Hola! IM BACK WITH ANOTHER CHAPTER! WOOHOO! I know i haven't updated in a while, buuuuttt i have a good explanation, alright, first of all i got college stuff that I really need to look at, and my sister and I ( Jayclin Jackson) are planning something that involves both of our stories, her's Eight Heroes of Olympus Prophecy (check it out! its awesome!) and mine this story, (my only one so far) and we've decided to do something with both of them, i can't tell you what cuz then I'll be spoiling it for you, anyways I need to be slow on updating chapters so she can catch up on her stories, and my story will make sense later on! so yea sorry that you had to wait, but this is why, i hope you like this story though!

so anyways here it is! XD :

Chapter 3: Surprises?

Rated K+ (I think y'all can handle very little violence)

I closed the door to the passenger seat, and my mom started driving to the hospital while I explained what I saw on the news; there was something with a party crasher, who so happened to be a murderer, who injured seven people involving Cadence and Raiden, and possibly killed two people also along my aunt Rosey, which I really hope wasn't true

I was wondering wondering what was going through my moms head, Aunt Rosey was her only sister, sister in-law in fact, ever since my dad left Aunt Rosey was all the family my mom had, that was of course before Spencer and I came, I wondered what would happen if Spencer died, I would be devastated, I wondered why my mom didn't look devastated

finally we arrived at the hospital-and somehow managed to get through the reporters and cameras, we went to the front desk and rapidly asked "Rooms please for Raiden Parkhurst, Cadence Venard, and Rosemary Smith?" my mom asked

"May I have your names please?"

"Jasmin and Ruby Smith"

The lady typed a few things "Yes, I see, Mr Parkhurst: floor 2, room 31B, Miss Venard: floor 2, room 31A, and Miss Smith: floor 2 room 29B"

"Thank you!" I called back running to the elevator, my mom was at my side,

I pushed the 'up' button, twenty times, and it finally opened, when we we're both in, I quickly pushed the button for floor 2, and for the doors to close,

as soon as the doors re-opened, we quickly ran out, and searched the room's frantically, I could feel my heart racing, and my blood pressure rising

28A... 28B... 29A... 29B!

my mom looked at each other, I opened the door, inside I was expecting wires, a face mask, all crazy things on my Aunt, but instead... it was empty, there was nothing, no one inside, except for someone cleaning,

she had long black hair braided to the side, with beautiful milk brown eyes, she wore a white bandana over her head, and a white maids outfit, she looked like a World War II nurse,

"Uh.. e-excuse me ma'am, but do you know where Ja- uh Rosemary Smith is?" my mom asked

when the woman turned and faced my mom, my mom looked shocked, but then her face quickly changed, I decided to ignore it

"Oh, her, she was taken out of here a few minutes ago, said something about an operation" The lady said, she had a nice firm voice, like she could have been a leader some time, crazy thought though

"Do you know where?" I asked

"Yes, just across the hall, in the operation room, room 3B" The lady said pointing through the door

my mom smiled "Thank you Rey- uh Ma'am" my mom answered

"my pleasure" she answered then went back to her cleaning

we left and went into the operation room, inside was another hallway full of doors to rooms, with a couple vending machines down the hallway, we went to the front desk where a perky-looking lady was typing something

"Hi, we're relatives of Rosemary Smith, how long is her operation going to be?" my mom asked

the lady looked at us skeptically, but when she saw my mom her face brightened up, but just as fast she frowned again, she had frizzy red hair, freckled face, a paint smeared shirt, she looked like she could be perky, but the way she looked at us, made me think otherwise,

"Uh, yea.. they said it would take, like, about seven hours, and Jay-uh she like just got in, so yea.." the lady trailed off

my mom sighed "ok, thank you Rach- um Ma'am"

"Yea.. K" the young lady said then went back to the computer

alright something was going on "Mom, do you know her?"

My mom looked startled "What? Why would I know her? I don't know her, why would you think that?"

