Good afternoon, Shanks.

So, long ago, I read The Maze Runner and had this story pop into my head. After I went and saw the movie on the 20th, I figured I'd give it a shot. I know this may not look original, but I'm going to try and make it my own the best I can. Hopefully reviews are good, so I can continue the story. I also hope I remember to match everyone's personalities alright, and remember the Glader slang.

I own none of these characters besides my OC. Everyone else belongs to James Dashner.


All I could grasp was how dark it was. I felt around on the walls, hoping to find a light switch, but all I felt was a fence. A fence? Where the hell am I? Was I in a cage of some sort? Even though I tried to think rationally, panic pushed its way through. All of a sudden, I hear a loud grinding sound. Gears maybe? Am I in an elevator? I hear a loud beep, then I feel my body lifting off the ground, before slamming back down again. I cry out as I hit my head hard on the bottom of the cage. Where the hell am I going? How did I get here? Most importantly, who am I?

I wasn't sure which question to focus on the most. I tried to keep my eyes open for as long as possible. I knew it was possible that I had a concussion. The loud grinding didn't help my headache much either. I didn't know whether to hold my head or my ears. I didn't know how long I was in the elevator. I'm sure if I could see, the room would be spinning. It was getting harder and harder to stay awake.

All of a sudden, it stopped. I could hear voices yelling on the other side of the door. I shut my eyes tight and covered my ears. I don't know if I was more afraid of being in this elevator, or more afraid of what was on the other side of it. I feel someone hop down into the elevator, and I don't know if I should try to open my eyes, or play dead.

"Bloody hell.."

"Newt, what do you see?"

"It's a shuckin' girl.."

Newt's POV:

I stared down in the box in disbelief. The damned creators have never sent a girl to the glade before. Instantly, gladers start swarming the box.

"Is she pretty?"

"A girl?"


"SLIM IT," I exclaim, which immidiently shuts them up. "Someone go get Alby. Now."

She isn't moving. I reach down to check her pulse. Is she dead? As soon as I'm about to touch her neck, her eyes fly open. "Don't touch me." she commands, eyes full of anger. I stare directly into her eyes in amazement. They're two different colors? I raise my eyebrows in amusement. "Hello to you too Greenie. Can you tell me your name?"

She sits up and looks down. "No, no I can't." I give her a sympathetic smile. "S'okay. None of us do at first. Now, are you going to be staying in the box or would you like a hand out?" I extend a hand to her, which she stares at skeptically. "Don't worry," I assure her, "I won't hurt you." She takes my hand gently and I pull her to her feet. "Up you go," I mumble in her ear as she grabs on to the rope.

After she's lifted up, she bolts.


Before I can get a look around, I bolt as far from the group of people as possible. They're shouting multiple things at me, but I can't hear them past the ringing in my ear. I aim for the grassy patch straight ahead of me, and I don't turn back. Eventually, I reach large iron colored walls, and I can't help but freeze. Where the hell am I? I whip around all directions, but the same wall is up everywhere. I look over to multiple people running my direction screaming. Before I can make out what they're saying, I black out.

Operation tables are everywhere. The lights are really bright against my skin. People with labcoats are on every side of me. "Now, Raine. I want you to remember one thing." I can't move. I can't speak. All I want to do is cry. "WICKED is good."

I quickly open my eyes and take a deep breath. I try moving my arms and legs, making sure it was still a dream. I groggily look around the room to see two boys staring at me. Oh yeah, I'm stuck in a foreign place with a bunch of strangers. I hop on my feet crouching over the bed and grab a knife that was on the table in one swift movement. The two boys stare at me with wide eyes and palms up. "Look, we aren't gonna-"

I give them a look. "I want to speak to the blonde boy." They exchange looks before responding. "Which blonde boy are you talking about Greenie? I mean there's-" I cut him off once again. "The one who got me out of that elevator. Bring him to me now." One of the boys nods to the other and says, "Bring Newt in here. Fast."

Newt's POV:

I'm crouched over in the garden picking some carrots when I notice Clint running toward me like a mad man. "Bloody hell Clint, where's the fire?" He rolls his eyes. "The girl's awake with a knife. She won't talk to anyone but you. Come quick so she can slim it and stop pointing that knife at us."

I move as quick as I can to where she was. I walked in the room to see a wide eyed Ben holding his hands up and looking at me. I raise my eyebrows and look over at the girl. She was in an owling position holding a knife in front of her. "Why don't you boys go get something to eat, yeah?" They nod before swiftly exiting the room.

