A/N: Thank you for all of your kind reviews on the previous chapter! Special thanks again to M, R & A - you've been so supportive!

Disclaimer: I own nothing from Rookie Blue.

After three long weeks at the hospital, they were finally all home together and the house was quiet for the first time in hours. Both babies were down for the count, though Sam and Andy had no idea how long it would last. The baby books had pushed for routines over and over; Andy desperately wanted to get that moving. Sam, however, was just happy that they'd made it this far without the supervision of doctors and nurses.

Never trust a preemie, the doctors had told them. Although their eating had been going very well in the past week - both babies had now surpassed the seven pound mark, and Evan was nearing 7.5 - their immune systems were compromised, and would be for probably the first few years of their lives. A simple cold could turn terrible in a short period of time. They had to watch out for so many signs, try to keep them away from anyone with an illness, while being extra careful. The first sign of sickness was going to mean doctor visits. A part of Andy just wanted to wrap them up in a cocoon of their house, the four of them, and never leave.

At the moment, they stood over Madelyn's crib, watching her little chest rise and fall with a quiet snore. Andy would never tire of looking at that little face, or that little body that almost never quit wiggling. She was tempted to record the tiny coos leaving her daughter's lips, afraid to ever forget how adorable it sounded.

Sam wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they tiptoed down the stairs, her fingers linking into his just until they reached the bottom step. Andy paused and looked around, taking it all in. The living room felt like kind of an alternate universe; within a matter of hours so much had changed. While there were bottles waiting to be washed in the sink and a faint smell of dirty diapers coming from under the kitchen sink; there were also two sets of onesie pajamas on the arm of the couch and a bucket of wipes resting along the back.

Those things were noticeable.

The biggest difference was her hypersensitive hearing, the overwhelming nervousness of 'Are they still breathing? Are they cold? Are they hungry?' and the fear of something happening, anything happening while they were downstairs and the babies were upstairs. Sam had triple-checked the batteries in the smoke alarms yesterday, but Andy was already considering checking a fourth time. The white noise machines were on to hopefully help them sleep better, but what if they were too loud? What if their cries couldn't be heard?

So on top of the video baby monitors and carbon monoxide detectors on every floor, they also had to buy a crap-load of diapers because every single size they got from the baby shower was too big. Next up was a new breast pump because apparently some of the machines aren't equipped to handle the amount of milk needed for two… Andy nearly punched the Walmart salesperson in the face last week when they wouldn't take back that piece of crap as a return.

"You think they'll be warm enough?" Sam asked, pressing his lips to the side of her head before heading to empty the gross-smelling garbage.

Andy could hear the tension in his voice, and immediately tried to be a soothing force. She nodded her head as she plopped down onto the couch. "It's summer. It's not like its cold in here," she reasoned, hoping to sound convincing. "If anything they'll be too hot."

Sam hmmed in what sounded like agreement, arms crossing against his chest.

"I'm surprised I still have any energy right now," she said quietly, running a hand through her tangled hair. "I thought I'd be exhausted. Maybe working nights really has helped us."

He chuckled at that, pausing from collecting dishes scattered around the first floor. "According to Oliver, we're in the 'good baby' zone right now. Give it a few weeks, Sammy," he mocked.

Andy tipped her head back against the couch, flicking on the TV while Sam worked at tidying up, which he continued to do for the next 10 minutes even as Andy asked him repeatedly to join her. He went upstairs and then back down, twice, and kept it up until he got close enough for Andy to grab hold of his arm. "Sam."

At first, he tried to tug his arm away, and then stopped to look back at her. "What?"

"Come here, just sit down," she protested and yanked on his arm until he sighed and fell onto the rug in front of her, "Just relax." She opened her thighs so he could shift back closer. Her C-section wound was feeling like a bruise, but if she sat in just the right position, it wasn't so bad.

"I should be saying that to you," he argued, clearly not relaxing.

