It's the year 2014, and Human/Cybertronian Relations are falling apart. To save one planet, some form of trust needs to be built. 3 Human adolescents have volunteered to become the building blocks of the New Human/Cybertronian Alliance. With the recent appointment of a new Prime and building political drama surfacing on Cybertron, can they succeed?

(WAYAU TFP-verse, vaguely based on James Cameron's Avatar. I own neither franchise.)


Three moons floated through the sky, gracefully illuminating the busy surface of a mechanical planet of towers and clockwork. Full of light and sound, Cybertron seemed alive in the same way that Tokyo and New York were; ads spanned the sky, mechs and femmes were crammed into the roadways, and all sorts of commuters flew or hovered though the busy hubbub of the planet's capital city-state, Iacon. Though it seemed bustling, there was a sort of pause in the air- a brief tension that was unresolved amongst Cybertron's citizens. Inside the Council Spire, an argument was brewing, much like the others that had preceded it.

A large grey mech with angry blue optics was bickering with his brother, a slightly shorter red and blue bot who reeked of authority. Both mechs were positively enormous, dwarfing the car-sized cleaning droids who roamed around their pedes by at least five times.

"I am telling you, Orion, we must make a move! We know the artifacts to be on that pitiful planet. Why will you not just take them?!" the grey mech demanded, mimicking the action of sweeping something into his arms.

His brother watched him impassively before he vented long and hard. Optimus Prime was constantly reminding Megatronus to call him by his primely name, though Megatronus seldom listened. Unless, of course, he was angry.

"Because, Megatronus, the humans are a sentient species! To invade their planet without their cooperation would be to violate their baser freedoms," Optimus rebuked him gently. Megatronus snorted, crossing his massive silver arms. They had been debating for vorns now, and neither had made any leeway. Megatronus had wanted to scream every time his brother had shot down another of his suggestions.

"Ah, yes," the grey mech replied dispassionately, "Your infamous Autobot Lawbook again? You must rid yourself of these delusions, brother. How sentient can the insects truly be? They have barely achieved space-travel! They have had more wars between them during the last century than Cybertron has seen in half of her existence!" Optimus looked darkly at his brother, crossing his own arms in return.

"Cybertron herself has her own scars, Megatronus. Or can you say that any one of the human's wars has lasted as long as one of our own?" The prime asked him seriously. "Humans are a much younger species than we. It is our duty to guide our alien brethren, not to dismiss them. It is not Primus' will to abandon those in need."

"They are not our brothers, Optimus. Or have you forgotten," Megatronus bit out, leaning towards his brother in his building anger, "That they have no sparks. Humans are animals! Controlled by baser instinct and chemical response! Only Cybertronians are worthy. We are final. I will not see our race destroyed by something so ephemeral! " He slammed his silver fist against the table between them, drawing a thunderous clang.

Optimus Prime stood tall against Megatronus. The two's optics were directly level, and anger in different forms traveled between them.

"Are we not mechanical organisms? Do we not have our own instinct within ourselves that we obey despite our greater sense?" Optimus rebutted angrily, gesturing to the dented table. "You forget, Megatronus, that Cybertron will be lost to the bonds of time. We are all ephemeral, and I will not allow you to be consumed by the mires of your spark!"

Megatronus's temper finally broke.

"WE MUST HAVE THE OMEGA KEYS!" The ex-gladiator cried, instinctively entering a battle-crouch as he tried- and failed- to draw his sword. "AND YOUR PITIFUL HUMANS REFUSE TO ALLOW US ENTRY TO THEIR PLANET! THEIR HIDEOUS MUDBALL!"

"That is the key, Megatronus!" Optimus said, clasping Megatronus' shoulders tightly. "It is their planet! Cybertron will not become to Earth was Quintessa was to her!"

"Quintessa was dying, Optimus. The chaos-bringer saw to that," Megatronus spat as he tried to wrench himself away. "AND SOON WE WILL JOIN THEM!"

"We have survived for long without the Omega Lock, Megatronus! And we will continue to do so without robbing our allies and becoming the very monsters we despised!"


Silence followed, filled only by the harsh vents of Megatronus and the scrape of metal on metal as Optimus leaned backwards.

"Cybertron is dying, and you refuse to save your planet for one who would not care if we lived or died. Mark my words, brother- you will regret taking their side!" Megatronus shoved Optimus Prime away, getting to his pedes. The grey mech's optics burned hotly, and he despised this weakness.

Optimus stumbled, his eyes still wide as he watched Megatronus storm to the door and angrily punch in the code to open it. As the door hissed open, Megatronus turned his head and glared at his brother, blue optics briefly becoming a rage-filled red.

"You will regret it," Megatronus snarled, and his voice broke. The door slid shut behind him, and Optimus held one servo over his spark, feeling the deep frustration of his brother. The Prime was fearful, not of Megatronus' claims, but because of what he could feel through their weakening bond.

Megatronus was not making an idle threat.

Something had to be done, but Optimus Prime would not compromise his morals, or Primus' will. Inflicting suffering to another race to save their own was unthinkable. Why was his brother like this? Had the pits of Kaon left more than the scars on Megatronus' plating? Perhaps… perhaps… Optimus did not wish to think deeply on the subject. No, not Optimus. Orion Pax did not wish to. And Optimus Prime could not return to being Orion Pax.

The Prime collapsed into a nearby chair stationed at a computer terminal, holding his helm in one hand. Something had to be done, he repeated.

Quietly, the mech booted up the computer he had stationed himself at, and called Ratchet. An agreement with Earth had to be come to. Just like with Megatronus' distaste for humans, the line must have run in the opposite direction for Earth. While Cybertronians understood humans and humans understood Cybertronians, it was clearly superficial. But, the Prime reasoned, there had to be a way to understand. To make those who would not think deeply.

For as much as the two races would like to debate, Cybertron and Earth were twin planets in specie, size, and life.

"Optimus," his friend greeted him. "Was there a reason you have attempted communication?"

"Yes, Ratchet," Optimus replied. "I have decided to grant permission to Perceptor's project."

Ratchet looked surprised, his usually stern face smoothing from its harsh lines.

"Perceptor's project?!" The medic said incredulously. "You don't mean that social experiment he's been trying to push into human testing for months?! Optimus, you can't be serious!"

"I am not joking," the young Prime vented softly. "I am giving Preceptor full run of the CHA science division."

"This is not an idle decision, Optimus! Come what may, Perceptor's project has not been properly tested, and there is no guarantee that his methods will work. If something goes wrong, we may never be allowed on earth soil again."

"I appreciate your concern, old friend," Optimus said quietly. "But I believe in your medical capability and Perceptor's mind. We must take risks to bridge Earth and Cybertron."

"I only hope you can handle the risks you wish to take," Ratchet muttered, his shoulders hitching. The medic turned away from his screen to face another computer. Ratchet vented and acquiesced. "I will inform Perceptor and Unit E that the project has been approved."

"Thank you."