It had been a long and fun-filled day for the Pines twins. They'd climbed trees, gone swimming in the lake, returned an egg to a nest intact, and done a lot of laughing and joking along the way.

This had been the first day in over a week she'd been able to convince her brother to leave the house after Wendy had spurned him. It had been so worth it. She missed his smile. She missed the look in his eye when he'd get a plan. She just missed him.

Dipper gazed at his sister as she let out a guffaw at the joke he'd just made. God she was pretty when she smiled. It had been a few days since he'd started to accept what she made him feel. These strange, alien feelings he'd reserved for the foxy redhead that worked at the Mystery Shack. He was feeling them about Mabel. It frightened him and excited him. But it wasn't the same. He didn't feel the same way he did about Wendy. These feelings were sort of different. They felt, softer? A warm smile spread across his lips until it faltered as he realized he was staring at her again.

'He's staring again..' She told herself. It was just them sitting in the middle of a small clearing, all alone; the sound of evening birdsong twittering softly in her ears. Her heart beat faster. She knew she was feeling strange, unusual things toward Dipper but this was the first time she felt this nervous. She stared back at him. That look was in his eyes again. She wanted to fall into him. That look made her want to let go and just fall. Into what or where she didn't know. But she wanted to go and never look back.

He felt his breath catch. His hands were moving almost with a life of their own. They reached out to press warmly into hers, his fingers twining automatically with hers. His heart felt like it might explode. Just this small contact with her was almost painful with the way it made him feel. Something inside him wanted more, so much more. He was leaning in, leaning in closer to her, his eyelids feeling heavy. He was only a few inches away from her face. He didn't know exactly what he was doing but he didn't want to stop.

Mabel felt shocked at what was happening. But something about the look in his eyes and the way his hands were squeezing herself made her feel weak. She breathed harder and faster. He was getting close to her, too close. 'Oh gosh what is happening?' Before she could stop herself she leaned in and pressed her lips to his, her eyes closing.

They felt like something so powerful it might rip right out of both their bodies and explode into space. It was like trying to stare into the sun.

They broke apart after a few frantic sighs and stared at each other. Something strange had just happened. They both stared at each other, flushed and panting softly.

Dipper felt embarrassed. Not regretful but certainly embarrassed. He felt like he really needed to process what was happening so he sat back hard on his haunches, simply staring at her and blinking with his face glowing red.

Mabel stared at her brother, her lips slightly parted. She didn't want it to end. She could still feel his lips against hers. It took all she had not to pounce on him and do what she imagined boyfriends and girlfriends were supposed to do. She shivered at the thought and looked down at his hands holding hers, feeling like she was in a daze. She gave his hands a squeeze and looked up at him again. There was something like a strong determination in his eyes. She found her mouth spilling out words.

"Dipper. Promise me nothing will change. Not ever. You have to promise me!"

Like a drone Dipper nodded and tipped forward to kiss her again.

I'd rather waltz than just walk through the forest,

The trees keep the tempo and they sway in time,

Quartet of crickets chime in for the chorus,

If I were to pluck on your heartstrings would you strum on mine?