It's not surprising that most of Dawn Island gets woken up early in the morning everyday because of Someone; a certain female bandit, yelling as loud as they possibly can because of two boys skipping out on their chores again. But, hell. She should be grateful that they at least bring her food. Well, meat, but you get the point.

Of course many of the islanders have tried to figure out who's been yelling every morning over the past seven years, but no one dares to step close to the forest.

Why, being as their's gigantic animals that can and will chew your head off. The biggest reason for M.I.A's, missing in action. Though, they're just animals. Adults these days are just wimps.

Being that two ten year-old twins kick gigantic animal ass.

But, don't be surprised yet. What if you were to be told that they're born from two of the worlds most dangerous criminals?

The worlds most wanted man; Monkey D. Dragon.

The worlds most famous assassin Bloody Rose; Luaine D. Rose.

And they are the boy's parents. The two soon to be known terrorizing twins; Monkey D. Ace and Monkey D. Luffy. However, Ace took his aunts name, so he goes by Portagus D. Ace.

They however aren't identical twins.

Ace has always been a bit taller than Luffy and probably always will, he took after their mother more though besides his body frame which came from his father. His cheekbones are sprinkled lightly with freckles and he has raven colored hair and dark chocolate eyes. And is slightly older than Luffy making him the big brother.

While, Luffy is a bit shorter than Ace; as he takes his height from their mother, as his body frame came from his mother. He has round obsidian eyes, and ebony colored hair.

They are both natural born genius'. They can solve some of the most complex of problems in mere seconds. They are also both natural born fighters. Everywhere from there instincts to how to use a weapon. Even if they had never seen the weapon before just by picking it up they become a pro with it.

And it's obvious who they got the traits from. The mental capacity came from their father and mother. The instincts came from their father. And the weaponry skills came from their mother.

As of right now, the two live with the Dadaan Family Mountain Bandits.

Being that Rose unfortunately died after child birth and Dragon being the leader of the revolutionary army; a place very unfit to raise his sons.

So, the boys were entrusted with Monkey D. Garp his father. Not to mention a marine Vice Admiral. A complete and utter lunatic. And if you don't agree now you will in the future.

To which he entrusted to the Dadaan Family.

And before it's asked; Yes, both Ace and Luffy know who both of their parents are. And Yes, they both know what society thinks about both of them. However, Ace isn't viciously dark to new people. Because he has Luffy. And Luffy has him. A unseperatable pair. Their twins after all.

Not to mention Sabo, their oathed younger brother.

His parents are snotty nobles and are complete and total assholes. And so he ran away from them and met Ace and Luffy while they were on one of their treasure runs and Sabo had helped them hands on. After that they clicked and they all became siblings.

They all dream of becoming pirates so that they can be free.

Sabo wants to learn navigation and make maps of all the islands he goes to with a log book to go with it.

Ace wants to become famous and outlive their parents names. Both of them.

And Luffy. Luffy just doesn't want to be alone and always by Ace. Because life just wouldn't be the same without his brother. It'd be broken. And he doesn't want that.

So, when they set sail Sabo is going to be his own captain. And Ace will be his own captain, while Luffy will be Ace's first mate.

And no matter where they go they'll always be family. Because family sticks together.

For any more information review and I'll do my best to answer.

Are Ace, Luffy, and Sabo going to have a Devil Fruit?

I have decided that; yes Ace and Luffy are definitely going to have one, and I've already decided which ones.

For Sabo I am still undecided on whether or not I'm going to give him one. I will post should I decide.

Any more questions can be asked in the review box and I'll P.M. you to answer. So, long as your not a guest? If not I'll try to incorporate the answer in the story one way or another.