"Oookay, ma, just asking"

we then sat down in the open lobby, I looked at the time: 9:42

"What are we going to do now?" I asked my mom

my mom put her curls in a high ponytail "Well, honey, the only thing we can do right now, is wait, she's in operation, but you can go see your friends now, I'm pretty sure they'll want to see you" my mom answered

"Yea... yea ok," I stood up, but before i could leave my mom grabbed my arm,

"Hey" she said, I turned around to face her "Your Aunt Rosey is going to be fine, she's a strong woman"

a tear fell down my face "Yea, I know" I answered then left the room

I slowly walked towards the rooms, the first one that caught my eye was 31A, where Cadence was, I slowly opened the door and crept in, the T.V was on,

once I got in, I saw a girl with short strawberry blonde hair, with blue highlights, laying on a bed looking at the T.V, it was Cadence

She had her arms resting on her stomach, with a blanket over her, there was something attached to her finger, running all the way to some sort of box, she was no longer in her dress, but in a hospital gown, I don't think she went in that to the formal,

I came closer only to see a scar on the left side of her face, running across her eye, she also had some severe bruises and cuts,

finally I was within three feet from her, and she saw me, she turned her head to me, and smiled, which made me wanna cry,

I sat down on one of the chairs, and just looked at her, then finally I said "H-How.. How are Y-You feeling?"

Cadence looked at me, I could tell from her eyes she was about to cry, but she was holding it in

she opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out, she licked her lips then opened her mouth again "F-Fine.." She answered

A tear fell down my eye, I chuckled "Y-You don't look... fine" I said smiling

"I feel... F-Fine, y-you asked me h-how i f-felt"

I chuckled "Your right"

I could hear Cady swallow hard

"Do you want some water?" I asked

"No" Cady answered

there was a little more silence

"You know" Cadence started "When the doctor asked me what my name was... I-I answered Caitlin Venard.. but my mom said Cadence Venard.. so h-he was confused... b-but they still.. have m-me under Cai-caitlin Venard" Cadence smiled

I chuckled "Cady... even when you go through a murder, your still a rebel"

"and I'm proud"

I smiled, Cadence held out her hand, and I grabbed it and squeezed it, making Cady smile too

then someone came running in, it was Noah "Cadence!" he yelled then came rushing forward "oh hey Ruby" he said once he saw me

I looked at Noah, then to Cady, then back to Noah "Yea.. um, Ill just leave you two alone..." I trailed off

but Cadence held her grip on my hand "Wait" she croaked

I turned to look at her

"your going to be still safe without me... right?" Cadence asked

"I will"



she smiled then let go of my hand, I turned around, and walked out the door,

I went to the room next to Cadence's: 31B, which was Raiden's, I wasn't prepared to go in, especially after what he said to Alexis, I wasn't sure if he wanted to see me,

but I went in anyways, I opened the door, the room was kinda dark, except for a lamp next to the bed, but what I saw I didn't really need to,

there laying on the bed was Raiden, but he wasn't like Cadence, he was asleep, he had on a mask to help him breath, and there was a lot more wires on him, he also had a bandage wrapped around his forehead and head, so you could only see the tips of his ginger hair

he looked so peaceful, expect for the fact that he was in a coma, and his arm was in an arm cast, and his leg had a wrap around it too

I came closer cautiously, as if he was a ticking bomb ready to explode, finally I was close enough to see his clearly

i grabbed one of the chairs and brought it closer to the bed, and sat down

I looked up at Raiden, I didn't know what to do, I heard that if someone was in a coma, they still could hear you, so I talked, I don't know why, I just did, as if he was awake and listening

but I got to one point where I wanted to tell Raiden something since, well since we met

"Raiden, I-I really don't know if you can hear me but.. I just want to tell you something.. ever since I met you, there was something that I knew clicked between us, I don't know what, but I know it wasn't hate, or becoming enemies, so I want to tell you something I've wanted to tell you for three years, I-I Love y-you... I don't care if you don't, but I'm just gonna tell you anyways" I finished

there was no response, but I got the feeling that some how, he could hear me

I grabbed his cast free hand and squeezed it, then I laid my head on the bed next to him, still holding his hand, and found myself falling asleep


