A seven month pregnant and glowing happily Pepper Pots answers the front door to the Stark mansion where she lived with her newlywed husband, Tony Stark, A.K.A. Iron Man.

"Thor, Loki, this is certainly a surprise," stated Pepper. "come in."

"Thank you," Thor answered as he grabbed Loki by his wrist and walked inside, "Is Tony also home? Loki has something he needs to tell both of you."

Loki felt like a very humbled and chastised little boy at this point. He looked at his feet and sighed when Pepper looked over at him.

"Yes, he is in his lab. I'll get him on the intercom. Please, make yourself comfortable."

Pepper went around the corner to call Tony. Thor continued to hold Loki by his wrist as he walked into the living room. Loki began to whimper.

"Can't I just stand?" Loki pleaded with his big brother.

"No, you absolutely may not. Now sit down and stop whining."

Loki carefully sat down and tried not to whimper but his freshly spanked bottom made it rather difficult. Thor raised his eyebrow and Loki sat up straight immediately.

"I still don't know why both you and father had to do punish me," Loki pouted. "I mean you both spank hard, no reason for the overkill."

"Loki, ONE more word out of you right now and I swear I'll take you in the bathroom and spank you further."

Loki opened his mouth to protest but quickly decided he didn't want over his brother's lap so soon. Thor was about to comment when Tony and Pepper walked in. Thor stood once they walked in and he and Tony shook hands.

"Hello, my friend, "stated Tony, "what brings you and Loki in the neighborhood?"

"I'm afraid it's with some dire news. You both may want to sit down."

Pepper took Tony's hand and they sat down across from the brothers.

"Loki, tell them."

"No, please don't make me. He'll hurt me."

"Which you will deserve. Tell him or so help me you will regret it further."

Loki let out a whimper then took a deep breath.


"No Loki. Address them formally. You have been very naughty."

Loki sighed again, "Mr and Mrs Stark, I did something really bad when we were all together at that luncheon for the Mayer a couple months ago."

"What did you do Loki?" Tony asked sternly.

"It…it was a harmless prank, honest." Loki attempted.

"Spill it Loki, what did you DO?" Tony repeated.

"You know the Mayor's personal assistant, Adriane?"

"Yes," both Pepper and Tony answer.

"She had the nerve to turn her nose up at me. So anyway," he sighed, "I put an aging potion in her drink."

"Okay, I'm sorry," Tony interrupted, "as naughty, and yet kind of funny as that was, what does this have to do with us?"

"Oh my gosh," said Pepper suddenly, "that's why you took that drink away from me after I had only one sip…isn't it?" She asked looking directly at Loki.

Loki hesitated.

"Answer her Loki, now," Ordered Thor.

Tears actually started to fall down Loki's porcelain color skinned face. Then he began to sob.

Thor sighed. "Tony, Pepper, may I have a word with you in private?"

Tony looked at Loki then back at Thor, "yes, let's go in my study."

Pepper handed Loki a box of tissues then followed Tony and Thor. Once inside Pepper shut the door behind her.

"Is my baby in danger? Tony asked Thor.

"No, but…but there is a chance she may grow faster than other children."

"If this was three years ago after Loki had his tantrum and attacked New York," Tony paused for several moments. "I wouldn't hesitate to do everything I could to end him; accident or not; but…"

"But, he has become like a little brother to all of us," Pepper continued.

"So you and Odin punished him well I take it?" Tony asked, "how did you find out he even did it?"

"Two months of night terrors. He would wake up in a sweat every night and get in bed with me. He would hardly eat. He finally couldn't take it anymore and confessed. Father and I punished him to help with his guilt; but, I believe that won't go away until he knows you two haven't abandoned him."

"I did just see the doctor yesterday and the baby is in perfect health," said Pepper, "I think Loki has suffered enough Tony."

"I don't know Pep, I think I should get a go at adding some heat to that bottom of his."

"Tony, it's been.."

Pepper bent over in pain. Tony sped to her side as did Thor.

"What's wrong?!" Tony asked exasperated.

"I don't know, something isn't right," Pepper managed to say before she passed out.


Several hours passed before Tony walked out to the waiting room where all his avengers' family, including Agent Coulson were.

"Mommy and daughter are in perfect health," Tony announced proudly.

"Your daughter was born two months early," said Agent Coulson, "yet, she is in perfect health?"

"Yes, I'm afraid Loki got upset with Adriane, the Mayors assistant. He had conjured up an aging potion to give her. By accident Pepper got a hold of it instead and took a sip before Loki could stop her."

