoke up in a cocky tone, "if Pikachu was my Pokémon, I would not stop training it until it was the strongest Pokémon ever."

Ash was absolutely speechless, but what happened next would completely destroy him.

Pikachu hearing that jumped off his shoulder and ran over to Max. Pikachu then proceeded to climb up onto Max's shoulder before glaring at Ash.

Ash finally recovered from the shock and asked Pikachu in a very cold and chilling tone "So you agree with them as well?"

"Pika" Pikachu stated with a nod of his head.

Ash's heart not only broke but was completely destroyed, so much so that he couldn't show any emotion and couldn't feel any emotion apart from hatred.

Max right walked up to Ash "See even Pikachu doesn't want you. He knows that I'm go…."

Before he could finish his sentence, he found himself on his back dazed, blood flowing out of his newly busted nose.

Everybody stood there trying to comprehend what just happened. Of course Ash punch Max right in his face, but they couldn't believe it. The Ash they knew wouldn't do something like that.

May however took one look at the scene and was instantly angry. "ASH KATCHUM, YOU THINK YOU CAN PUNCH MY BROTHER AND GET AWAY WITH IT?"

There was no response, she was just met with and ice cold glare from Ash. Nothing more was said. He just reached into his pocket and pulled out a miniaturized poke ball that had a lightning bolt engraved on it. Ash just simply dropped the ball before turning and leaving.

Well that's part 1. Story, rating and possible romances many change or be developed later.