Living through Memories

Chapter: Dae-Man & Eomma

by deadkitty1

Aish! This is not good. Plus the blood isn't stopping either.

"Dae-Man! You really got yourself good!" laughs one of the men.

I try to turn around to get a better look at the cut but that only made it sting really bad. I cough out a moan and hold back the few tears that threaten to come out from the pain. Ooh... I only wanted to show them a flip, a simple flip. The people in the restaurant were really interested. They even clapped! How was I to know someone on the other side of the room was showing off their sword at the exact same time?! I'm usually the one in charge of showing off!

Vice Captain halts the laughter and starts heading towards me. I'm in trouble now. He grabs the back of my shirt roughly, ripping it even more. I hold back a whine. I liked this shirt. I try to turn quickly to stop him but that only makes the wound sting more. He nudges me suddenly on the back of the head with a grunt.

"Ya! Who told you to move? Stay there. I'll go get a doctor," he orders.

That's not good! I didn't know it was that bad. It felt bad but it shouldn't be that bad!

"Vice Captain!" I panic, "How bad is it?!"

He doesn't say anything. That's when I notice the talking stops. It's quiet. The atmosphere drops down and a lump in my stomach forms, getting heavier and heavier as the seconds go by.

"What's going on here?!" barks the only voice everyone in this room should be familiar with. I flinch. He doesn't sound happy. He's always moody after coming back from that spot. I knew we should've brought him some food earlier.

As I lift my head to face his anger, while thinking of ways to not make it any worst, I notice someone else hovering right behind him. I can't tell who it is, but I could've sworn that person laughed.

He goes directly to the problem, me. I can feel the sweat trickle on the back of my neck and before I knew it, the guy that cut me starts blathering away.

"Daejang! I was just polishing my sword when Dae-Man came out of nowhere. He just starts flipping all over the place with no thought! He's lucky he didn't get hurt any worst than this. Honestly, you know I'm always telling him to watch himself."

I stare at the Deok-Man in shock. This rascal! How dare he look down on me! I kick him hard on the leg as he falls down hard. The idiot!

"Aish! Tell the truth! You were waving that sword around like a maniac! You're the one that should know better than to take out a weapon inside public! Who cares about your story on the battlefield?!" I burn with anger. This punk wants to mess with me? He is messing with the wrong guy.

"Why I aught to! Ya! I-I didn't do anything wrong! You came at me!"

"Ha! Came at you? Came at you?! I'm the one bleeding!"

"Stop it!"

I blink at the command, looking at the person behind the general. The person walks pass Deok-Man, who gives the person a confused look, and steps right in front of me. This person is strange. It takes a lot of guts to interrupt us soldiers, especially with our General in the room. That's when I notice the hair. It's red. The person drops their hat and immediately I know who this person is. This is a miracle!

"H-High" I stumble.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing arguing with a wound like that on your back! Sit down! Cloth. I need cloth and a needle and thread! Hurry!" she orders as she rushes to my back.


"Look at you dripping blood on the floor! Dae-Man! You should know better! At least it's not so bad. Good thing I have some disinfectant with me. Oh! But these scars... So many. You need to remember to always get treatment so it'll heal more nicely. You need to take better care of your body. You only have one, you know-"

"High Doctor!" I exclaim.

I reach in without thinking and hug her. The High Doctor. After all these years! She's back! I can't believe it and she smells so good! My happiness is short-lived when I remember Daejang is standing right there. Just as I start to pull out, she hugs me right back and I freeze from her touch.

"I missed you too," she whispers and the butterflies in my stomach start flapping their wings yet again.

"Dae-Man. Just who do you think you're touching right now?" growls our commander.

We both let go and I bow my head to the floor, scared to make eye-contact.

"Imja, let's go. He's fine," he said coldly.

"Daejang!" I whine now regretting what I did. I couldn't help it. I was just so happy and she can't just leave after I just saw her!

"No. I cannot leave a patient unattended. What kind of doctor would I be if I did that?" she said and goes back to treating my back. Then she sees Deok-Man and her smile becomes bigger. "Ah! Deok-Man! Thank you! You look so much more handsome the last time I saw you! The ladies must be nuts for you!"

She receives the supplies she mentioned earlier from him and he can barely hide his smile from High Doctor's compliment. I smirk at the guy and I can feel my anger going away.

"Aish! What are you doing?!" the general yells at Deok-Man while he flashes the High Doctor a similar glare.

"But Daejang! She said to get them and she can't treat Dae-Man without it."

"Idiot! She just came back! Why aren't you getting a doctor?"

"I thought Vice Captain was getting the doctor..."

He flashes a look at the Vice Captain who was still in the restaurant watching the whole scene with an amused expression but straightens his composure when the General looks right at him.