I woke up to my mom shaking me awake

"Ruby! Wake up!" she yelled

my eyes shot open "What?! Whats going on?!" I asked looking aorund

I was still in Raiden's room, but it was lighter, I looked at the time; 6:30, wow I was asleep for that long

"What's up mom?" I asked

my mom smiled "There's someone here who wants to see you" she answered

i looked at the door, no one was there, so i followed my mom outside, but I also had to let go of Raiden's hand

we went out to the lobby, at first I was confused, until I saw someone stand up from the corner couch

"Spencer?!" I half-asked myself

"Hey sis" Spencer answered holding out his arms

and I followed my instinct and ran to him, as soon as I got close enough I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he wrapped his arms around my waist and he spun me around

Once we were done spinning, I gave him a kiss on the cheek "What are you doing here?" I asked

"I came as soon as I heard Aunt Rosey was in the hospital"

"Ive missed you so much!"

"And Ive missed you too big sis" I gave him another big hug

then a phone rang, my mom quickly picked up her phone and answered, while Spencer and I watched her

"Hello?" my mom said "yes sir... yes.. sir... I'm sorry sir?" my mom paused then looked at Spencer and I "Y-Yes sir... no sir, ok sir, I'll be right there sir" my mom finished then hung up her phone

"What was that about? I asked

"I'm so sorry kids, that was the police station, they want me down at the school to investigate, I wish I could stay but-"

"Mom it's ok, just go" Spencer said

"A-Are you sure?"

we both nodded

"B-But.. " I started "Just be safe ok?"

"I will" my mom promised then walked up to us and gave us each a kiss on our foreheads, then she left

I looked back at Spencer and smiled "I can't believe you're here!" I said

"Me too, it all happened so fast"

I chuckled

that's when a door opened and in came Alexis,

"Ugh! What are you doing here?" She said looking at both Spencer and I

"Well... "I started "My aunt is dying, my one true best friend is injured and my other 'so called' friend is in a coma.. What do you think? Hmm?" I answered hands on my hips

"Whatever!" Alexis walked to the other door "I'll just go see my boyfriend" Alexis smiled smugly then strutted away

"Ugh! I hate her so bad!"

"Yup, so do I" Spencer agreed

"You know I wonder what's going on with aunt Rosey, it's past seven hours"

pas if on cue a nurse walked up to us "Rosemary Smith is now available for visits" she said smiling

"Thanks you" I said smiling back

"My pleasure" then the nurse left

I looked at Spencer and sighed "Well.. Are you ready?" I asked him

Spencer chewed his lips, then nodded, and we left the lobby. We walked down the hall and found her room, I opened the door, and we stepped in, but once we took one step in we heard a screech of pain

we quickly rushed to the curtain, and opened it, but inside was a nurse giving Aunt Rosey a shot

"Oh, I hate shots!" Aunt Rosey said

the nurse wiped Aunt Rosey's arm with a cotton ball and replaced it with a bandage,

Aunt Rosey turned and caught us "Oh Ruby! Spencer! my two favorite niece and nephew... and only, Please! come in!" she said

Spencer and I looked at each other "You're not dead?" I asked

"Oh no, they got our names mixed up, did you know there's another Rosemary in the school!"

"Yea... Rosemary Gilvin"

"Oh, well I was one of the minor injured, they put me under operation, then realized I wasn't the right person, so they put me back"

"So then, why couldn't we see you?"

"Well, cuz I needed my beauty sleep! duh! cant a girl get some sleep once in a while!"

Me and Spencer chuckled,

"So what was that shot, the nurse gave you?"

"Oh just something to help me with my hangover, I had a little more to drink than I expected, you know the movie was a lot more funnier!"

Spencer and I laughed again, then I grabbed Aunt Rosey, and gave her a huge hug

"Whoa there girly, I just got a shot!"

"Oh, sorry" I said letting go "I'm just so happy to see my brother... and my aunt Rosey not dead!"

Woohoo! Finished it! I hope y'all liked the surprise, I couldn't just kill off their Aunt especially after what will happen later on! but wait what will happen to their mom! O_O stay tuned for the next chapter! ADIOS! -Mack