This fanfic is basically ready. It will have 4 chapters and an extra, kind of like an epilogue.

I hope you guys can enjoy it!

Please, review and let me know what you think! If there's someone interested, I can update it once a week ^^

Disclaimer: One Piece belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei!


Chapter I - Attraction

In the beginning, Nami didn't think Luffy made the right decision accepting the Alliance proposed by Trafalgar Law. The man wanted to defy a Yonkou destroying a Shichibukai in the process. How was that supposed to be a good idea? However, she knew better than to believe her captain would say no to that, especially after personally challenging Big Mom for the sake of the Island of the Fishmen.

Why had they been so deeply involved with politics ever since entering the Grand Line? Crocodile and Alabasta, Robin and Enies Lobby, Moria and Kuma, the slavery market at Shaboady and the Tenryuubito… And then, Luffy decided it was okay to invade Impel Down. Nami wasn't sure if it was a good or a bad thing that he was alone when deciding to do it. Would Ace still be alive had the whole Straw Hat Crew intervened on the Battle of the Great? If Chopper had been there, would he be able to heal Luffy's brother?

She knew it was useless to think of such matters, but the imminence of their fight with people more powerful than Shichibukai had her all stressed. And it was all Law's fault. But instead of hating the man, she unexpectedly realized she was increasingly feeling attracted to him.

It all started one night, the weather was calm and she decided to give Franky a break of the steering wheel. She sat alone, staring at the sky glittering with stars. She was so absorbed in the view she barely noticed the steps on the deck, and soon there was someone breathing very close to her neck. Law had stopped behind her, bending a little to look at the Log Pose.

"Is everything alright with our course, Nami-ya?"

She felt a shiver running through her spine. It was almost as if she could feel the movement of his lips on her skin.

"Yeah, the sea is very calm now, so all is going very smoothly. If it stays like this, our trip will be short lived."

"It won't."

"I know, but hope is the last one to die, right?"

He gave her a half smile and walked away.

"Thank you for the hard work."

With that, he went back to wherever it was he decided it was his spot on the Sunny.

After that night, Nami started to notice Law more, trying to understand the reason behind that awfully good shiver she had felt. He was handsome, that was undeniable, but there was also something about his personality that lured her a lot. He was reserved, reasonable and reliable. Three things her male crewmates weren't, but three things that mattered a lot to her, if she were to describe how her perfect partner would be. Sanji was reliable, but his personality was way too much to handle; Zoro was not at all reasonable; Usopp wasn't reliable; Franky was a cyber show-off; and Luffy was a mess. Nami loved all her nakama deeply, but wouldn't go out with any of them - not that she had the time to think about such trivialities being on the Straw Hat Crew.

His voice was also kind of sexy. Especially because of his accent. She also didn't fail to notice how she was the only one she called by first name. Even Chopper he called "Tony". But she was reading too much into it, wasn't she? It was normal that she would feel attracted by him, he was her type, after all. And she did live with the most idiot men of all time. Besides, maybe he just trusted her more than the others, considering she was the one always keeping Sunny out of trouble.

"You seem awfully quiet these days, Nami." Robin said as they prepared to take a few hours of sleep on their secluded room.

"I'm stressed. Still not sure angering DoFlamingo is a good idea. But, if we are to do it, I just wished we arrived at Dressrosa at once, you know? Get done with it as soon as possible."

Robin smirked knowingly.

"Are you sure that's all?"

Nami felt her cheeks blushing furiously. Thank goodness it was too dark for Robin to notice it.

"O-of course I am." She stuttered. "What else could it be?"

But Robin just chuckled and wished her a good night. However, after that, Nami just wasn't able to sleep. She just kept tossing around her mattress until finally deciding it was useless and getting up. She threw a sweater over her short sleeping dress and left the room, going out to the deck.

As she predicted, there was no one there. Maybe Zoro was awake, watching for anything strange in the ocean up in his spot, but he definitely wouldn't go down to talk to her - and she noticed she was indeed craving some company. Sighing, she just rested rested her arms at the board of the ship and looked up, to the cloudy sky. She knew they would dissipate before they were heavy enough dismantle in rain drops, so it was safe to stay outside.

"Can't sleep?"

Law's voice made her jump in surprise.

"Gods, don't sneak on people like that."

He opened a small smirk.


She buffed, but decided it would be no good to pursue the matter. Especially because he was without his hat, which left his messy hair at display, which, in its turn, made him look very sexy.

"No, I can't. Your damn plan is taking away my sleep."

He approached her, mimicking her pose.

"Is that so?"

She rolled her eyes.

"You seem more serious, but you're just like Luffy, aren't you? Recklessly getting into huge troubles just for the fun of it."