Daejang's only concerned. He should be. I guess it is only right High Doctor should rest after she just came back. She must have been through a lot but High Doctor never was able to sit still if something like this were to happen, especially to one of Daejang's men.

"Vice Captain. Where is the doctor?" Daejang hisses.

"Dae-Daejang! I though- Well since she's uh- High Doctor is-And then we don't- You see," Vice Captain stumbles hardly getting a sentence out.

Daejang points at the soldiers with the wrinkles in his head getting deeper, "You go fetch a doctor now. You get two horses. You-"

"Shut up!" High Doctor frowns in annoyance, "There's too much noise. I can't concentrate."

The general's eyes grow red and I was scared for the High Doctor. This is not good. Not good at all! Plus all of this is happening because of me! I gotta fix this.

"It-It's okay," I stutter. Great! I'm stuttering again! Just when I thought I lost it. Now I can hardly control my mouth. "High Doctor. You-you should rest. I-I'll go to another-"

She pushes me down back on the chair with a gentle but firm hand. "Sit down."

"Yes, High Doctor," I reply obediently.

Well, so much for that. I can see everyone else growing uneasy and confused. It's honestly been a while since the whole Woodalchi have been thrown into a chaos such as this. It's crazy but it's a familiar kind of crazy. One that I've missed and I'm sure the rest of the gang shares the same sentiments.

"Imja," Daejang warns. I know he's holding back on his temper but barely.

High Doctor only smiles and turns up to look at him. "Daejang-nim? May I continue to treat my patient in silence please?"

Everyone looks at each other with confused expressions wondering how this scene is gonna turn out. His irritated scowl slowly disappears into a sigh. Straightening his stand, he steps directly in front of her with his military command

"Eun Soo!" He calls out.

"Yes! Daejang-nim!" she answers seriously.

"Heal Dae-Man."

"Yes! Daejang!" she answers and gives a little salute.

"Then afterwards...," he comes closer and whispers in her ear.

She gets taken aback and her cheeks glow bright but she answers quietly all the same. "Yes. Daejang."

He takes a step back and I can see the smile he has is a different one. It's almost like the one he gets when he's about to slice off an enemy. Now I'm really worried about High Doctor. Daejang's anger can be really scary once he gets into it. Who knows what he'll do to her! He goes over and sits on one of the booths and orders something to eat. High Doctor mumbles something under her breath and even though she's not blushing anymore, she still looks troubled.

High Doctor goes to work on my back, warning me that fixing it might be painful. Pain is something I can deal with. Daejang's look over there is another story. I can hear the rest of the Woodalchi start to talk again but not as loud or rambunctious as before. I wonder if maybe I can help the High Doctor in someway so she won't be in trouble with the General. Considering she just came back, it would be a bad start on their relationship plus the General would take out his bad mood on us and that would just be bad for everybody.

"High Doctor?" I whisper as inconspicuously as possible.


"Are you okay?"

"Of course! Why would you say that?" she asks in an agreeable tone.

"When Daejang whispered in your ear, you looked scared," I said out of concern.

"I'm fine. It's nothing," she confirms but something in her voice says otherwise.

"What did Daejang say? Do you need help? I can- Ah AH!" I groan, feeling the prick dig in unpleasantly into my skin.

"Oh! Dae-Man! Sorry! I told you it might be painful. Just bare with it." she said so with a smile.

Her smile is awkward and it makes me a little scared to bring up the subject again but I do so anyway.

"Okay... but what did Daejang order you to- Yeowch!" I almost scream.

"Ah! Sorry! Sorry! Is it that painful? I wouldn't want you to pass out. Maybe I should get some anesthesia. Put you under. You know since it's so hard to concentrate when you're talking and asking me unnecessary questions," she warns and oddly she sounds just as scary as Daejang when she said that.

"Ye-yes. High Doctor."

She eventually stops stitching and then as she was cleaning the wound, she leans in close to my ear and I can feel her breath tickle the back of my neck.

"Dae-Man. There wouldn't be a burlap sack lying around here, would there?" she asks intently.

I think about it for a moment before answering, "Sack. I don't know. Maybe. We're in a restaurant so they should have one."

She sighs angrily at my answer as she starts talking away, "Great. A sack. A stupid sack. He wouldn't dare put me in one, would he? No. No way! Never! I'll kick him across the head if he even tries. Just who does he think he is?! Okay maybe telling him to shut up wasn't such a great thing but I was just joking. Joke. Who doesn't get a joke? Of course someone like him wouldn't."

"Done?" Daejang calls from the other side.

She stands up and points her finger in irritation. "Ya! Choi Young! Just see here! Just because I haven't seen you for years doesn't mean you get the right to-"

He thrusts a bag of mandu buns in her view and asks pleasantly, "Ready to go?"

