TAG here. (DeltaV's nickname for me. I guess you could say that it's my tag. My TAG!... Yeah, that was bad) Yeah, the month's half-over, but I promised once-a-month, not once-at-the-start-of-every-month. So, enjoy! Also, as for that cliffhanger… I'm one-fourth sorry about that. Yeah, that seems right. But, hey, now that my hero DeltaV is writing, I may RAMP UP PRODUCTION! Also, I learned that Radigan is Engineer's Grandfather, not his Father. But, hey, fanon will be fanon, and this site is definitely a fanon warehouse. Also, there's a plot hole here, but I can't for the LIFE of me figure out another way to continue the story. As the loyal fans know this fiction was made before FNaF 2 existed, and I had just planned to not really seperate this form the other "-person here-lasts-five-nights" stories. Now, with FNaF 2 out and a 3rd one on the way (YAY) IDK where else to go with this story. So, I'm improvising the rest of this. Have been for a while. So… enjoy, I guess!

Dell stared at this odd, slender robot. It stared back at him, and it felt like it was reading his soul.

"What… I mean, who are you?" Dell questioned, careful not to insult the strange figure.

"Why, have you already forgotten ME, Mister Conagher?" The broken bot replied, "Oh, you wound me, truly."

"Forgotten you? Why, I've never even seen you!" Dell replied, confused.

"Very well… then we shall start off as though we have never met. My name is 'The Happy Present Puppet', but just call me Puppet. That's what all the kids called me…"

"Alright then… Puppet. I'm-"

"I already know who you are, Mr. Conagher. Now, let's skip the formalities and get straight to the point."

Puppet's eyes lit up a purple color, and a laugh creepier than Freddy's came out.

"You see, Mr. Conagher," Puppet said, his voice turning staticy and occasionally dropping to a significantly lower pitch. "You are responsible for the nightmare I and some of the other animatronics are living. YOU did this to us."

"What?" Dell said nervously.

"Yes, YOU. You are the one who did this to us. Now it is your turn to fix it, to right the wrong you did to us."

"What nightma-"

"YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT NIGHTMARE!" Puppet exclaimed in a deep, monotone voice. Then, static emitted from his voicebox. "Sorry," said Puppet, back to normal again, "My my, have you Truly forgotten us, Mr. Conagher? DId you forget our screams? Did you forget our cries for mercy? Did you think it funny when you stabbed me in the back, in the most literal sense?"

"What? Look, I-"

"Mr. Conagher, I must ask you to stop your idiotic lies and FACE YOUR CRIMES, YOU MURDERER."

"I, uh, um…"

"RADIGAN! Or should I say, 'Fritz Smith?'"

This bit of information hit Dell like a bowling ball to the chest. "Ra… Radigan? I'm not Radigan! And I've never heard the name 'Fritz Smith' in my entire life."

"Tr… Truly? Then… who…?"

"I am Dell Conagher, only son of the man Radigan Conagher."

"Wha… WHAT? No… then where's your father?"

"Disappeared. Gone with the wind, and I only ever seen him once afterwards. No idea where he is. Now… what about all this about Murder?"

"Well, you see, are you aware of the murders at the old Freddy's Pizza location? The missing children, whose bodies were never found? 1987?"

"Yeah, I remeber those in the newspapers from when I was a boy…"

"Well, those children never fully died. They went on to possess the animatronics. That par was my fault… I was so lonely… but I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's see… oh yes. Your father was a common visitor to Freddy's pizzeria. He saw a crying child outside the building, wanting to join in the fun, but was unable to due to his parents banning him."

Dell nodded, taking in all this fresh information.

The Puppet continued with a static overlay to his voice again.

"Your father KILLED HIM. That child went on to become the freakish Puppet you see before you, right now. That child… was me."

Dell stared, wide eyed, at the Puppet. "You mean-"

"Yes, I do mean your father was a murderer, and that he killed me. Now, if I may continue?"

Dell nodded, wondering if what he was currently going through was all some kind of nightmare. The static overlay vanished.

