While Akashi is washing up, Kuroko busied himself by whipping up a simple breakfast. All the needed ingredients were placed on the counter top, making cooking a breeze. Kuroko used an ultimate ingredient of his—eggs. The oil splattered as he skilfully cracked an egg with one hand into the frying pan. Kuroko's speciality is eggs and he is very confident that Akashi will like his breakfast even though it's just toast with fried eggs, lettuce and tomato plus mayonnaise. Akashi will definitely be impressed. Kuroko beamed and hummed a soft tune as he brimmed with confidence. Just the thought of it has Akashi's delighted face popping up in his mind.

It's been a long time since he last ate with somebody in his house and it has his heart racing. He liked having company over but it was difficult as he doesn't actually have anyone to invite over. It had always been just Nigou and him in the house.

Akashi towel dried his hair and came out of the toilet just in time for breakfast. The fragrance of the toast assaulted his nose as soon as he came out and his face lit up when he saw food prepared on the dining table. His chest tingled and warmed at the sight, spreading like wildfire throughout his entire body. In his vision, there is a glowing halo above Kuroko's bedhead and white fluffy wings spread on his back, like an angel sent from heaven.

When Akashi saw Kuroko doing the dishes, he decided to creep up on him. Kuroko was preoccupied with washing the pan that he did not sense Akashi's presence. Akashi thought of a mischievous idea and his eyes glowed. With small light steps, he quietly tiptoed his way towards the oblivious boy and covered his eyes with his hands.

"Guess who?" Akashi whispered into Kuroko's ears, voice laced with seduction.

As the breaths of hot air and deep voice hit Kuroko's ears, electric jolts shoot down Kuroko's spine and his hair stood on its end. It took him an insurmountable willpower to not jump and scream from fright and throw the pan full of water behind at Akashi. He swore his heart almost broke through his ribcage and flew out of his chest.

One thing that Kuroko cannot tolerate and despise is people creeping up on him and Akashi did just that, scaring the living daylights out of him. As someone who lives alone, he is not accustomed to another's voice coming out of nowhere.

Kuroko took in a deep breath tried to calm down his erratic heart rate. His brain processed his thoughts at a fast pace, thinking about whether to play along with the redhead or ignore his entire existence and sulk in a corner like a spoilt child.

He wants to be angry at Akashi but he knows that it's impossible. A look at Akashi's handsome face will dispel his anger and be replaced by some flowery emotion.

His heart wants to play along with Akashi's teasing but his brain reasons that he should not rush things.

So Kuroko did something that he himself couldn't fathom doing in his life in the spur of the moment. He probably watched too much sappy dramas (to spice up his sad, boring, non-existent love life) to even do this. He grabbed Akashi's hands that were covering his eyes and slowly pulled them down to his slender waist and turned around to face the redhead. Kuroko made sure that those hands were stationed on his waist, not moving an inch. He stared into Akashi's eyes, never saying a word, silently voicing his displeasure of being scared in broad daylight.


When Akashi saw Kuroko's facial expression, he knew he did something wrong. Kuroko's eyebrows were furrowed together and his eyes are definitely not smiling. There's a slight downturn at the corner of his lips and it's enough to tell Akashi that Kuroko doesn't approve of what Akashi did to him.

But Akashi doesn't care.

Taking Kuroko's actions as a challenge, he pulled Kuroko closer to his body, until Kuroko could feel Akashi's breath on him. Being slightly taller than Kuroko, he gently pecked Kuroko's forehead and pulled away, leaving Kuroko to fend against the whirlpool of emotions he felt.

"Come on, the food's getting cold." Akashi said grabbed Kuroko and walked towards the dining table ready to dig into the breakfast Kuroko made.


Akashi pulled the chair out for Kuroko to sit on. Kuroko giggled at how gentlemanly the redhead is in his house. It should be the opposite, since this is Kuroko's house and he is the host. But, oh well.

Akashi also took a seat and his mouth started to salivate upon seeing the colourful visual of the toast. It is certainly appetising. He took a bite of the toast-

"Delicious." Akashi complimented, and took another bite.

Pleased, Kuroko only shrugged it off. It was his speciality after all.

The crunchy sound of the toast filled the air, preventing their breakfast to be eaten in total silence. Akashi savoured the food set infront of him.

It definitely feels better to eat with someone rather than eating alone.

After they finished their meal, Akashi offered to wash the dishes as thanks for both accommodation and food. Although Kuroko declined profusely, Akashi insisted on it and gave the best puppy eye he could muster to make the stubborn teal haired boy give in. Kuroko had no choice but to let him. How could he not when Akashi looked so cute?

Kuroko loves cute things and that includes Akashi.

However, luck (and time) does not seem to be on Kuroko's side. Akashi is a busy man.

"Thank you for letting me stay the night." Akashi said. "I'll be off then."

Kuroko looked up and their gazes met and it lingered there. Even though Akashi already bid goodbye, he's still at Kuroko's doorstep, not moving an inch. It's like he still has some unfinished business with Kuroko. He doesn't want to leave but work is work.

The onslaught of questions popped up in Kuroko's mind again. It always does that when he's stressed. Why is the redhead not going off? He already said goodbye, right? What is Kuroko supposed to do in this type of situation? He freaked out. As though sensing Kuroko's discomfort, Akashi said goodbye once more and-

"Come by again sometime!" Kuroko shouted, on impulse.

Akashi smiled and nodded his head before leaving.

Once Akashi is out of sight, Kuroko closed the door shut and slid down the door. He needs to stop getting his hopes high. He almost thought there would be a goodbye kiss. The stare was so intense that Kuroko had a hard time keeping a straight face.

He wonders when the 'sometime' will come.

Here's chapter 5! hope you enjoyed it :)