Oh, hi! My name is Anna! If you haven't already guessed, I am super hyper. Sorry if that annoys you. Anyways I guess I should tell you a little about me. See that little redhead next to that platinum blonde girl? Yeah, that's me. That blonde is my sister. We have been through a lot, and I thought I could tell you guys our story. Now where to start...

13 Years Ago...

"Anna!" someone pounces on me. Is it the boogy man?! Elsa told me if you don't put a sock on your bed the boogy man will eat you! Did I forget to put a sock on my bed?! I don't want to be eaten!

The person bounces on me again. "Oof!" I groan. I let out a huge gush of air as the person jabs me in the ribcage. I open my eyes, and I see Elsa staring goofily down at me. Her braid swings right in front of my nose. Don't sneeze! Don't sneeze! "AAACHOOOO!" I sneeze.

Elsa laughs, and she collapses on me. "Elsa get off!" I whine as I feel myself get squished. She giggles, "You sound so cute when you sneeze! Your face scrunches up, and you mutter under your breath 'don't sneeze'!"

I feel my face get really red. Why couldn't the boogy monster eat me now? I continue to scramble under Elsa, and I collapse onto our bedroom floor. I stay there, and Elsa leans her head down off the bed.

"You okay, Anna?" Elsa giggles. "My faceth landed on the floor," I say to the floor. Elsa laughs, and she helps me get up. "Race you to breakfast!" I scream.

I race out of our bedroom down the stairs, and I hear Elsa behind me. I scramble around the corner, and I knock into the dog. "Sorry Olaf!" I yell behind my shoulder. Elsa is right behind me! "It's not nice to run into the dog," she teases. Elsa speeds up. Oh no you don't! She's not gonna beat me today!

"Chocolate chip pancakes for the winner!" Mama yells from the kitchen. Chocolate? This just got real. I run even faster, and I hear Elsa coming up beside me. The kitchen is right ahead! Just gotta best Elsa!

"FOR CHOCOLATE!" I scream. I bunch up my tiny legs and leap. I fall onto the floor on my belly, sliding towards the kitchen. Elsa is running right beside me, and I stretch out my hand. Almost got it... YES!

"Aww..." Elsa pouts. I giggle and jump off the floor. "Elsa, we can share the pancakes!" I tell her happily. Elsa has the chocolate face on... Oh no... "REALLY?!" Elsa shouts excitedly. I giggle and nod. Who would believe I was the younger one?

Oh yeah, I'm seven. I guess that is something I should've mentioned! Sorry, my brain is pretty scattered! So yeah, you might wonder how old Elsa is. Well she is... Uh... Hang on... Come on, Anna! One, two, three... Aha! Elsa's ten!

Elsa grabs my hand, and we run over to the table. I scramble up my chair, and Elsa sits on hers. Mama puts the pancakes in front of us. I start gobbling them down, and Elsa does the same thing.

After we finish destroying the best food ever, Elsa bursts out in laughter. "What?" I ask. Elsa giggles, "You have chocolate ALL over your face!" I blush and quickly start trying to lick it off. No way is a napkin gonna take away my chocolate heaven!

Elsa giggles, and then she says, "All the chocolate is gone, Anna." I pout. No more chocolate? I smile, getting an idea. I grab Elsa's hand, and I drag her to our bedroom. "Come on! Come on!" I tell her excitedly.

We finally reach our bedroom, and I drag Elsa onto my bed. I smile, and she looks at me questioningly. "Elsa, want to play dress up?" I ask her happily. Elsa gasps and nods her head excitedly. "Let's do it!" Elsa says energetically.

"And Elsa comes out in her five inch heels with a feathery hat," I say. "Judge, what do you think?" Olaf barks happily next to me, and I giggle. Elsa smiles and poses in the runway. I smile and clap. Elsa bows and giggles as her feathery hat falls over her face.

Olaf jumps off the bed and grabs the hat. "Olaf! No! That isn't a bird!" we say through our laughter. We chase Olaf around, our poor hat being dragged with Olaf. After we finally catch Olaf, we lay down on our bedroom floor.

Elsa pants, "Olaf... Is... A... Really... Quick... Dog..." I laugh breathlessly and say, "I think someone needs to lay off the chocolate!" Elsa sprawls across me and I wheeze under her weight. "Elsa! Get off!" I gasp. Elsa smirks, "Not until you say you were wrong!" I giggle, "You were wrong." Elsa frowns, "No, you are sup- AAAH ANNA!" I leap on top of her and tickle her.

"Is it a tickle fight you want?" she wheezes once she gets away from ym tickling wrath. I smile and outstretch my hand in a cheesy 'bring it on' motion. She smirks, and the tickle fight commences.

After a long tickle fight, Elsa and I collapse on our fluffy carpet. Yes, you heard me right. WE HAVE A FLUFFY CARPET! I bet you all are jealous! No? Well I would be! Elsa and I stay sprawled out on the floor for a while without saying anything.

Finally, Elsa breaks the silence, "Anna?" I look over at her. "Hmm?" I ask. She sighs and smiles, "Don't you wish that it could always be like this?" I smile at her, "Of course I do." Elsa sighs and grabs my hand. I smile at her, and she smiles back at me.

Elsa looks like she is getting lost in her thoughts. I get up and sit next to Elsa. She looks at me questioningly. I wrap my arms around her neck, and she hugs me back tightly. "Everyone needs a warm hug," I say softly to Elsa. She nods into my shoulder, and I smile, treasuring moments like these forever.

A/N: So... What did you think? Good? Bad? Tell me in the reviews, and I need a cover art so anyone willing to get one please tell me! Thanks and make sure to hit that follow/favorite! Stay awesome, and I hope you stay for the next chapter!