"How are you not furious with Loki?" Steve, A.K.A, Captain America asked.

"My daughter and wife are healthy. I can't be anything but happy even if I tried," he smiled like a proud new daddy.

Loki was nearby but kept his distance in order not to be in anyone's way. He felt shy and vulnerable. The previous past three years had rehabilitated him tremendously with his emotions. The first year alone set him straight to a high degree; yet, he still had a bit of mischief in him; even so, he would never hurt his new earthly family, never on purpose. He vowed that day that never again would any harm come to Pepper and Tony's little girl.


"But daddy come on, I'm fifteen. I don't need a babysitter," whined the teenage girl trailing behind her father as he packed for a business trip.

Tony took a deep breath and turned around. He put a hand on either side of her shoulders.

"Baby girl, technically you're three years old not fifteen; and yes, I know I know due to your photographic memory and multi-speed reading you have the intelligence far above most adults; but, just because you're book smart it doesn't mean you're able to stay all on your own for an entire weekend."

He looked at his daughter's bright green eyes and moved a piece of thick straight black hair away from her face. With exception to her hair color, Tony adored how much his little girl took many of his wife's soft, beautiful features. She currently looked so defeated, so sad."

"Okay, tell you what, when mommy and I return we will leave you by yourself for an hour at a time. We have to work up to a weekend okay."

"You mean it!? Truly? What if mommy freaks out?"

"I'll work on mommy but you better be on your best behavior for Uncle Phil."

"Well then please help me by telling him not to treat me like a three year old."

"What does he do?"

"He insists I go to bed at 8:00."

Tony smirked, "Okay, okay, I'll let him know its 8:30."


Tony chuckled, "Yes, 10:00 I know. I'll talk to him."

She gave him a huge hug.


Pepper opened the door and stood aside for Agent Phil Coulson to walk in. He gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you so much Phil. You know how it is with Hadley. Even without her aging circumstances she is still a high profile child being Tony's daughter."

He smiled, "I know and I'm more than happy to watch over her while you two are away. She hasn't grown any since I last saw her a few weeks ago has she?"

"No, once she hit age 13 she has started aging normally. Of course her high speed abilities are still off the charts. Zooming from one room to the other."

"You know with her high speed, high intelligence and with Tony's technology. She is a true super hero in the making."

"Forget it. There is no way I'll ever be okay with my baby fighting criminals and villains. I can barely handle Tony doing it."

Hadley suddenly appeared.

"Can barely handle daddy doing what?"

Pepper jumped as she didn't expect her daughter to suddenly be there. She held her chest.

"Hadley Brice Stark, what have I told you about suddenly appearing in front of me? That is NOT okay. You're going to give me a heart attack."

"Sorry mommy."

Pepper took a deep breath and kissed Hadley on her nose.

"Keep Uncle Phil company while I help daddy finish packing."


Agent Coulson walked onto the Helicarrier carrying a very sound sleeping, teenage girl. She only stood at five feet and weighed 102 pounds so holding her wasn't too difficult for the highly fit agent. Loki appeared in front of them.

"Let me watch her. I'll keep her safe. You will have your hands full enough with the attack that's going on in the middle of the ocean."

"Loki, Tony and Pepper have trusted me with their daughter's life. I'm not about to let her out of my site; especially now of all times."

"I'll be nearby always. I can rest with her in the commons area. I promise we will stay put."

"There is no…"

Thor stepped into the room, "you have my word that Loki will keep Hadley safe."

Phil looked at Thor and back at Loki and Hadley. He hesitated until his name was called with extreme urgency.

"Alright Loki, commons area only. Take her there and stay put."

He kissed Hadley's head and ran off to the distress call.

"Thank you Thor," Loki smiled."

"Don't let me down little brother."

And with that he ran off to follow Agent Coulson. Hadley began to stir; Loki quickly rubbed her back to comfort her back to sleep.

7 A.M.

Hadley woke early as she always did. She recognized the helicarrier but had no idea how she got there. She turned to her right and found a sleeping Loki next to her. She didn't want to wake him but being a morning person she knew she couldn't fall back to sleep and wait for him. She decided to get up and see what she could find out.

Hadley quietly walked out of the commons area and looked around. It wasn't long before she discovered the helicarrier had landed. She found a door. There wasn't anyone around. She opened it…

(Let me know your thoughts on the story so far. I'm thinking it may just be a little mini-series. I don't know. Depends how many people like it. Thanks!)