Daejang lacks that fire earlier in his eyes and I now notice it's more playful than anything dangerous. High Doctor also seems to have noticed and the sudden anger disappears to match his calm stance. She almost grabs the opportunity but stops midway.

"Ah. But!" she then comes back to me remembering something, "Dae-Man. Remember not to stress out your back and try not to move too much or the stitching might tear. You need to take it easy for a couple of days. No crazy flipping or stunts. I'll come now and then to replace the bandage so it won't get infected, okay?"

"Imja, you'll be busy. Someone else will do it," the General announces.


"Dae-Man. Do you need the High Doctor to come and change your bandages?" he asks and his eyes told me the answer I should give.

High Doctor tilts her head as she anticipates my words. I can feel the rest of the men also give into the stare down.

I pass off my nervousness with a laugh, hoping it was a genuine one.

"I'll be alright! I can easily do this by myself. I'll be fine!" I assure her and just when she looks unsure I add, "And I'll go see the Royal Doctor if I really need any help."

Daejang and High Doctor seems satisfied with my answer. With one last smile at me, she turns back to him and grabs a hold of his sleeve heading towards the door. He halts for a second and shakes her grip off his clothing. She gives him a confused look and a flash of hurt until he grasps her hand into his leaving the rest of us speechless.

"Let's go," he said and walks out of the restaurant holding her hand.

"Dae-Man. Can you believe it?" Deok-Man says softly as if saying it out loud would make what just happen disappear. "Was that really...? And did they just do what I think they did?"

He makes a motion of holding his hands and then points out the door. I nod brightly with a huge grin staring back at the door. She's back! I knew she'd be back. Daejang always brings her back.


Two years later in the present time: 2014

"Yeobo! Hurry! The new drama will start soon!" I yell from the living room while getting the snacks ready.

"Just a minute!" he answers.

I sigh, not at all surprised. After dinner he always spends so much time in the bathroom. I need to schedule a checkup with the doctor. A colon test should do it or it can be something in his stomach. I keep telling him to watch what he eats at work. These bodies we have aren't as young and spry as the first time we met each other.

The television flashes after a commercial and my heart skips a beat. It's starting. It's starting!

"Yeobo! It's gonna start! Come on!" I call out but all I hear is a grunt.

My smile falls away as I see it's nothing more than a news reel. Something about a family donating letters written by a Queen in the Goryeo Dynasty. It must be really old. Amazing at what people can covet after all these years only for it to show now. These letters must be something precious to be kept away from the public eye for so long. It reports that the previous owners kept them through generations after generations and it has become a family heirloom. They're only lending it to a museum for a limited time as a wish from a granddaughter who hopes the letters reach the hearts of the people. How kind. The museum doesn't seem that far away either.

Well, I hope this news finishes up quick. It's the premier of Rain's new drama and I've been waiting for it for so long! The Queen's letters can go on another channel for all I care.

The letters keep flashing across the scene but it makes little sense to me since it's mostly in Chinese characters. The news goes on and on and on. Something about the letters being addressed to the Queen's mother but the difference is that these letters are unsent. How strange. To be able to write a letter to your parents and not send it. Or maybe the Queen wasn't able to send them. Just as the thought enters my head the news reports on a bunch of theories about the unsent letters. One was because of the King's ill relationship with China that he didn't want his wife to correspond with the enemy. Ah but to not be able to communicate with your own mother even from a different country is unbelievable!

Suddenly, I grow mad at the thought. It must be the King's fault. He probably wouldn't want his wife corroborating with the enemy. Women back then had little to no freedom and even if she's a Queen, her husband still controls her. Good thing I taught my Eun Soo to be – My smile turns to a frown at the thought of her. Eun Soo. My daughter. Where could she be?

"I'm alright."

I look up back at the news and turn up the volume. "I'm alright" is written in each single letter from the Queen. She also keeps mentioning a woman assumed to be one of the Queen's hand maidens or even a court lady. Eun Soo.

"Eun Soo is alright. Mom. Yoo Eun Soo is alright."

I drop the remote, hardly believing the words written on the screen. That woman. Eun Soo. It can't possibly be... No. It's a coincidence! Still something in my heart said otherwise and I couldn't turn away or force myself to change the channel.

A translator comes in and translates one of the letters. The beginning mentions a lot about the Queen, her life, the palace but then she ends it with "Eun Soo is alright and she misses your potatoes." My potatoes! Those were her favorite! They were also the last meal I sent her when she was sick. It just can't be! How?!

Another woman comes out and does a long introduction about holding a piece of jewelry that the Queen might have worn. A man immediately comes in and dismisses the claim. His face. I know that face. I never forget a face... It's dismissed as a fake but they still keep talking about it as something of importance. I find myself wanting to see it myself. One more clue of this Eun Soo. This Eun Soo that sounds so much like my daughter.