Andy laughed, shifting carefully. "At least I don't look like I'm about to have a stroke," she smiled as she tilted his head back so she could meet his eyes.

After a minute or two of working her knuckles on his shoulders, she felt some of the tension releasing, "Mmm, that feels good," he admitted as he stretched his neck back and forth.

The news channel continued its quiet flicker while she used her thumbs to press into his shoulder blades, smoothing down over his T-shirt to his lower back and then all the way up to the top. His heart rate was slowly lowering to just a quiet thud and with one last gentle squeeze, his head tipped to the side and he was out cold against her thigh.

Andy pressed a kiss to his hair and leaned back against the couch, content to stay exactly like this for the next little while.

A few minutes later as she was drifting off with her head back against the cushions, Andy heard a small cry through the monitor.

With a week under their belts, Sam was definitely starting to understand the meaning of newborn exhaustion. Going back to working nights was beginning to sound like a breeze compared to the lack of sleep he was getting with two newborns in the house. Just last night Andy had supposedly come downstairs in the middle of the night and he was simply standing in the kitchen staring into a cupboard, covered in spit up as usual. When she asked him the next morning, Sam hardly even remembered what happened but he was pretty sure he fell asleep standing up.

It still felt like he had some extra weight to pull so that Andy had time to heal, as much as she wanted to be wonder woman. She was getting way less sleep than him, and still got up every single time the babies needed her; even when he didn't wake up to the cries. Andy was just such a natural with them, while Sam felt like he could hardly go an hour without gagging on the smell of a diaper. In the back of his mind he always knew she'd make a great mom, but he never imagined their home life feeling so perfect, just the way it was.

Andy's nipples, on the other hand, were not looking so flawless these days.

"Stop staring!" Andy glared when she noticed his steady gaze. These days it felt like her breasts were always out in the open because of the endless amounts of pumping and he knew she didn't want him to look but… He couldn't stop his eyes from sneaking a peek every once in a while. "Sam!"

That got him. "Hmm?" He jolted, and began patting the diaper bum of the baby in his arms to settle him.

With narrowed eyes, Andy tugged her bra back on, "It's gross," she argued with a sleepy voice and then raised to standing.

"Sorry, what was that? I must've passed out." He teased, spinning to follow her as she slowly strode into the kitchen, gathering dishes as she went. It was 3 o'clock in the morning and both of them were basically zombies.

"Yeah well," Andy yawned, placing the newly pumped milk onto the shelf of the refrigerator, "at least you don't spend every waking minute feeling like a cow," she protested quietly, then paused for a moment to move towards Sam and press a kiss to Evan's forehead. "Besides, you get to go back to work in a couple weeks and I will continue to be the pukey parent."

Sam chuckled. Parent. Even though it had been over a month, that hadn't sunk in. Part of him wanted to smile at the thought of getting out, and the other part had his stomach turning. As much as he wanted a break from the crying and the diapers, he couldn't imagine what it would be like to have to go to work all day now that the kids were finally home.

"Honey, look, I've seen more poop and spit up in the past month than I have in my entire life," he joked softly, feeling the little body in his arms slow its squirm, and then pressing his lips to the little hand that wrapped around his finger. "So chapped nipples? Not at all gross."

Andy rolled her eyes and smiled up at him before yawning again. Her tired eyes were bloodshot and dark in the dim light, but her smile still had him feeling stupidly warm inside. He'd been up with Evan for nearly an hour before they ran out of milk and Andy then needed to get up too. "At this point you'll take anything, huh?" she whispered, noticing Evan's eyes had slipped closed.

Sam hadn't been feeling too sane in the middle of the night but he was pretty sure Andy had just made a sex joke for the first time in a long ass time. His eyebrows jumped, albeit not as high as they might have usually. He teasingly covered Evan's ear with his hand before admitting, "Oh, I want more than just anything."

