Just For The Craic


When Captions Meet Cranky Colonels and Restless Trouble Shooters

By zeilfanaat

Category: Humor, Parody
Rating: K+/PG
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Neither Stargate: SG-1 nor MacGyver belongs to me. No infringement intended. Nor do I own the pictures or the captions that inspired these fics – blame Beth/MacBedh for those. :)
Spoilers: None that I specifically remember.
Summary: A collection of crackfics that were inspired by LOLMac's. Some are about Stargate: SG-1, some are about MacGyver, and some are a crossover between the two. Enjoy!
A/N: Some of these crackfics require the visual aid of the actual LOLMac. Of course, since FanFiction. Net deletes links, I'll provide a link but with additional spaces and whatever else I have to do to have the link show up. In addition, I will add the title of the LOLMac to each chapter, and you can do a search for it on/in combination with "LiveJournal". Once on the LOLMac page, you can just click on the 'caution – crackfic in comments' tag, and you'll find a lot more of these by other authors too. So don't forget to check those out!
A/N2: No, I am not Irish, but do love languages. So, when trying to think of a title for this crackfic collection, I stumbled across the expression 'just for the craic'...and well, there you go.

Mind Your Step

By zeilfanaat

Title LOLMac: LOLSteps
Caption: Jacks 12-step program only gots 5 steps
Mouse-over text: 1. Ready. 2. Aim. 3. Fire. 4. Reload. 5. File mission report.
Posted: March 12, 2012
Link: www. lolmac. livejournal. com(forwardslash) 336535. html
Category: Stargate: SG-1

"Colonel O'Neill, please, next time just step out of the line of fire. Major Carter has enough paperwork of her own without having to step into the breach for you," Hammond said as he looked down at the infirmary bed containing his 2IC.

"Well, General, I've been thinking about that, and I was thinking we could step up the entire process by... you know, just skipping step five altogether," Jack muttered with a random wave of his hand.

General Hammond rolled his eyes. "Colonel..."

"Seriously, I don't mean to step on anybody's toes, but whoever invented paperwork clearly was not a people-person. Oh, I know!" Jack sat up a little straighter, a gleam entering his eyes. "It was someone's stepmother! It wouldn't surprise me if somehow Kinsey was involved..."

"Colonel," Hammond warned, "You're stepping out of line."

The downed Colonel brought his gaze back up at the General, realizing where he was again.

"Sorry, General, Sir," he uttered, sagging back down against the pillow.

Hammond tried to keep his gaze stern, but the feverish appearance and inability of his subordinate to keep his eyes open, made him change his mind. "Just get well soon, son." With those words, Hammond left Jack to recuperate.

Jack's eyes opened again. Hey, now that the General was gone, perhaps he could make his escape... He'd gotten as far as three steps, when...

"Not another step, Colonel!" Fraiser's voice commanded. Jack froze and quickly scrambled back into the bed.

"That's what I tried to tell Hammond too, but does anybody ever listen to me?" Jack muttered, as a healing sleep claimed him.

The End