Hey everyone I am so sorry it has been so long. I lost my job and have been looking for work and I haven't been able to get online. The only chance I get is actually when I go to the library. I am sorry to say that this is going to be a short chapter and I am only posting one today I hope I will get more chance to write soon. Also there will be an authors note at the end of this chapter.

Now about this chapter I decided that regardless of where Tony ends up this will be a crossover so I will be changing that because I want Tony and Spencer from the BAU to be friends. Also this chapter will show you what's been going through my mind about where he might end up based on your votes. The voting is still open currently so keep reviewing. I am listening. Now on to the chapter.

Chapter 10

After Ducky and Jimmy left Jethro stayed for another 2 hours before he too had to leave. He finished the list they talked and ended up making out on the couch. When they finally parted they laughed cause they felt like a couple of teenagers.

Tony walked Jethro to the door and took Sam out for a walk. Tony loved walking at night with Sam. Tony headed towards the park he usually let Sam play in and let him off his leash.

Tony sat on a nearby bench as he watched Sam run around he thought about all that had happened today. He couldn't believe he lost his job today. Thinking back he knew it was inevitable that he would leave. With the way the team had been treating him lately Gibbs included Tony knew he would leave he just didn't expect it to be this way. He certainly didn't think his feelings for Jethro would come out and be returned. He was happy to get his chance to be with Jethro. He couldn't wait to explore their relationship deeper. Tony smiled as he thought about all the things they'd learn about each other.

Tony's smile faded as he thought of the rest of the team. The biggest issue with them and their lack of respect would have to be resolved before he chose where he would go.

Thinking of leaving made him think of his options. He probably won't go to the local PD. He didn't want to go through the hazing he knew would happen he was too old for that and he also knew his skills would be wasted. The CIA is diffidently out. Trent Court left his mark on him and he refused to work in the same place as him. Homeland might be a good place to go. He knew Morrow would take care of him; but he didn't like working terrorist cases. Now with the FBI he knew Fornell and his team but he couldn't stand sacks. Could he really work with them. The BAU is promising. He knows Spencer Reid and he knows his skills would be put to good use. He'd also get to travel even if the cases would be harder then he's use to he knows he could do the job with hard work.

Tony shook his head to clear his thoughts. He can't think about this; not right now. Tony whistled for Sam who came running. Tony leashed him and they headed back home ready for the day to end.

After Tony go home he locked up and made sure Sam had fresh water and turned in. As he laid in bed and sighed not sure what to expect for tomorrow. He knows this is a new start he just doesn't know which direction to go.


Hey everyone I am sorry to ask but I need your help. You see my mom and I have fallen on hard times. We have both lost our jobs due to health reasons and have not been able to get new ones. We are not gonna be able to pay rent next month and we barley were able to pay this month we were actually short. I know you probably don't want to hear about my problems because you have you own but I could really use some help. You see my mom set up a gofundme page to help but no one is donating or even trying to help so I am going to put a link for the gofundme page and ask that you spread it around to people who might help. If you guys could donate I would be so thankful even just $10 would help. I really am sorry to just dump this on you but thank you for reading and helping if you can.

Here is the Gofundme web page. Please help. Thank you. Just remove the space and add a . next to com. Thank you again

Gofundme com/ 2zwh4338