Her response wasn't more than a quiet huff while she continued to wipe down the counters, but if he wasn't mistaken, there were goose bumps crawling from beneath her tank top and up over her shoulders. Tongue in cheek, Sam took one step closer, hoping to steal a kiss or two while they had a chance, but when Andy grabbed a dish, a pot from the stove hit the bottom of the sink just hard enough to wake Madelyn.

"Hey," Sam tugged on her arm as she tried to rush by, giving her his best warm eyes. He pressed a kiss to her lips, which she reciprocated for a brief moment before giving him a small grin and heading over to grab their hollering daughter.

They'd get Evan to fall asleep and then Madelyn would decide it's time to wake up. That was the extent of their days.

They decided to switch off; Andy taking Evan back up to bed and Sam scooping up Madelyn to give her a bottle.

He smiled while he watched her drink from the bottle that wasn't bigger than his hand, her big brown eyes wide and staring up at him. In a way he was glad they wouldn't latch onto Andy, because he never would've got to experience the feeding part and man, it was a good part. Their kids were never more content than when they were eating. Ever since she was born, Madelyn's little feet kicked while she ate. Evan would put up a bigfight at first, but as soon as he got what he wanted, he was completely relaxed. Madelyn, though… if he could make a guess, it was her tiny feet that had been keeping Andy up all night in the few months before the birth. Sam feels her little toes pushing against his belly, the strength of their little daughter hitting him like tiny punches. There wasn't a second that he didn't love it.

By the time Madelyn was out again, the only sound in the house was the white noise machine upstairs. Andy had probably passed out the second her head hit the pillow. Being up alone with the babies freaked him out in the beginning, but in the past couple of days he'd been feeling a lot calmer. Although a lot more exhausted too, and perhaps he just didn't have the energy to worry.

With a smile, Sam laid her down in her crib, dragging his sock-clad feet on the carpet on the way back to bed. The clock read 3:45am. He fell into bed with a quiet groan, wrapping his arm around Andy's middle and curled up behind her.

In what seemed like two seconds later, Sam rolled over to the sound of crying. His eyes were sore and his head was pounding, but Andy was already up. The clock read 5:30am. Maybe she'd been right about the whole 'we need a routine' thing.

"Sam, I'm ready!" Andy called, taking the clean baby and switching off for the needing-to-be-changed one.

Outfit changing, diaper changing, bathing… Andy felt like she and Sam were definitely getting into a groove. Many of the twins' naps were now spent in bouncy chairs, much to Sam's amusement. He'd only reminded her for the fifteenth time that day how important it was to paint the bedrooms and buy cribs, when the $50 chairs were working perfectly well. Andy had given up the fight and resorted to simply rolling her eyes at him. "We make a good team, you and me," she grinned, watching a slight pink fill his cheeks as he bit back a smile and winked.

Sarah interrupted their moment with a quiet snort. "Well that's a face I haven't seen in a while," she said smugly. Andy watched as Sam's eyebrows furrowed before turning stoic and glancing over at her. "Wait, are you… blushing?"

Sam scoffed. "No!" He began grabbing dirty clothes and diapers, heading out of the room to throw them in the trash.

"You are. Oh my god." She turned to Andy. "You have a gift."

"Shutup, Sarah," Sam called from the kitchen with a hint of annoyance.

Andy put on a teasing frown. "You okay sweetheart? Your big sister's only been here for an hour and she's already pushing your buttons," she smiled, catching Sarah's laugh. Things between Sarah and Andy weren't perfect by any means; there were still awkward silences… but things were definitely improving over time.

With a shake of his head, Sam strolled back into the living room and lifted Evan from Andy's arms. He backed away slowly; his eyes were serious but his tiny smirk was giving him away. "I'm taking my boy with me to the man cave, and away from you two. He doesn't need to hear this abuse."

Once he was out of earshot, Andy turned to face Sarah. "I give it three minutes before he's back up here changing the diaper that I was about to do."