I slowly start to move closer to her. "Don't come any closer." She orders. I freeze where I am. "Look Greenie, I know you're confused and all but-" She cut me off. "Where am I? Who are you? What is this? Who am I? Why the hell are there iron walls everywhere?" I now knew why Alby made them wait to have questions answered 'til after the tour. I hold up my hands. "Okay, okay. I'll try to explain the best I can." I motion to the knife. "First off, Can I have that?" She looks down at it before sitting it at the foot of the bed. "Thank you." I say, sliding it across the room. She sits and runs a hand through her long black hair. "Please, explain to me what the hell is going on."

I take a seat at the foot of the bed. "I can't." She glowers at me. "Oh?" I chuckle. "It's the rule. No explanations 'till Alby gives the tour. The less Greenies know, the better." She looks down. "Don't fret love," I give her a smile. "Your name and all will come to you soon enough."

"Raine." I raise an eyebrow. "What?" She looks at me. "My name. My name is Raine." I smile at her and offer her my hand. "Name's Newt. Nice to meet you Greenie. Welcome to the Glade." She shakes my hand gently before giving me a strange look. "What is that? Greenie? Glade?" I chuckle. "You'll learn soon enough, love. Soon enough." She offers a small nod before stretching. "Hungry?" I ask her, right as her stomach growled. She gave me a sheepish smile. "Um, maybe a bit."

Raine's POV:

I walked with Newt through the "glade" to go and get lunch. As we were walking, I kept getting multiple stares and gross comments. "Pay them no mind. Shucks haven't seen a girl in a long time. You're the only girl here in fact." I stop dead in my tracks. "I'm the only girl? The rest are guys?" Newt gives a small laugh before nodding. "The one and only. How special you must feel eh Greenie?" I roll my eyes at him. I look at the side of his face and study his features. He had very sharp facial features, brown eyes, and shaggy blonde hair.

I look down at my hands before looking at my arms too. "Hey, Newt?" He looks up at me. "Yes, love?" I awkwardly look away from his eyes. "Can I ask you what I look like at least?" He doesn't answer for a minute. I raise my eyebrows at him. "Well?" He takes a step closer to me. "Well, you have black hair that's really long." I look down at myself. He was right; it was down to my waist in waves. "Your eyes are... Interesting." I feel my stomach drop a bit. "Is that bad?" He chuckles and shakes his head smiling. "No no, nothing of that sort. I've never seen eyes like them." He gets closer to me and peers at my face. "One eye is a crystal blue color, and the other is a hazel color." I raise my eyebrows. "They're different colors?" He nods before reaching up to touch my face. "You have high cheek bones." He touches my cheek gently. "Full lips as well." he adds as he brushes a finger across my bottom lip. I nod slowly. "So, not bad?" He shakes his head. "Not bad at all. Quite beautiful actually." he adds with a smile. I elbow him in the ribs. "Stop that." He starts to laugh. "Bloody hell, Raine. It was just a compliment." I can't help but chuckle as well.

After reaching the mess hall, I was introduced to Frypan who apparently is the "keeper" of the kitchen. Newt dismisses himself, leaving me to find somewhere to sit. I sit as far away from people as I can. As soon as I smell the food, I try to eat as slow as I can. Looking down at my plate of food, I barely noticed someone hovering over me. Finishing my bite of food, I lazily look up to meet a scowling face. I raise my eyebrow at him. "My seat, Greenie. Up. Now." I chuckle and look back down at my food. Was this guy serious? The next moment, my food has been slapped off the table, and flew across the room. With a raised eyebrow, I look up to look at his smirking face. "That was un-nice of you." I comment. His smirk turned into a sneer. "I'm not shuckin' nice. Remove that buggin' look off your face and move from my seat." I wipe my hands casually on my shorts. "Not 'till you say please." The next moment, he whips behind me and picks me up. "What the hell are you doing? Put me down!" I elbow him repeatedly in the back of the head. "Ow! Cut that the shuck out!" We were moving all over the place by now, just to be met by an angry guy with colored skin. "Slim it you two, before you both get thrown in the slammer. Gally, quit trying to save spots." The guy sits me down and I smooth down my shirt. "You must be the Greenie," the guy says to me. "I'm Alby."

"Over there's the gardens. Followed by the Homestead, bloodhouse, and over there is the deadheads." I look around. "Deadheads?" I question. "Graveyard." I swallow. "Oh." People die here? How often and from what? "Listen. We have 3 rules around here. 1, Do your part. 2, Never harm another glader. 3, NEVER leave the glade." I raise my eyebrows at the last part. "Where else is there to go?" He motions to the walls. "That's the maze. Only ones allowed in and out of that thing are runners." I nod slowly. "Why? What's a runner?" Alby lets out an annoyed sigh. "Runners run the maze to map it. It's dangerous, let's leave it at that. Less Greenies know, the better." I sigh. "What is a greenie?" He motions toward me. "You. Greenies are the new shanks the box brings up. That's your name until a new one comes next month." I groan. Awesome.