They take it out in a small box and the camera zooms in real close, not missing a beat. I raise a hand to my face and the tears stream out in shock. A blue necklace. The blue necklace Eun Soo got as a gift from her father and me. It's one of a kind. There is no other yet there it is. Clean with a bit of past to tell. As if it has been worn for over a thousand years or more. How can this be?!

My memory flashes back to the interrogation, police reports, and chaos of that first year she got kidnapped. A lot of people came and went with confusing information and even more useless information one after another. A strange man in old warrior armor with a real sword. Ancient words. Electric powers. Magic. Cutting a man down and forcing my daughter to save him. Save him she did.

Then the talks. So many voices and faces run in my head but I remember that man. I recognize his face distinctly because of what he said about my daughter. He said she's wrapped up in something bigger than she may realize. He said her missing is of little consequence than her actually being taken to the place that kidnapper went. Is it because that place she was taken to was from the past? A place in which neither I nor anyone knows where of but I felt that man knew. He still knows. When I asked for the police to find this man, they said he didn't exist. The name he gave me is a fake. The authorities told me not to take his words seriously. That he was probably a nut looking for attention. Well, he got it. He got my attention.

Pocket watch. I see him open it briefly on the screen of the TV. He still has it. It is him. If he's that expert on "denying" the age of that necklace, my Eun Soo's necklace, then what other clue is this other than it's true. That necklace did exist years and years ago. I knew he was hiding things. His eyes cannot lie and those eyes are not too easily forgotten.

I fall on my knees in disbelief. That nurse said Eun Soo appeared after her kidnapping in clothes that looked like something someone would wear in the past. Like the Goryeo Dynasty? The only things she packed were the things on her desk and medical supplies. On her desk is that necklace. She took it with her. She barely wore it, only on special occasions. Yet it appears with letters from a Queen in the past with her name written on it saying she's alright?

Days and months of that kidnapper in the registry and even his face flashing on the television with nobody recognizing him at all. No identification. Maybe it's because he didn't exist from here. That he really is somebody from another time. Did he take my daughter there? Where she cannot return? He had such strange powers. There's no way he could be from this world... or at least from this time?

The tears continue to flow through my face nonstop in disbelief from piecing together this puzzle. I've always wondered where she could've gone. Deep in my heart, I knew she had to still be alive. That kidnapper was protecting her. I watched it so many times feeling reassured this man may at least keep her alive. But to be alive in a different place? A different time? In the past? It's just impossible. It can't be. Why her? Why my daughter?!

I shake my head in confusion but the letters and the necklace still remain clear. They continue to be displayed on the television reminding me. And her words. I'm alright. So much doubts and questions circle my head, each one straining and wanting to be heard. The answers are out of reach and the evidence around me is hard to take in. I try to regain control to dismiss these crazy thoughts away, then I see her picture on the side table with the words from the letters echoing inside my head. My heart falls for it. My head can keep denying, but I have always trusted my heart. She's trying to write to me from beyond time. My Eun Soo. My clever and smart Eun Soo. She could have come and seen us. I know she could have found a way but I feel like she found something else. Something else worth living for.

"What's going on?" my husband yells in shock at my sad figure. I point to the TV with a shaky hand. He looks at it then back at me and softens his expression. He reaches down and embraces me, comforting my cries.

Yeobo! Our Eun Soo! She's alive or was alive. But she lived and that's what counts. She lived her life happy. She's alright. That girl! And with the Queen of all things!

"Tsk tsk tsk. Honey. It's okay. It's alright! Ah~ Ssssh. Don't cry. Don't cry! Rain's drama will come back on. I'm sure this news will go away in no time."

I stop and strike him with a glare in outrage. I hit him right on the shoulder and he yelps out in pain.

"Honestly! Of all the ridiculous stupid comments you make!"

I storm out and clear my tears away. Eun Soo. Mom got your message. I want to see you. I want to come get you. I want you here so I can feed you those potatoes you want but I'll stay. I won't worry anymore, at least not so much. You just live your life as you wanted to and I will come and read all those letters to see what you did. I don't care if it's a foolish mother's wish to want her daughter be part of our country's past. You are my daughter and I always knew you were bound for great things. Still as of now, I will continue missing you until we meet again. And then you can tell me everything.

Author's Notes: Bonus extra wrap up. I hope you enjoyed the story. I needed closure and this was my own personal closure from the drama. I felt like the drama could have used one extra episode to describe everything the couple went through and the people close to them but I also understand that time might not have given them that. Plus having the ending like that leaves more awesome fanfiction for other people to read! I really love this drama and it's been a long time since I've written anything and this drama had me writing. So I gotta give it points for that!