Sarah smiled. "It's been weeks, how is he still all pukey about diapers?"

"I really don't know, but I think they can tell. Neither of them have ever peed on me when I change them, yet both of them have on him," Andy grinned, thinking back to the first time it happened. That was the first time she'd ever heard Sam Swarek's voice reach the level of a shriek. It was such a mess.

"So are you worried about him being back at work?" Sarah asked casually a few minutes later, reaching her foot out to swing Madelyn's chair a little.

Andy shrugged, not wanting to openly display her anxiety about it. "In what way?"

"Oh I don't know, nothing specific," Sarah shook her head, smiling down at her little wiggly niece. "I just get the idea that he works long hours."

"Yeah," Andy nodded in agreement. Realistically, she knew it would be her and the babies the majority of the day. "He does sometimes, depends on what's happening at work. But I think he'll be pretty good at getting home on time. He already hates being away from them."

The look on Sarah's face in that moment was one of the reasons why Andy just couldn't quite trust her completely. It was like something was on the tip of her tongue that she wasn't saying. She may not even realize she's doing it, but it drove Andy nuts when she thought too much into it. She really did like Sarah, but she was one of those extremely hard to read people and she didn't have the guts to come out and ask her exactly what she was thinking.

When she caught Andy's glance, she continued. "And I mean, you've always been at work with him and now he'll be there alone with all those good looking female -,"

At that exact moment, Sam had reached the top of the basement stairs. "Sarah!" He all but growled her name.

"-felons," Sarah completed her sentence with a laugh; a real laugh that Andy didn't hear often enough to recognize. "Oh my god, I was kidding!" she put her palms up innocence, but suddenly realized that they were not amused. "Sorry. Bad joke."

Andy gave her a small smile, not wanting to be rude. The last thing Andy wanted was to feel some kind of insecurity about Sam returning to work, and she hoped to God that Sarah didn't just plant a seed where it didn't need to be.

"Andy," she heard him whisper, before his lips meet her cheek with a low smack. "I gotta go now."

"Mmm," Andy moaned quietly and opened her eyelids enough to know that it was insanely early. The sensation of being woken up by Sam instead of by crying was quite strange. "Have a good day."

"You too. Call me if you need anything, alright?"

"I will," she promised and immediately felt the butterflies forming as they did the last two mornings. She suddenly had the urge to flip over and give him a proper kiss. "You smell good," she grinned when she met his eyes, and then gave him a once over. "And you look good."

She hadn't seen him in anything except sweats and old T-shirts in weeks. Today he had on his dark jeans and maroon long-sleeve shirt, along with his old leather jacket. Just looking at him was motivating her to get back in shape.

The past two days without Sam home had gone alright. It had been busy, but she made it through. Yesterday Andy had her Dad and Amy over to help for a couple hours which felt like a treat. Even the current day had been relatively calm.

That was up until an hour ago. Suddenly their six week old babies had decided shit was going to hit the fan. They were so fussy and refused to sleep, wanting to be held or wanting to scream instead. To top it all off, the supply of breast milk was all but gone so she had to pump and care for them, meaning that they had to spend extra amounts of time in their chairs and those didn't work so well after a nap… It was all Andy could do not to just throw her hands up in defeat.

On the bright side, her nipples were essentially two big callouses because these kids just don't stop eating, so at least pumping didn't hurt anymore and the cost savings were pretty amazing, compared to the $100 a week they'd have to spend in formula.

She hadn't yet reached the place of immunity so it continued to break her heart to hear them cry. With Sam home, there were always two bodies to pick up babies. Now, she was feeling like the most neglectful mother in the world and it was so incredibly taxing. The disappointment of feeling defeated was killing her. It was like being a rookie all over again but without a TO to help. For newborns they really were great sleepers, but Evan was a morning person and Madelyn was a night owl; their schedules were almost opposite.

