Author's Note: Just like in chapter 8 of The Terribelest Two's, a part of this chapter, which is the final chapter of this story, was also inspired by the finale episode of Full House. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 6, Bobby Saves the Day!

While Peter, the Disney characters, Taffy, Zack, Kimi, Jesse, Phil and Lil were all sitting there, trying to come up with another way to help Angelica get her memory back, they suddenly, overheard some familiar voices in the distance.

"No dweeb, I'm off to practice my new skateboarding tricks. I don't have time to teach you how to ride your new bicycle." Snapped Derek.

"That's ok, I'll just ask the new friends I made last week to teach me." Said Bobby.

"News slash, they're like, two-years-old. They probably haven't heard of a tricycle." Said Derek.

Bobby ignored this comment, and took his new shiny blue and black bicycle, and left Derek to play on his skateboard, as he spotted some of his friends in a nearby sandbox, and came over.

"Hey, welcome back Bobby. How was your camping trip with Uncle Ted? Did you have a good time?" Peter asked.

"Yeah! I sure did! And my uncle Ted got me this new bike! Unfortunately, it doesn't have training wheels on it, and I've never ridden a bike without training wheels before." Said Bobby, pointing to his new bike.

"I'd love to teach you Bobby, but it's been a long time since I've ridden a bike. But I seem to recall that Chuckie has ridden a bike. Yeah, Angelica taught him." Said Peter.

"Great! Where's Chuckie so I can ask him to teach me how to ride?" Asked Bobby.

"Chuckie's not here Bobby." Replied Kimi.

"Where is he?" Bobby asked.

"Oh, Chuckie is at Tommy's house." Replied Peter.

"Why?" Bobby asked.

"Well, to put it simply, Tommy's, been beside himself lately." Replied Peter.

Just then, Zack, Jesse, Bobby, Kimi, Phil and Lil all imagined two Tommy's, sitting next to one another.

"Look, I'm beside myself." Said the Tommy that was on the right next to the other Tommy in their day dream.

The daydream then ended, returning everyone to reality, and Peter could tell, that they were all confused.

"Oh, no no no no. Tommy can't really sit beside himself. It's, just a fancy expression for being stressed out." Said Peter.

"What's he so worked up about?" Bobby asked.

"Well Bobby, we've all been trying really hard all weekend, to get Angelica's memory back, and have failed." Replied Peter.

"Yeah we were wondering if you had any ideas." Said Zack.

"Well, maybe we should just, get use to the new Angelica." Said Bobby.

"Well, this new Angelica is nicer to us." Said Kimi with a smile.

"Ok, let's see if she can still remember to ride a bike. Angelica, would you please teach me how to ride my new bike?" Bobby asked.

"I'd love to!" Said Angelica, as she hopped down from the bench, and got on to the bike.

"First, you sit on the bike." Said Angelica, as she got on to the bike.

"Then, you grab the handle bars." Angelica continued, as she grabbed a hold of the handle bars.

"And then, you put your feet on the pedals, and go! Go! Go!" Said Angelica, as she started to work the pedals, and speed off down the sidewalk.

"Wow! Angelica can remember how to ride a bike, but she can't remember our names." Said Phil.

"Yeah, I'm confused!" Said Lil.

Just then, everybody heard Angelica scream. They turned to see that Bobby's bike had hit a rock, falling over, and Angelica was flying through the air. Her head hit a garbage can, and she landed on the ground with a hard thud, being knocked out cold.

"Angelica! Are you ok?" Taffy asked, as everybody ran to where Angelica was lying, but it was no use. The girl didn't answer.

While Angelica was knocked out, she had a dream. In the dream, she wakes up where she landed in the park. She looks around, to see another person who looks like her.

"I remember this park. I remember this doll." Said the Angelica who was pacing around, who spotted Cynthia, who had fallen out of the bicycle basket on the front of the bike.

"I remember those dumb babies!" Said the pacing Angelica, who pointed to the babies, who in the dream, were still in the sandbox.

"I remember it all." Said the pacing version of Angelica.

"Who are you, and why do you remember everything?" Asked the Angelica who had just awakened from unconsciousness.

"You're so dumb, I'm surprised you lived to be four-years-old, which is three years past one! I'm your memory pipsqueak." Replied Angelica's memory.

"Where have you been?" Angelica asked.

"Well, to answer your stupid question. When you hit the wall, I decided to run away. I hope that didn't, bother you." Snapped Angelica's Memory.

"Hello, I've been walking around with an empty head, and been no better than those, what you call them, dumb babies?" Said Angelica.

"Well you just wait and see. Cuz once I'm back, you won't be a dumb baby anymore, and there's nothing those dumb babies can do about it, ha ha ha ha ha." Scaufed Angelica's memory.

"Ok? So how do I get you back?" Angelica asked.

Just then, Angelica picked up a giant cookie.

""We're suppose to eat this giant cookie, and meet in the middle." Demanded Angelica's memory.

"Why doesn't that surprise me." Said Angelica with a sigh.

"Don't worry, once I'm back, you won't wanna stop eating cookies. Now come on!" Snapped Angelica's memory, as she took her first bite out of the cookie.

Angelica and her memory ate through the cookie, until their faces were touching, and then, all of the sudden, Angelica's memory vanished, leaving Angelica to stand there, by herself.

"Angelica, Angelica!" She heard a crowd of people shouting in the distance, as she awoke in the real world, to find Peter, Taffy, Bobby, Zack, Jesse, Kimi, Phil and Lil, staring down at her.

"Angelica? Are you ok?" Peter asked.

"Of course I'm ok Peter. I wasn't born yesterday you know." Snapped Angelica, as she stood up from where she had fallen on the ground.

"Angelica, you remembered my name!" Said Peter excitedly.

