Hello, and welcome to 'The Agency,' this story is about Percy being an Agent for a secret organisation called Olympus, he is assigned to watch over Luke and Ethan, minions of Kronos, who deals in drug, weaponry and prostitution of women deals. Annabeth is an innocent bystander who is dating Luke and knows nothing of his double life. Nico is Percy's partner but they both prefer to work alone. Can they find a way to work as a team? Will Love conquer all and break the barriers of Percy and Nico that the Agency has maintained with since the day they were born? Will Annabeth and Percy get together? Will Nico and Thalia get together? There is only one way to find out. You are all extremely lucky that this is here, my computer broke yesterday and all of my college, stories and everything else is on that laptop. Dad got me a new one today thankfully so here is chapter one! Enjoy and Review. Arcmelos

Chapter One - Percy -

I stood in the firing range like I did every day in the afternoon. It was a hot Sunday afternoon and I had just finished my training in the gym with Beckendorf. I was using my ear muffs and goggles accordingly as I shot the head, heart and lungs of the moving metal targets with my bronze Desert Eagle. I smiled at my perfect aim, and released the empty magazine from the slot and placing it in my leather holster, on the other side my .357 magnum revolver hung from my hip. I removed my ear muffs to hear the sound of slow clapping. I turned, removing the protective glasses and smiled as I saw my mentor, Chiron, standing behind grinning.

"Well done. Well done, Perseus. You are improving each time I see you." He smiled.

I winced at my full name, I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Percy Jackson and I am 17 years old. I work at a Secret Agency called Olympus, as all of the chairman make up 13 high and mighty 'gods' as they liked to be called. Probably because they are like the modern day gods of Olympus from Greek Mythology. They all share their names to hide their true identity. My father, Poseidon, is one of the founders to Olympus along with Hades, Nico's father who is a friend of mine, and Zeus. My mother, Sally Jackson, is the most kind and generous person you would ever meet. Where she's in the agency too I hardly see my parents, and it does hurt sometimes being cut off from them, but we always see each other in the cafeteria where we all sit with our family on to the big three, their descriptions are as how you would expect with their names, each controls a certain aspect in the Agency. Zeus controls the air traffic within the agency, helicopters, planes, UAVs anything to do with the sky belongs to him. Poseidon controls the sea, the Seals, subs, boats again anything and everything with the water. Hades subject consists of him dealing with all the things underground. Scouting routes, underground Missile control, bunkers, mines and such. The rest have jobs as, medics, ground support, battle strategy, blacksmith/weapons forger and more.

"Thanks Chiron, I learnt from the best." I returned the smile as he patted my shoulder.

"And a fine shooter I have made of you." He wrapped his arm around me and began walking towards his office as he spoke.

"Now you have an assignment, following up on some leads to stop Kronos for good." I nodded for him to continue.

We entered his large office, and he pulled his white leather office chair back. Bit of an odd colour for an office chair but I shrugged it off as my ADHD side of me started kicking in. I pulled out the other white leather office chair and sat opposite him, my leg bouncing.

"Now, we have taught you what we can here but it is time for you to start high school. You will be attending Goode High as you scout out and watch over two targets."

He handed me a file with pictures inside the sleeve showing a teenage boy, around my age, with bleach blonde hair and a scar running down the side of his face. He had sparkling blue eyes, but it wasn't the thing I was meant to be concentrating on. He was giving another teenager, an asian boy with an... Eye patch? Little strange. Luke was handing him a package. They were in broad daylight, but to many people were rushing past to notice.

"You are to watch over them and to keep your identity a secret. Now, they will know what you look like in your gear as well as your code name but they do not know your full name. Along with Nico-"

I cut him off, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Nico?" I asked surprised. Sure we are friends but we never work together. We like to work on our own, and Chiron knows that.

Chiron caught on with my thoughts, "You need two people watching them, get close to them. Listen to them, try to get in on some of their deals, when offered. Then when the time is right to strike, we will." I nodded in thought. That made sense.

Chiron, gave me a slip of paper with the address of the safe house on and wished me luck as I walked to the door to see Nico standing outside. A sullen look on his face like always, "Hey Perce." He greeted.

I smiled and nodded, "Hey. We better get ready. I assume you know?" I raised a questioning eyebrow.

He nodded and we strolled over to our dorm where we stayed when we weren't on assignments or training. I packed up my stuff I needed into a duffle bag, clothes. Check. M4 Carbine and spare magazines and bullets for my pistols. Check. Nico glanced up and scoffed at me. I shrugged and pulled out Riptide from the side of my thigh. It was my Dads old 15 inch combat bowie knife he used in one of his assignments years ago. It was bronze with a trident etched into the blade, the blade itself, still as sharp as cut throat razor after so many years. I placed it back in its sheath and placed it on top of the M4 under the clothes. I packed my shaver, shaving foam and tooth brush and zipped up the bag. I walked into the bathroom to have a quick shower, and returned fully dressed. I slipped on my leather jacket as Nico did the same, and adjusted my drying mess of raven black pulled on our black Ray Bans and exchanged a look at our room we wouldn't be seeing for a while.

We picked up our ready packed backpack and slung them onto our shoulders, duffle bags in hand. We stepped out into the large gleaming white garage where all the agents vehicles were. I walked over to my midnight black mustang GT, Blackjack, and Nico walked over to his Harley. He kicked started the bike as I started the engine. The two of us started on our way to the safe house, ready for what awaits the next day.