He seemed to ponder her words for a second.

"I wouldn't say I'm anything like Mugiwara-ya, but I guess you're right. I like to be able to do whatever I'm up to."

"That's why I never liked pirates in the first place. Shouldn't have let Luffy convince me otherwise. He is always pulling stunts like this, and Robin is the only reasonable person in this crew, but she is always laughing at anything Luffy does. I he wasn't so monstrously strong we would probably be all dead by now."

Law found that confession very amusing. Indeed, in his eyes, Nami was the most interesting figure in the Straw Hat crew, exactly for being more aware of dangers and practical things. He was sure Luffy wouldn't have last a day at sea without her. Still, she considered herself weak - at least if compared with her nakama. It was true she couldn't defeat powerful enemies like Luffy, Zoro and Sanji did, but to Law, her kind of power was much more alluring. She could handle herself just fine in a physical fight, and she was also extremely intelligent and resourceful.

"Shouldn't you be used to it by now?"

"I'm used to it, which doesn't mean I won't complain about it."

Law laughed. A low and dark sound which send shivers through her whole body.

"You are all really amusing. I thought I would want to kill you all after so long, but I guess even I am used to you lot by now."

Nami opened a small smile to him.

"Yeah, he has that effect. Luffy, I mean. He is way too careless to his own good, but somehow, things seem to always work out for him. Well, except for that one time."

Law saw pain crossing her eyes for a moment. Had she seen her captain the way he had seen, Law was certainly she wouldn't be able to handle it.

"Want to have a drink? I sneaked a couple of bottles of sakê from the kitchen before Kuro Ashi-ya locked everything up."

It felt so uncharacteristically of him to ask such a thing… However, Nami found herself craving his company a little. He has gotten under her skin that much, huh? Well, it was definitely the fault of that hot body of his and those laconic looks he always seemed to be giving.

"Sure, why not?"

She followed him to the Aquarium room, where, concluding by the pillow and blanket tossed on the couch, he had been sleeping since getting to the Sunny.

"You didn't want to stay with the others? Their beds are much more comfortable." she stated as she sat down and he started to pour her a dose of sakê.

"Mugiwara-ya and Roronoa-ya snore a lot. And Cyborg-ya talks in his sleep. There is no way I can sleep like that."

And if the purple-ish circles below his eyes were any indication, he normally already had a hard time sleeping.

"Well, I can relate to that." she chuckled.

Sitting more comfortably on the couch, she took a sip of her cup and enjoyed the alcoholic warmth that spread deliciously through her body, crossing her legs so her short dress wouldn't rise to much up her thighs. However, when she looked back to him, another kind of warmth assaulted her body. Those grey eyes were staring darkly at her, especially to the exposed skin of her legs.

Nami took another generous sip of the sakê. She didn't know what to do with that desire that started to build up inside of her. She wanted to show him he could touch her if he wanted to, but what if she was reading it all wrong? What if she had imagined the intensity in those eyes?

When she looked up from her cup again, he had deviated his face away from her, as if he had seen something really interesting on the aquarium behind them. But she couldn't stop thinking how damn sexy he looked without that hat he seemed to love so much.

"Is it the sakê or is it really warm in here?" she wondered aloud, knowing full well how lame of her was to play the 'it's hot in here' card. "Would you mind if I took off my sweater?"

For a moment, Law considering stopping her, but what would he say? How would he justify it? After all, it wasn't as if she was a prude with her day clothes, quite the contrary, actually, but that close… Beneath the red large sweater she had been using, she was wearing a plain white cotton nightgown with spaghetti straps, which let a generous amount of her cleavage showing.

"Nami-ya…" he whispered.

He knew she was used to hanging around her friends with whatever piece of clothing she wanted, that she probably thought it was no big deal, and that's why he should warn her. He should tell her he was uncomfortable with it, or just send her away. He didn't want to do anything she might consider disrespectful, but he had been wanting her for quite sometime now, so it was only right that he warned her off.

"Something bothering you, Law?"

He couldn't remember her ever calling him by his first name before. Usually she just called him by that annoying nickname Luffy had given him, "Trao".

Slowly, he looked back at her. Her untamable attitude had stricken him as the fundamental part of her beauty since the first time he had laid his eyes on her, and now it was all there for him to see, since that small piece of cotton did little to hide it from the scrutiny of his eyes. She had assumed an even more relaxed position on the couch, uncrossing her legs and pulling them up to her side - much like a mermaid would sit.

Nami watched Law carefully. He did want her, right? That look in his eyes, there was no mistaking it. He was still hesitating, though, which made her smile.