"Of course I remembered your name. I'm not those dumb babies!" Snapped Angelica.

"You sure didn't remember our names yesterday." Muttered Phil.

"What, was that?" Angelica asked.

"Angelica, is your memory back? Really, tell us who we are." Said Peter.

"Ok, you're Peter, and there'sTaffy, Zack, Jesse, Phil, Lil, Kimi, and, Bobby isn't it?" Said Angelica.

"That's my name." Replied Bobby with a small giggle and a smile.

"Bobby, you saved the day!" Said Kimi excitedly.

"I did?" Bobby asked.

"Yeah, you sure did. Had Angelica not ridden your bike and crashed her head into that garbage can, she'd still be without her memory!" Replied Peter.

"Yeah Bobby, you're a hero!" Said Jesse.

"Yeah Bobby, way to go!" Said Zack, who gave Bobby a hug.

After Zack finished hugging Bobby, he, Jesse, Phil, Lil, and Kimi, all went and gave Angelica a hug.

"Eeewwwww, baby germs! Get away!" Yelled Angelica, as she pushed the hugging toddlers off of her, causing them to land on their bottoms in the grass.

"Come on, we'd better be heading back to Tommy's house. I bet your cousin Tommy is going to be so happy to see you!" Said Peter excitedly, as Bobby grabbed up his bike, and everybody, headed out of the park for Tommy's house.

Upon arriving at Tommy's house, they found Chuckie and Dil in front of the TV, watching the Goober show. Angelica barged in front of them, and grabbed the remote from Dil, and switched it to Cynthia P.I.

"Hey Angelica, we were watching that." Said Chuckie.

"Well too bad Finster, it's my turn to watch TV now." Snapped Angelica.

"Hey Yucky." Said Dil.

"Dil? You're one-years-old now. It's time you start calling me by my real name of Angelica! Got it?" Angelica yelled.

"Angelica, you have your memory back." Said Chuckie.

"Told ya." Snapped Angelica.

"Hey Chuckie and Dil, where's Tommy anyway?" Peter asked, who had walked into the living room at this point. Chuckie walked past Angelica and went up to Peter.

"Uh, Tommy claimed he had an owey earlier and that he didn't feel good, and fell asleep. I hope he's ok." Chuckie replied softly.

"I wouldn't worry Chuckie, he probably just had some stress pains, but I'm pretty sure he's going to be ok once he wakes up and sees that Angelica is back to her normal self." Peter replied quietly.

Unknown to anybody, Tommy, who had been asleep across the room in the playpen, awoke to all of Angelica's yelling, came out of the playpen, and walked slowly over to where they were by the TV.

"Hi Tommy. How are you feeling?" Peter asked.

"I'm better." Tommy said with a sigh, the frown, not leaving his face.

"Hey! I'm trying to watch TV over here." Snapped Angelica.

"Angelica?" Tommy asked, turning towards Angelica.

"That's my name Pickles, don't where it out." Replied Angelica.

"Angelica! You're back!" Said Tommy excitedly, as he ran up to Angelica and gave her a hug.

"Hey! Get off me!" Snapped Angelica, as she pushed Tommy off of her.

"Guys, Angelica's back to normen. I guess this means the terrible two's are over!" Tommy said happily.

"Yep, they sure are." Peter said with a smile.

"How did you do it Peter?" Tommy asked.

"Actually, I wasn't the one to save Angelica. You should be thanking your new friend Bobby. He's the real hero." Replied Peter.

"Hi Tommy." Said Bobby, who had come up behind Tommy. Tommy spun around to face him.

"Thanks Bobby." Said Tommy, as he gave Bobby a hug.

"No problem Tommy. After all, isn't that what friends are for?" Bobby asked.

Tommy nodded, and he, along with Kimi, Chuckie, Phil, Lil, Jesse, Zack, Peter, and Dil, all joined around Bobby, and gave him a group hug.

"Ok, ok. Since you dumb babies are so happy to have little miss Angelica back, then you'll go get me some cookies." Snapped Angelica.

"Go get your own cookies Angelica." Said Zack.

"Yeah, and remember what I told you on the way home from the park? If you weren't nice to the minis tonight, you wouldn't get dessert." Said Peter.

"All right all right." Groaned Angelica, as she turned back to watching Cynthia P.I. on the TV.

"Hey, let's go chase some chocolate pudding out of the kitchen!" Said Tommy, as he headed for the kitchen, the other toddlers, Bobby, and Peter, following close behind him.

They went to the kitchen and got out some chocolate pudding, returning a few minutes later to see that Cynthia P.I. had ended, and Captain Squash was now on the TV.

"Ooooh goody! Captain Squash is on!" Said Bobby.

"Yay!" Said the other Rugrats in unison, as everybody sat down on the floor of the living room in front of the TV, to watch Captain Squash. Well, everybody except Angelica, who got up at this point, picked up her Cynthia doll, and went off to another room to be alone.

And this, ends the story, of Angelica's Amnesia. I hope you enjoyed it, and, be looking for more Rugrats stories, sometime soon.

Author's Note: Also, please let me know now that I've written two Rugrats/All Grown Up and Bobby's World crossover stories, if you're enjoying these crossovers, or if you'd prefer that I not combine the two cartoons into one. Either way is ok with me, but depending on what you'd like more, or if you'd like a mix of Bobby's World and Rugrats crossovers, and just, plain Rugrats stories, I can continue to do that. Or, if you'd even like to see me attempt just some plain Bobby's World stories. Give me some ideas and some OC's for Bobby's World, and I'll consider it at some point down the road. For now though, hope all of my fans take care, and, I'll be back with a new story, or if nothing else, I'll continue to bring you all new chapters every Saturday night in The Offspring, Season 1, really soon.