Chapter 1 End of Spring Term 2014

Caroline sat and stretched her shoulders back to relieve the pain in her aching muscles, berating herself for not following the Display Screen Equipment rules by taking regular breaks from her computer. But today she was a lady on a mission, to clear her desk ready for the three weeks of Easter holidays and, glory be, a further two weeks of parental leave if the baby arrived on time. She glanced at her desk clock – Caroline had promised Kate that she would be ready to head home from Sulgrave by 4.30. She knew how tired Kate would be. Apart from the physical tiredness it had also been an emotional day with both staff and pupils presenting Kate with presents and cards. She was a very popular teacher and the language students were particularly sad that Kate would not be with them next term as they faced exam time.

"Why do they use the expression square eyes?" she said into the ether. "They feel more like multi- faceted stars scratching their way out of my eye sockets!" Caroline forced herself back to her desk and the workload remaining. 2.15 p.m.

Caroline set to with her customary vengeance. Three pre-appraisal forms filled in and e-mailed to the appropriate members of staff for their completion so they would be ready for the appraisal meetings when she returned to work. Done. She gave herself a pat on the back. 4.20p.m. She smiled widely and turned off the computer. She had two confidential documents to file and she would be ready to leave.

Caroline was bending down in front of the filing cabinet as soft hands began to caress her bottom. She bit her lip and stopped herself from calling out. The loving caresses continued as Caroline spoke:

"Gavin. You really must stop that. My gorgeous, JEALOUS fiancée will be here any minute and I would not want you to have to answer to her." She smiled as Kate grabbed her around the waist.

"How did you manage not to jump?" giggled Kate. "You must have seen me coming. Do you have eyes in the back of your head?"

"Oh Kate I'm pleased to say that I always see you coming!" Caroline turned around to envelope Kate into a hug as they both dissolved into laughter, with Kate playfully smacking Caroline's arm.

"Seriously, Caroline, how did you know I was even in your office?"

"Kate, if I was going to give you the romantic response that would be seen in Mills and Boon novels I would say that I sense your presence telepathically through our hearts, if that's not a contradiction in terms, or some such romanticism but the truth of the matter is that I have the most efficient P.A. known to the world of education. She polishes the metal handles on the filing cabinet until they shine like the stars. The contract cleaners are allowed nowhere near Beverley's office or mine. God knows when she manages to do it – I have never seen her with a duster or a vacuum cleaner but I would swear an oath that there's not one speck of dust to be seen. I could see your reflection as you entered the office!"

The lovers continued their silent embrace for some minutes until they were disturbed by a knock at the door. It had been some months since Beverley realised she could not walk into Caroline's office without knocking and pausing, if Kate was there, even if the door was ajar. She was very supportive of the couple but there was only so much displayed passion that she could cope with!

"Caroline, Kate. Sorry to disturb you but I have Felicity Thomas in my office. She has been at the hospital all day after breaking some toes on her way to school this morning and she is anxious to see Kate."

Kate and Caroline drew apart as Caroline indicated to Beverley that she should show Felicity in. A pale-looking year 7 student hobbled into the room. She brightened up when she saw Kate's welcoming smile. Felicity mumbled about being in such a hurry to get out of her front door this morning that she had fallen down several steps and knocked a concrete plant pot onto her right foot. She shyly presented Kate with a present, explaining that the junior girls' choir had wanted to buy the baby something applicable to the givers. Felicity encouraged Kate to open the wrapping, which she did to find a musical cot mobile. Kate and Caroline thanked Felicity and told her to take more care in future, as Beverley helped her out of the office.

"I am off now" Beverley called over her shoulder. "I will see you two on Sunday. I'm spending tomorrow getting myself glamorous for Sulgrave's wedding of the century!"

Caroline locked the various cupboards and drawers while Kate perched on the edge of the easy chair, taking her shoes off and rubbing her swollen feet and ankles. Caroline watched out of the corner of her eye. Kate had done extremely well to keep working up to the 38th week of her pregnancy and didn't appreciate being treated like an invalid.

"Right, let's get home Kate. I am tired. These last few months have been manic. We've sold two houses and bought our home. Now we are about to get married. We have a very busy day tomorrow and an even busier day on Sunday. We'll hardly have time to stop for breath. When you said you wanted to work until the Easter holidays I had forgotten it's quite a late Easter this year. 38 weeks! It's cutting it very fine! However did we think that we could fit in a wedding as well?"

"Stop panicking out loud, Caroline. You are meant to be the calming influence. It will be me reassuring you in the labour ward at this rate! Anyway, there's something we need to do before we go home." She picked up the present that Felicity had given her, turned the dial as she stood and held out her left hand to Caroline as Brahms' Lullaby filled the air. "Do you want to dance?"

"Is this like …forever?" said her fiancée.

"No Caroline this is not 'like' forever. It is forever. Me and you."

They swayed together as Kate lifted Caroline's chin so that they could exchange a slow and loving kiss which continued after the lullaby had finished. Their thoughts were cast back to that moment just under three months before when they shared a kiss on Christmas Eve….