"If you want something, you have to act on it, you know?" she teased him. "Or it might never happen…"

Then, it was too much for Law. He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her against him, placing her on his lap. Nami crossed her legs on his back, hugging his lower back with them as he grabbed her firmly by her hair yanking her as he crashed her lips voraciously against hers. Nami responded with need.

"You're not drunk, are you?" he asked, his voice heavy with lust.

If she were, he would stop right away, even if it would be an immense torture on him, with all that desire accumulating inside of him. If he were to have sex with such an espectacular woman, he wanted her to remember everything in the following morning. He would want her to crave him more and more, and not just forget everything.

Nami chuckled.

"As if a couple of sips could have such an effect on me. It takes much more than some bottles to get me drunk."

Satisfied with that answer, a sly grin spread through his face.

"Good to know, Nami-ya."

Oh, gods, when he said her name like that…

Law kissed her again, demanding every bit of her mouth to himself. Nami gave in, enjoying the strong grips of his hand on her hair and her waist. That hunger on him was just blissful. She loved how he didn't treat her as if she was a porcelain doll that could break at any moment - something Sanji had done. Yes, she had let him touch her once, just after the Thriller Bark incident, just a make out session, though. And it was awful. He was really caring, but that was it. He touched her as if he was afraid he could hurt her.

Law wasn't.

His mouth descended to the exposed skin on her neck, kissing, sucking, biting and licking it. Certainly she would wake up full of purple bruises. And she didn't care. Actually, she felt thrilled.

Letting her hands slide from his shoulders to his chest, she found the hem of his shirt and removed it swiftly. He had just the right amount of defined muscles, and all those tattoos just made him look even sexier. Nami hummed in approval, running her fingers through it, playfully pinching his nipples.

Smirking, he mimicked her action, earning a soft moan from her. He flattened his hands on both her breaths and squeezed them just a little too roughly, this time earning a louder moan.

"Your friends will be able to hear you, Nami-ya." he whispered seductively.

She wished she could retort with a 'I don't care', but of course she did. Luffy probably wouldn't really know what was going on, Sanji would be furious, Brook would be too entertained to say anything and Robin would chuckle. And they wouldn't let her ever hear the end of it - especially Zoro, with his acid sarcasm.

Law laughed internally of the conflict showing so obviously on her face. He kissed the frown that formed between her eyebrows and took the chance to remove her nightgown. Underneath it, she was wearing just a ridiculous small piece of underwear, which was already damp with her arousal.

Nami enjoyed thoroughly the look in his eyes as he visually devoured her. It felt wonderful to be wanted by a real man, one that wasn't a declared pervert or flirter, a normal man who wasn't always wearing his desire on his sleeve.

Getting closer to him, she delicately shook her hips, giving just the right amount of friction for Law to groan. His erection was already quite visible on his pajama pants. She raised herself, using the back of the sofa as support, just enough so he could take it away. She wasn't surprised to see he was wearing nothing underneath.

Taking advantage of her position, Law ran a finger through her wet panties. He watched as she closed her eyes and let a low sigh escape her lips. He helped her take the garment off and she sat back on his lap, engulfing him inside her in the process.

This time, moans escaped from both their mouths.

Nami moved in a rhythmic pace, going up and down smoothly, enjoying every bit of his length inside of her, making sure it hit all the right spots. Law just held her firmly by the waist, assisting her in her cadenced moves, enjoying all the marvelous sensations that were slowly spreading throughout his body.

Nami kissed Law hard to hide her moans when she orgasmed. As he passionately kissed her back, he took the chance to change their positions, lying her on the couch and thrusting deep inside of her. A brand new wave of pleasure assaulted Nami barely after the first one had faded away. She pulled her legs up to his shoulders, granting him complete access to whatever part of her he wanted.

"Law…" she half whispered, half moaned.

He buried his teeth on her shoulder, trying to muffle the groans and moans there were eager to leave his throat.

They came together in mindblowing pleasure. Law crashed in the couch beside her, bringing her closer on a cuddle. He softly kissed the bruise his teeth had left on her shoulder.

"I've got an ointment that can erase this in a second, if you want it."

Nami took a deep breath and smiled, feeling completely satisfied.

"Nah, just let it heal by itself. I won't die because of it."

She felt the ends of his lips curling to a grin through her skin.

"We should try this in an actual bed sometime."

"I totally agree."

She enjoyed a couple more minutes in his arms before sitting up.

"I should get back to my room, the morning is probably near."

"I can help you there if you want."

She caught her clothing and put them all back on.

"Then, send me to the bathroom please."

Law got up, kissed her one last time and said:


An icy feeling assaulted her as the dome surrounded them.


She blinked, and then found herself in the bathroom. It was a very useful ability, that one he had.

Smiling to herself, she filled the bathtub with bubbles and warm water and immersed on it. The sun soon bathed her with its shining glory.