Alison looked around the window, then back at her dad, "I missed this." Kenneth turns and smiled at his daughter, "You have no idea how glad I am that your alive. I missed you Alison." Alison looks back out the window, "I missed you too dad. More than you even know." Kenneth kept his eyes on the rode, knowing that if he looked at Alison, he wouldn't be able to stop from breaking down. He needed to be strong for her, he needed to be her father. "So Alison, you have to tell the police what happened. Well, or me. I'm here for you baby, I hope you know that. That night you got killed, well you got kidnapped, was the worst day of my life. It was hard for everyone." Alison kept her tears from rushing down her face, "I'll talk about it when I'm ready dad, I promise." Kenneth nodded and continued to make their way home.

"I can't believe that bitch is back," Mona screamed to her army quickly realizing her mistake, "I mean how is she even alive? We attended her funeral for gods sake." Everyone looked at each other, having no idea what she meant or why they were even there in the first place. Lucas was the one to speak up, "Mona, can we know why we're here and what you're even talking about?" Mona sighed, "Our worst nightmare has come true, and I need all of us to help each other survive this. Alison is alive, she's back." Everyone gasped, it wasn't possible. They found her body. Melissa walked in, "I suppose this is about Alison." Mona was about to respond when Melissa smiled, "You don't have to convince me, I'm in. I'm not about to let her drag my sister down again." Mona grinned, "Okay. So anyone who doesn't want her to take back the school, stay. If anyone is going to believe her stories about how she changed, that are soon to come, leave." No one moved, "Good, then let's get down to business."

"Girls, I need to know if there's anything else that Alison didn't mention." Aria glanced at the rest, her body full of nervousness, "Detective, we told you all we know. If you want the whole story, I'm afraid Alison's the only one who knows." Spencer glanced at Aria and nodded, "Yeah, she just reached out to us on Halloween." Holbrook sighed, "Okay. I guess you guys can go then. Alison already left, so go home and get a goodnight's rest. You'll be needing it." The girls got up and walked out of the station. "Guys, they know that we left stuff out! Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they knew all that was a damn lie," Aria screamed. Emily looked back at the door, "Aria, calm down. They don't know anything. There's no way that they could know." Spencer sighed, "Of course Alison would do this. She's back not two hours and we're already lying to the cops!" Emily sighed, "Let's get the whole story before we go accusing her of not changing." Hanna nodded, "Yeah, I think we need to know why she changed her mind last minute. There's got to be a reason." Spencer groaned, "Alright, alright! We'll get her story before we go off. I'm going home, anyone need a ride?" Hanna nodded, "Please? I don't feel like walking home." Spencer motioned her to come as she walked away. Hanna turned to Emily and Aria, "Night guys."

Emily made her way home when she saw Mr. Dilaurentis sitting on a bench. She pulled over and hopped out the car. Why would anyone be out here alone when their daughter just raised from the dead? "Hey Mr. Dilaurentis, what are you doing out here? Where's Alison?" He smiled, "She wanted to stop here. She said something about needing to feel happy and that this was where she felt happiest. If you want to go talk to her, she's by the river." Emily nodded and walked by the river. She noticed Alison sitting on a tree, looking at the water. Emily realized what tree she was sitting on and smiled remembering the time they shared here.

Freshman Year

"Catch me if you can," Alison screamed to Emily. Emily giggled, "Why do you alwaysrun from me?" Alison stopped and looked at her, "Because I know you'll chase." She smiled and ran towards the river. When Emily finally got to where Alison had disappeared from eye sight, she was confused. She couldn't see her, and there was nowhere to hide in these woods. "Up here!" Emily jumped and looked up, "What are you doing up there?" Alison looked around, "It's beautiful. There's a wooden board to sit on and everything! It's like a mini tree house. Come on up! That is, unless your scared." Emily shook her head and started climbing. When she reached Alison, she looked around. It truly was beautiful, you could see everything. Alison grabbed Emily's hand, "Let's stay until the stars come up. I want to see how it looks at night!" Emily smiled, "Honestly, so do I." They sat there talking for hours. When the stars were finally visible, they laid down to look at them. "It's amazing, isn't it Em?" Emily gazed at the stars, "It's beautiful." They gazed into each other's eyes for a moment. When Emily was just about to look away, Alison leaned in and kissed her. Emily was so surprised but that didn't stop her from kissing her back. She's wanted this ever since she met Alison. Alison leaned on Emily's shoulder, still kissing her passionately. When Alison finally pulled away, Emily looked at her, "I thought you said.." Alison stopped her before she could finish. "I know what I said, but it's not true. I was scared, but I'm not anymore. I love you Emily Fields." Emily's mouth fell open, "I don't know what to say, other than I love you too."Emily grabbed Alison's face and pulled it closer to her. She kissed her over and over again. She was beyond happy that Alison was finally hers, she wanted to stay up there forever.

"Ali, are you okay?" Alison jumped not realizing she had company, "Oh, hey Em. I was just, watching the stars before I go home." Emily grinned, "You should go get some sleep." Alison gazed at Emily, "We should probably talk." Emily shook her head, "It can wait. What you should do is go home and sleep, spend time with your dad. I'll come over tomorrow and we can talk." Alison smiled and climbed down the tree, "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then." Alison leaned in and kissed Emily's cheek, "I missed you." Emily smiled as she watched Alison climb into her dad's car and drive away.

"Alison, you should know me and your mom are divorced." Alison nodded, "I know, Emily told me." Kenneth smiled, "So, about Emily. Last time I saw you, you were telling me and your mother about your feelings for her. I'm so sorry about that, we should have supported you. Maybe if we did, none of this would've happened." Alison sighed, "Dad, it's not your guys' fault." Kenneth looked at his daughter, "But it is! We should have protected you. Anyways, I support you no matter who your with. It may be a little late, but better late than never." Alison smiled and looked out her window. "Dad, watch out," Alison screamed as a semi truck was heading towards them faster than ever. Kenneth tried to swerve out of the way, but it was far too late.