Who could she even call? Sam would simply pick up and leave work in the middle of everything, and she didn't want his job to suffer. Traci was at work with him, Gail too. Chloe and Dov were off on a vacation. Her Dad and Amy were a great help, but at their age it was a lot to ask for them to come twice in a row.

An image of her Mom popped into her head, but just as quickly an uneasiness formed in the pit of her stomach. Claire wasn't someone Andy felt comfortable with picking up the phone and calling, especially when they hadn't talked in over two years. The flowers were a nice gesture and they weren't on bad terms, but she didn't live close and after a while it felt like it had been too long. On top of the fact that lingering issues with Sam were questionable at best, and Andy would take her husband's side any day of the week.

It was only inevitable that when Sam arrived home that night after work and asked how her day went, Andy broke down crying.

"I feel like a terrible mother," Andy sobbed, explaining how awful the day was and wiping her tears against the shirt covering his shoulder. She could not believe the wave of relief that took over the minute she saw him. A day's worth of tears just started flowing that quickly.

"Just a bad day," he murmured soothingly, rubbing one hand up and down her back and keeping the other against the back of her head. "We had a couple of those last week even with two of us here, no?"

Andy sniffled, stepping back from his embrace. "I know, I just… it's so hard to hear them cry like that."

"I know," he nodded. "They're selfish little jerks aren't they?" He tipped her face up with a knuckle under her chin, giving her a small smile.

Andy nodded and hugged him once more, taking in the familiar feel of his warm body around her. She was never the type of wife who needed to be around her husband every waking minute, but he had been so missed today. While the rest of her life had become a whirlwind, Sam made her feel steady. They stayed like that for another minute, breaking apart only after hearing a coo from the swing.

Andy sighed. "They're lucky they're cute."

"I got them," Sam squeezed her shoulder as he walked by. "You –," he pointed a finger at her. "Relax," he said seriously, and then smiled. "Go for a walk and take a hot bath or something. You deserve it."

"Are you sure? If they both get upset –"

"I'm sure," he cut her off, heading towards the living room. "Go."

Andy's relaxing walk consisted of heading down to the mail box and back, but even that much helped to clear her head. She simply threw it all on the table in the front hall, ignoring the bills, congratulatory cards and letters, and headed upstairs for a bath.

Later that night as she held both of her babies, after they'd been burped, pajama'd and settled down, Andy felt the little breaths against her neck and their warm bodies succumbing to sleep against her chest. "We'll have a better day tomorrow, huh?" she whispered with a smile.

For the first time in a long time, Andy and Sam were able to turn on a movie and relax on the couch; both babies finally asleep at the same time, afterdouble baths, diapers, bum cream, pajamas, bottles, new pajamas and a new shirt for Sam. He didn't even have the energy to push for an action movie. Instead they turned on an old romantic comedy that he knew she'd seen 100 times knowing they'd never make it through the whole thing anyway.

With Andy's head rested on his thigh, she stretched out along the couch. Sam sat in the corner, his sweatpant-clad legs taking up the other side of their L-shaped couch. After fifteen minutes or so, the movie was proving to be a little better than he thought, but barely enough to keep him awake. In fact, he hadn't been paying attention until the couple on the TV started kissing, passionately, against the fridge. Not so long ago that was the two of them, and her felt a twinge of sadness that things weren't like that anymore, but the high definition TV was quite distracting. His eyes remained only half way open untilmultiple layers of clothes were removed and there were a set of awesome-looking breasts literally taking up their flat screen.

Sam cleared his throat quietly, glancing down at Andy's torso, and then at the curve of her hip and all the way down her long legs. By the time the actors started having sex against the kitchen counter, Sam was starting to get pretty uncomfortable staying in one place; his pants feeling tight in places that needed to be looser. All he could think about was that time last year, right after their wedding, when he had Andy naked in the dim light of the kitchen. No worries, no cares, nothing to be late for or rush to. Just the two of them, making a mess and loving every second. When he couldn't stop himself from shifting once more, he was torn between praying Andy was asleep so that she didn't tease him for his pseudo-teenager problems, and wanting her to be awake and feeling it too because holy wow, the people on the screen had just moved to the kitchen table and it had been way too long for them.