"A week later, Mr. Conagher," Puppet said in a robotic monotone voice"your father joined the Pizzeria as the night-shift guard. He used a fake name to drive away anyone who would try to track him down. He… he tampered with the animatronics, making them see nearly everyone as a criminal with their facial recognition software. Ergo, with this overload of data, they were unable to notify anyone of criminal activity. But they were also banned from violent action... around the children. So, when night came, the 'bots would take their anger out on the guard who was supposed to protect him."

"Mr. 'Smith' as he had named himself," Puppet continued was moved to the day shift due to his complaints of the animatronics attempting to get into his office."

The static returned, louder and worse than before.


"What? No… The first kid, maybe, but FIVE AT ONCE is impossible to believe." Dell replied furiously. "I won't let you insult my family any longer!"

"QUIET!" replied Puppet even more furiously. Then, calming down a bit , he said "That isn't the whole story! I have 2 things left to say, before I end your pitiful existence, so you better listen up!"

Dell backed off, growling in anger.

"One is this: I put the bodies of the children inside the broken-down animatronics, casing the children to possess them. I was so lonely… but this removed the evidence that the children were murdered by someone working here. The other is this: Your father built these very same animatronics, so the hypocrisy of his tampering is hideously obvious. Now, Mr. Conagher, prepare to pay for your father's sins!"

Dell was on the verge of panic. He didn't know what to do or where to go. The Puppet was already ripping himself off of the wall he was attached to, his eyes very slightly glowing red. But one thought was lingering in his mind: one thought that was his only salvation…

Dell realized that he was able to escape this, and all it would take was a simple activation keyword.

"Project Gift, activate code Emergency !" (A/N Sorry if I suck at writing code stuff in this!)

The possessed robotic doll froze, just like that.

"...What? What have you done to me? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?"

"Simple, you poor son of a gun, I activated my father's emergency code. He included it in ALL of his builds in case they went rogue, as you clearly have. Now it's time to go de-activate the others as well. Activate !"

The Puppet began stiffly following the former sentry-builder out of the little secret room and into the backstage. Dell deactivated the 3 main robots all at once, and very carefully re-coded them so they could no longer hold the souls inside them. In short, he downloaded any foreign files that were about any human qualities and they disappeared. Just as he was finishing Chica, Foxy ran in.

"Dell! Ye lived!" the fox said.

The his eyes dropped down to Puppet, and a low, robotic, static-filled grow came out.

"...YE! It be ye the whole time? Ye be the one to make us like this? I'LL KILL YE, YE LANDLUBBER! SCREEEEEE!"

"NO!" Dell yelled. "Foxy, he's with me! He can't hurt anyone anymore! I'm going to help you ALL!"

Foxy stopped, and glared at the Puppet angrily. "One day, ye sadistic, evil monster… one day…"

Puppet could only stare back. Dell had deactivated his voice. Finishing Chica, Dell turned to the Puppet and released that soul as well. Then, he turned to Foxy.

"Foxy… Do you want to be free? Do you want to… move on?"

"Dell? What do ya mean, 'free'? What do ya mean 'Move on?'"

"Well, you're a trapped soul, aren't you?"

"Dell… I don' remember anything about souls. I don' think I'm dead or anythin' like that."

Dell sighed. "Just… just come here…"

Foxy came, and Dell deactivated him as well. WHat he found was another soul, still trapped, but with no memories. Dell downloaded what was there, and it disappeared, too. Dell was left alone. He sighed. Just as he was about to close the lid on the old fox's circuits, the manager walked in.


Long story short, Dell was fired, and jobless. Back at his unlit, freezing cold house, he found a letter in the mail, in a purple envelope. It read:

"Meet me at the Wendy's near your house.


Dell grinned.

TOLD YOU! I TOLD YOU ONCE A MONTH! LAST DAY COUNTS AS PART OF THE MONTH! XD Ok, all jokes aside, WOW! This was my first multi-chaptered story, and I had NO IDEA what to do! I know the ending is bland and boring, but I felt I needed to get SOMETHING out there. I may rewrite, if I care. So… FNaF 3 confirmed! YE! Maybe when it comes out… then maybe I'll write a sequel, if y'all trust me enough not to abandon on ch2 like I do with my stories, it seems. I know I don't trust myself… but hey, yell at me some more. That'll motivate me! SO, possibly for the last time, this is TheAutisticGamer, signing out!