This is my first reincarnation SI insert, so I hope all you will enjoy.

I believe I will update this fairly regularly, which may be longer in some peoples terms.

But anyways, enjoy!


A figure rushed briskly down the cobble stone of the streets, her long dirty brown hair trailing behind her in its woven braid. Her sharp moss green eyes watching around her cautiously, coldly shifting to stare down at the bundle in her arms. Disgusting, she sneered at the pudgy face ignorantly sleeping, unaware of all the trouble she was putting her through. She pulled her jacket from her side to hide the monstrosity that was her daughter.


The little bundle of worthless flesh in her arms was the living symbolization of the man who had raped her, staring down at the face she had seen in her nightmares, she felt as if he was mocking her. The baby doesn't open its eyes very often, but its sharp moss green matched her own. As if the baby knew she hated it, it kept its eyes closed and only screamed when it needed an essential to be taken care off. This thing had no right to be called her daughter, she had planned to abort it, but the baby's father's flames had interrupted and shielded the baby in her womb.

She gritted her teeth, fighting the urge to throw the baby now and never return, but she wasn't that corrupted and she didn't want to steal a baby's life just because of its bastard father. She had some morals, after all. She had cared for the baby for the past year off what she had managed to salvage from her destroyed famiglia, but now it taking its toll and the baby was only an unwanted burden.

The woman eyed the large orphanage she stopped in front of, staring at the sign 'Love for the Forgotten Child's Orphanage.' Scoffing, the women held the bundle in front of her, knowing the child was awake and set her in front of the orphanage steps. How cliché, she thought to herself and rang the doorbell.

Turning around, she walked away with no regrets.

Green eyes opened to the world, confused and wet with tears. With unnatural awareness, the baby did not scream, but rather clutched onto her dull brown blanket and whimpered. After all, even for a fifteen year old reincarnated, being abandoned by another parent was heartbreaking.


I want to adopt a kid when I'm able too, I feel sad just writing this.

Either way, leave a review!