It all started when i was six, my mother was out in the garden planting some tulips and humming a tune to my little sister, my father was sitting at the table reading the paper and sipping some coffee my mother prepared, i wanted some candy from the top shelf but i couldn't reach it, i remember thinking about how much i wanted the candy, the next thing i know is the candy is in my hand. I remember my father questioning how i got them and when i told him it was like magic his face paled and he shooed me out of the kitchen.

The next time something like that happened was when i was nine, i was running away from some bullies at school and i ended up on the roof, when the principle and my father questioned me i told them that it was like magic again my father paled and quickly fled the principle's office with me in tow.

The next odd thing that happened was a few weeks before my 11th birthday, my grandparents Vernon and Petunia where coming over for my sister Daisy's 9th birthday, my mother was slaving away in the kitchen trying to make everything perfect for Daisy's big day, my father was out getting some wine. I've always known that i can do strange things, but only my father has ever seen them and he always made up a fib to tell my mother.

''Violet dear, can you please go to the table and grab the bread'' My mother asked, she was a kind woman with short light blonde hair and brown eyes and thin lips, and a button nose.

''Sure mother'' i said, i put down my sketch pad and went to the dining table and lifted up the bread and carried it to the table i put it down and as i did my little sister Daisy turned around and knocked a mug that was hanging over my head on the cupboard over the stove top the mug was about to fall on my head but i screamed and the mug hit the wall on the other side of the room, my mother shrieked and stepped back, before taking a step forward to make sure i was alright, later that afternoon i heard my mother and my father talking and my father was talking about a cousin that he had who was different, my father saw me eavesdropping and shooed me off.

Nothing really strange or off putting happened after that until my Eleventh birthday arrived my sister Daisy came and jumped on my bed at 7 o'clock in the morning, she made me come dow nstaires so she could give me her gift, i convinced her to wait until mother and father where up

At around 8 in the morning mother was up slaying away in the kitchen to make a breakfast feast for my birthday, everything was great until after breakfast, my father and my sister and I where in the sitting room watching morning cartoons, when we heard a shriek of fear from my mother, my father got up and went to the kitchen to see what the matter was i heard my father gasp, i was getting up to go to the kitchen when my father came in the sitting room.

''Violet why don't you go to the corner store and treat yourself for your birthday, and take your sister with you'' he handed 20 pounds which was far to much for candy and other things, my father's face was pale white but his cheeks where red, and he was frowning, i didn't want to press the issue so i grabbed the pounds and my sister and went out the front door, with Daisy in tow.

We arrived at the corner store and where greeted by the clerk who runs the store, my sister ran to the candy and grabbed some maoams, there her favorite, i followed my sister and picked up an Aero chocolate bar, we payed for are things which came out to 8.66$, and began to walk home.

When we reached the front door i pushed it open and heard a man's voice i closed the door quietly and shushed my sister i began to slowly walk to the door, Daisy was walking quietly behind me.

''...It's a very elite school, and your daughter will learn how to control her powers'' It was coming from a voice i didn't recognize, i inched slightly closer to the door which probably wasn't a good idea since i stepped on one of my sisters toys it started singing a song, i heard scrambling from the kitchen and my mother came out she was wearing a blue dress and her hair was in a tight pony tale.

''Violet! we thought you would take longer, where's your sister'' my mother asked alarmingly she seemed to be looking around the room for an escape.

''Daisy's in the sitting room, reading her magazine, is something wrong?'' i asked my mother she seemed to be deep in thought, but she gave me a forced smile.

''Of course not dear, we just have some guest's'' Guest's? i thought about it in my head, maybe it was Molly Patterson from across the street her and mother where good friends but that wouldn't explain the powers and elite school.

I heard foot steps coming from the kitchen and they got louder until standing in back of my mother was a man with black hair and beautiful green eyes he had a scar on his cheek and a faded one on his forehead, my mom noticed my staring and began to explain

''This is Harry Potter'' she paused and seemed to be thinking again before she said ''Your father's cousin'' she said and when she said that her face seemed to pale slightly.

Harry Potter took a step forward and held out his hand for me i shook it, ''As your mother said i'm Harry Potter your father's cousin, i would actually like to speak with you'' he said than added ''Happy Birthday'' He said with a smile.

''Why do you want to speak to me?'' I asked, he extended his arm and pointed to the kitchen my mother walked to the sitting room and i heard her begin to speak to Daisy, Harry made a move to go to the kitchen, I followed suit.

When we walked in the kitchen i saw the back of my father's head he seemed to be frozen in place, Harry tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around his face was pale worse than the time when i was nine, he stood up and pulled me into a bone crushing hug, i stood there and waited out the hug, he let go and pointed to the now empty chair indicating he wanted me to sit, i sat down and my father took a seat across from me with Harry at the head of the table.

There was an awkward silence that followed the only sound being heard was the telly in the other room, Harry cleared his throat and handed me a letter.

''Go on, open it'' He said, i looked at my father who gave a nod, i turned the letter around and back around and saw a wax red seal and written in hand writing was Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, i gently opened the envelope careful not to break the seal.

''HOGWARTS SCHOOL of WITCHCRAFT and WIZARDRY'' I read out loud i heard my father catch his breath in his throat, Harry nodded encouragingly i continued.

''Dear Mrs. Dursley,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.'' I read out loud i looked up at Harry and my father and began to laugh, Harry looked confused and my father just seemed out of it.

''This is a really funny joke you had me going for a second'' i got up and walked up and hugged my father ''you almost got me'' I said before giggling and walking out, i heard footsteps behind me.

''It's not a joke Violet'' I heard Harry say behind me, i turned around to face him now where in the hallway and i knew my mother and father and sister are listening.

''Your a witch Violet'' Harry said, i stopped giggling when i saw the serious look on his face, that made me want to be quiet before i could say something, i heard a shout.