Boxing Day
By zeilfanaat

Title LOLMac: LOLBoxingDay
Caption: Danyul, u sed dis wuz gonna be a boxing match. Ur doin it wrong.
Mouse-over text: He should have waited till Boxing Day
Posted: December 26, 2014
Link: www. lolmac. livejournal. com(forwardslash) 476785. html
Category: Stargate: SG-1

"Haha, very funny, Jack. Now help me look. I think Thor beamed down at the moment I was sealing one of these boxes, but then I got distracted, because I noticed an important and extremely valuable artifact I had thought lost. You see, it's from the Babyloni-..." At Jack's look, Daniel stammered to a halt, then gave a helpless wave towards the boxes. "Well... he must be in one of these..."

"You sure? He may have beamed out again..." Jack asked skeptically.

Just then they heard Thor's muffled voice. "I have not, O'Neill. I dropped my...'remote' as you called it, and cannot reach it."

"Right. Keep talking, Buddy! Hope you're not feeling too boxed in yet... Hey Daniel, I thought Carter and Teal'c were here too?"

"Ah, yes... uhm... we were kind of uhm demonstrating 'hide and seek' to Teal'c... Which is why I was sealing the boxes I had checked."

Jack sighed. "Ok, let's do this... And Carter and Teal'c - get out of your hiding places and help looking for Thor!"

When there was no movement, Jack raised his eyebrows. "Better make it quick, or next time I fill in the form for which tests Doc Fraiser needs to run on you two, I'm going to check all the boxes."

Immediately the two hidden team members emerged from their hiding places. Carter had hidden behind a couple of boxes, and Teal'c had somehow made holes in the sides of a couple of boxes and had been hiding within several.

"Right... Thor, keep talking!"

It didn't take long before they'd found him, and when they unsealed the box, Thor popped up, blinking. Jack sat back. "Wow, exactly what I wanted for Christmas! Thor-in-the-box!"

The End