Although Andy still hadn't been cleared for sex, he was already noticing some changes. Sex was still on his mind a fair amount; where, when, how it would happen once they could… But since the twins were born, he couldn't believe how much less. Between the long days at the hospital and the weeks of healing stitches and driving back and forth from work, there just hadn't been time. There was one close moment weeks ago, when the babies were still in intensive care and he and Andy were at home getting ready for bed. With a set of wandering eyes, and Andy's wandering hand to supplement… things had become a little heated. Then they'd received a call from the hospital about a few minutes later that Madelyn had finally, finally taken a bottle. They were overjoyed. But it was like dumping a bucket of water on a fire that was just getting going.

Sam figured that people with only one newborn at home could fit 'alone time' in but with the schedule they'd had, sleep was appearing to be much more necessary than sex. There were times where he would think about trying, even just, not actual sex, but… for the most part he'd stuck to showers, on his own. In a deep part of his brain, Sam feared that twins were a death sentence for a good sex life.

It was still so strange, the thought of him being at work while she wasn't. For years Andy was right there whenever he wanted to see her, and God knows that was often. Now, all these things were happened at the station that she'd know nothing about. It was like an old life vs. a new life and Sam still hadn't adjusted.

Andy stirred when he shifted once more, nearly getting a handle on himself now that the rough kitchen scene had ended. It was almost a relief when both of the actors were clothed again. "Got ants in your pants?" She teased as she rolled over half way, meeting his surprised eyes.

"Uh," Sam swallowed audibly, before sending her a shy smile. Ants would probably be a little easier to deal with. It was only slightly humiliating that these kinds of teenage problems could still happen to a 40-year-old. "No I just...,"

At first she only stared at him suspiciously, and Sam couldn't help but notice that her shirt had dipped low with her movement. Andy laughed then, shaking her head as she sat up and briefly glanced down at his lap, eyebrows raised. Sweatpants really didn't hide anything - Andy could definitely tell what was happening. A long stream of air blew from her lips, as her eyes floated all the way up his body to meet his stare. "We're not allowed yet," she said quietly before biting down on her lower lip in what looked like anticipation. That was one of her looks that Sam found very hard to resist.

"I know," he agreed with a nod, trying not to shift his leg when her fingers squeezed his thigh. The last thing he wanted was to unknowingly hurt her. The scar was still tender to the touch, for one thing. "I wasn't asking," he crossed an ankle over his knee, effectively moving her hand further away and out of dangerous territory.

Andy cocked an eyebrow, challenging. "Hmm," she murmured before throwing a thigh across his lap, effectively uncrossing his legs and straddling his thighs before he could even begin to object. "The thing is," Sam sucked in a breath when she squeezed his hips. "I married a guy who never follows the rules," she smiled, and he hesitantly began rubbing up and down her thighs with his palms. Her body felt a little unfamiliar, but their faces were much closer in this position than they had been during almost the entire pregnancy. "Maybe he's rubbing off on me."

Sam chuckled at that, looking away but refusing to glance down at how close their bodies were. She was certainly not helping his problem go away. It had been months for them, and his body was remembering the feel of hers; the smell of her shampoo and the softness of her skin. "Oh yeah?"

Andy gave him a teasing grin, running just one finger from his lips, to his jaw and then all the way down his front. "Well, most guys don't take showers for half an hour for no reason."

Sam sighed and leaned back against the couch, hands dropping from her legs to rest on the cushion beneath him. "You're making fun of me?" He eyed her suspiciously.

