A/N: Hellooooooooooooo! Do you still know me? It's been a while haha. Life happened. Those of you who follow me on facebook, instagram or twitter probably know most of the stuff ;) (There's a pretty long explanatory post on my facebook page Princess Tiva)
So yeah, this is probably not my best work (SORRY!) but it's a start for my comeback :D It's a two-parter, so the second part will be up tomorrow. Just some random drabble kinda thing. Hope you like it anyway :)
Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS or any of its characters. I just like to play around with them ;)
Summary: "I have time. I have all the time in the world." Even one year later Tony can't quite cope with what happened in Israel and the fact that he's alone on the one year anniversary of leaving Ziva behind. Tiva.
Enjoy reading!

"No, you don't understand. I need to do this," Tony DiNozzo insisted, his voice rising with every word he said.

"I can't allow that, DiNozzo. And you know it," Gibbs said again.

Tony was growing increasingly tired of it. It was the exact same answer Gibbs had been giving him over and over again in the last minutes. And he didn't understand why his boss couldn't just agree. He knew how important this was to him. He couldn't not do it.

"You know why I..," Tony started but Gibbs cut him off: "Yes. And that is the reason why I can't let you do it."

"Gibbs, you don't understand. I just.."

"You just what, DiNozzo? Need to grieve? For someone who isn't dead?"

Tony looked away, shaking his head in anger.

"You need to stay focused. Took you long enough to get here. I will not allow you to take tomorrow off. And I will not change my mind about that."

"There's no way I can work tomorrow."

"See? That's the thing. You need to just focus on work, forget about the damn date. Just focus."

"Right," Tony said angrily before turning on his heel and heading up the stairs of the basement.

"See you tomorrow at work, DiNozzo," Gibbs called after him.

Tony shook his head in anger and stormed out of the house to his car. Once he was inside, he slammed his fists on the steering wheel, screaming all his anger and frustration into the silent night. Why was this so hard? Why couldn't Gibbs just allow him to take the day off and..

Yeah, there was that. He didn't even know what he would be doing if Gibbs did in fact give him the day off. It wasn't like he had anything to do. Except get on a flight to Israel. Which he of course couldn't do. But it was still the only thing on his mind. And that had been the case for almost one year now. Tomorrow was the one year anniversary of his departure from Israel, of leaving Ziva behind.

And where was he now? Nowhere. He was still grieving for someone who wasn't dead as Gibbs had so nicely put it. He was still making up stories about dates as to not make his co-workers think he was some weird person who was longing after someone he knew he could never get back. It was ridiculous. So goddamn ridiculous. But really, there wasn't much he could do. Nothing actually. Nothing at all.

Tony leaned back in his seat and sighed. It was time to go home. To his empty apartment. To nobody. Because Ziva was in Israel. Or God knows where. The only thing he knew for sure was that she wasn't there. And that was what hurt the most. That was what he couldn't get over.

"Get over yourself," he mumbled to himself.

He really needed to get his shit together. Or else everyone at work tomorrow would notice. And that was something he couldn't afford. Ever. He needed to at least appear unaffected. Even if that was the last thing he was.

A/N: I know it's short but as I said, there'll be a part two that will be up tomorrow. Let me know what you think in the reviews section below :)
Love you guys,
~ C.