Feeling rested, Dipper set out on another adventure. This time, he went up the other stairs to the door opposite the last. This door was very light, and looked as if it were made of bark.

Inside, he found a room made entirely out of wood. In fact, it looked like someone had carved the room out of a tree. There was a plain bed, and on the plain bed was a green tunic and a green cap.

Looking over, Dipper saw a sword and shield. The sword was well made, and had a deep blue handle with three tiny triangles attached. The shield was also dark blue, but appeared to have some sort of crest on it. It looked familiar, but Dipper couldn't quite place it.

At the foot of the bed were a pair of boots. They had metal toes, and appeared to be Dipper's size. He slipped them on and found they were, wow, really heavy. He struggled to walk forward. These would be really great if he needed to hang out underwater, or beat someone at sumo.

He decided that they would be perfect for the wind situation.

He picked up the boots and walked back to his room, careful not to drop them. He slipped the boots under his bed, careful to cover them up with a shirt he found on the floor. Man, were they some heavy boots.

He decided a short break would be beneficial, and planted himself on the bed.

It felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He realized exactly what was happening. It had seemed like so long since he had experienced this. As the black and white world came into view, he felt a wave of relief.


Mabel watched as her brother slept. She wished she could figure out what the heck was wrong with him all of the sudden. Taking careful steps, she slowly made her way to her bed. Once there, she perched atop it, legs crossed.

She quietly watched Dipper's chest rise and fall. She remembered how he would have bad dreams as a child, and often ended up in her bed. She desperately wished she could once again feel the rise and fall of his chest next to her while she slept. She felt like she was living a bad dream, and wanted nothing but the comfort of her brother.

But he was gone, now, it seemed.


Dipper was incredibly frustrated. He knew he was looking through Bill, but he couldn't do much. That idiot demon was sleeping. His body's eyes were closed. He could feel his body's steady breath meaning that it was asleep.

He was so close to seeing what was happening. He let out a grunt in irritation.

"Are you awake?"

That was Mabel's voice. She was here. She had heard him grunt.

Suddenly it didn't seem so hopeless.


Mabel was pulled from her daydream when Dipper grunted. It was the same grunt he made when someone picked him up and he couldn't escape.

"Are you awake?" she asked.

She heard more vague grunting from Dipper. It almost sounded like he was trying to say something. Mabel smiled. This meant he was probably talking in his sleep. He always said the funniest things when he was asleep.

She got off of the bed and crept closer, then kneeled by his head. "What was that, Dipper?" she asked, goding him for a silly, sleep-talk response.

"B… Bih… Bih…" Dipper responded.

"Can you try that again?" Mabel asked.

"Bih… Bill. Bill. Bill."

Mabel recoiled at the demon's name. Still, maybe Dipper was just dreaming about that stupid dorito. "Anything else?" she asked.


Dipper found himself ecstatic that Mabel had heard him. It was all he could do to concentrate enough to get the message across. He felt exhausted after saying "Bill," just three times. But he had to make sure she knew what was happening.

Once again, he gathered all his effort. "Mabel," he said.

Or, at least tried to say. It came out more as "Mahel," than anything. It would have to do.

He tried again. "Mabel, help me," he tried.


"Mahel hel me?" Mabel mimicked. That sounded a lot like "Mabel, help me," to her, but she wasn't sure.

"Bih gah me," Dipper mumbled. "Mahel, Bih gah me. Mahel, hel me."

Mabel was cautious at this point. The fact that Dipper was mumbling something that sounded like a cry for help was worrisome.

"Bill… Bill got you?" she asked, guessing that was what her brother meant.

"Yeah!" came an excited mumble back.


Dipper was about to tell his sister what happened the best he could, but found his connection lost. Angered, he sat up and yelled. He was so close to Mabel. She had heard him. She understood that Bill got him. Hopefully she wouldn't make the mistake of guessing it was just a bad dream.

The fact that Bill had moved from the spot, though, was a worry to him. He pinched the bridge of his nose and started to think.


Bill never knew he liked sleeping so much. He never had to do it when he was a demon, but it was interesting to dream.

He had been in many dreams over many, many years. He enjoyed the chaos he could cause and the information he could find.

But he hadn't dreamt anything in a very long time. He hadn't been in a human body for a very long time.

He thought the adventures the human brain cooked up for him to enjoy were both trifle and odd. He greatly enjoyed the odd things that would happen next, as if the brain had no idea what was supposed to happen in any given situation, so it just made something up.

What he liked even more was that he could not control what happened. He had tried at first, and hated that he did not have influence on the space. He grew to find it calming, though. He thought of it more as going to a movie, or riding a boat down a river. He was just there to be.

This particular dream was quite interesting. He watched as the sea rose around him. He wasn't sure why he was holding a spear in each hand, and he wasn't sure why a dolphin was briefing him on a spy mission, but he didn't need to.

And then he was awake. He was angry that something had pulled him from his dream. He quickly sat up and growled.

Looking around, he noticed Mabel sitting on the floor near him. He glared at her. Had Mabel woken him up? He hated her for this.


Mabel was startled when Dipper sat up so suddenly. She flung herself backwards as her brother growled.

"Uh, hey, Dipper," she said.

"Hello, Mabel," Dipper deadpanned. "You woke me from my dream."

Ah, Mabel thought, Maybe he was just having a dream that Bill kidnapped him. She decided to ask about his dream.


"It was a nice dream, you know. I was an underwater spy-assassin," Bill said. He had really enjoyed being the underwater spy-assassin.

Mabel cocked her head slightly. "So… no dreams about Bill?" she asked.

Bill shook his head and glared at her once more. Had she figured out that her brother was gone? "Why do you ask?" he crooned.

Mabel stuttered for a moment. "It's just that uh, well…" She paused for a moment. "I had a dream about Bill and wondered if you did, too."

Curtly, Bill said, "I did not."

They both paused and stared at each other for a moment. Mabel started to squirm under the awkward atmosphere.

Wordlessly, Bill stood and walked away. "Good talk," he said as he started down the stairs.


Mabel sighed as Dipper creaked down the stairs. She had a nervous feeling in her stomach. Dipper was really unsettling as of late.

She marched downstairs and looked for Stan.

Shockingly, her Grunkle was sitting in his armchair watching television. She walked over to him.

"I have a secret," she whispered. "It's about," she paused to look around, "Dipper."

Stan looked at her knowingly and stood, grabbing her hand. "Come this way," he said. He quickly strutted to his office, practically dragging Mabel behind him.

Once there, he shut and locked the door. "What happened?" Stan demanded in a hushed voice.

Mabel, in an equal timbre, explained what happened in the attic.

Stan nodded. "I saw his reflection. When Dipper walked past the mirror, I saw Bill." He sighed and looked Mabel dead in the eye.

"I don't think that's Dipper anymore."

AN: Hey guys. I'm really sorry to do this, but I need your help. I'm in a tight spot financially, so I'm opening up commissions. As a main example of my writing, you have this story. This particular style is more of my easygoing, colloquial writing style. I can also write quite elegantly. If you're looking for other examples of work, PM me. Please, PM me if you are looking for something, as prices vary based on what you're looking for.

Thank you so much, guys.