Her nose nudged his when she leaned back into his space. From this angle he could really see how bloodshot her eyes were, which made him begin to calculate how long the kids had been asleep and how much longer they might have and who would wake first…

And then Andy kissed him, really kissed him; hands cupping his jaw before she began working her tongue into his mouth. She moaned when he reciprocated and bit down on her bottom lip. He'd been trying to be gentle, take it slow and soft but they hadn't kissed like that in months, and wow, had Sam missed it. "I wasn't," she'd pulled back half an inch, "making fun," another pause, "of you."

"Hmm?" Sam mumbled

"Mmmhmm," she murmured back. "I think it's hot."

Sam sucked in a quiet breath through his teeth while she grinned. His fears of a destroyed sex life were slowly being washed away. This was a side of her he hadn't been privy to for countless days. They ended up making out like that for a few more minutes, heavy and warm, until Andy's hips begin a slow roll deeper into his lap. He was absolutely… it was getting painful. And her hands were getting dangerously close to him.

"We shouldn't," Sam tipped his head back, breaking their mouths apart and slipping out of her grip. Her expression was somewhere in the area of disbelief and confusion.

"Sam," she got her palms on his jaw and made him look at her. "My appointment is on Tuesday. It's been six weeks. The pain is basically gone."

"Yeah basically," he cut in, eyeing her.

Andy all but growled and she shifted against him again. But while she was annoyed, he was mildly amused. He wanted this, very much so, but he wanted her to be healthy too.

"What's the problem McNally? So we wait a few more days to get the okay?" He knew exactly what the problem was; he had the same one. "We can do -,"

Andy looked away, letting out a deep sigh. "Is it really about the doctor?" She asked quietly, sitting back on his thighs.

"Uh, yes…?" He watched as she shied away, pretending to be distracted by something behind him. "What else would it be about?"

"Well I don't know," she huffed. Sam couldn't tell if her cheeks were pink from what was just happening or something else. Andy groaned loudly before taking in a deep breath and, "I know I look different now and we haven't even gotten close since -."

Sam began shaking his head over and over. "Whoa whoa whoa," He wrapped both hands around her upper arms, squeezing until she looked up at him. "That's not it at all. Christ, I'm not exactly hiding the way I feel about you."

"Well," she reasoned, shoulders raised, "that was from the movie... Look I don't know, I'm sorry okay? This is embarrassing can we just disregard, forget I said anything?"

"We can," Sam agreed, knowing that she'd been feeling extra sensitive about her post-pregnancy body. "But under one condition."

Andy rolled her eyes. "What?" She groaned.

"I want you to say the words, 'My body looks incredible," he smiled, watching the surprise on her face.

Andy snorted, shoving at his shoulder. "Oh my god what are you, my therapist?"

He grabbed her wrist when she attempted to shove him again. "McNally," he said sternly, one eyebrow cocked. He'd be lying if he claimed he hadn't wondered what he'd think of her body after twins. It was a sudden shift from what she was before but although she was a little rounder and not as toned as before, Andy still looked amazing. He hoped she felt like every extra stretch mark on her body was worth it. It was safe to say that her post-pregnancy body was not going to deter him. "Say it and I promise you won't be sorry," Sam cocked an eyebrow. Just because they couldn't have sex didn't mean they couldn't…

Andy closed her eyes and sighed. "Mybodylooksincredible," she said quietly and basically as one word, dropping her forehead down against his shoulder to yawn.

"Thank you," Sam said with a grin, proceeding to yawn himself. "Now, take all your clothes off and -"

"Sam!" She gasped, mouth dropping wide open and then immediately raising her shoulders in fear that she woke a baby. They both froze, muting the TV and staying painfully still. When they didn't hear anything, she smiled and Sam couldn't stop his shakes of laughter. "Perv."

"Only for you," he smiled and pulled her back in for a kiss, her hips shifting in close once again. "Alright seriously you need to remove some clothes."

Andy laughed quietly, reaching a hand in between them to grab for at the drawstring on his sweatpants. "You first."