Authors Note:
This is my first ever Fanfiction idea and story ever. I have a lot of ideas saved up but I'm going to begin with short ones like this until I get better. I'm expecting this to be 4 chapters, maybe 5.
If you liked this at all, read and review the other chapters please. This was just a quick set up. It gets a lot better and longer so its worth the read. Thanks and ENJOY!
This is a real world adaption of One Piece. I do not own any of the rights. All rights go to Eiichiro Oda.
5:30pm Saturday Luffy's House
Standing in front of his wall sized mirror, Luffy couldn't help but feel good about himself. He was a good height standing at 6'1, dawned with black messy hair, and a medium build. He kept a clean shave and the only noticeable flaw to his face was a scar under his left eye which he felt made him look intimidating.
While staring through the mirror, he began to engage in playful banter with himself. "Looking good my main man. They probably only made you CEO of Mugiwara Inc. due to those stunning looks" he cooed while turning his face to the side with his hand.
"Why thank you me but I'm pretty sure it was all those years of studying hard and kissing the boss's ass."
He laughed heartedly at his own joke as he began to leave his room. "Guess it was worth it", he thought, "now I'm filthy rich and I have a beautiful, cool girlfriend."
Checking his watch the rich man realized he was running perfectly on time, a habit he apparently only picked up when he became CEO 2 years back.
"Keys… check, wallet…. check, phone… check" rattled off Luffy as he made his exit out of his bedroom. Today was without a doubt going to be another great date day for him and his girlfriend of 3 months, Nami. It was their three month anniversary and things had to be perfect.
"Cologne… check, 20 karat gold necklace….. CRAP!" yelled Luffy just now realizing that the gift for his girlfriend was not in his chest pocket. Of course he could just buy another one but not on such short notice. Not only that but this gift had thought put into it. It was something only Nami would like. Besides the gold of course.
Rushing back in his room he ran over to the dresser where he thought he took it off of. "NO it's not there, why does god hate me!" complained the billionaire looking dramatically at the ceiling, before getting down on all fours and searching around the room. "Come on where is it, I had it like five seconds ag OUCH DAMNIT" he yelped as he banged his head on the bottom of his bed.
It wasn't that it hurt but the aggravation was beginning to get to him. Now with a bump on his head he continued to squeeze under his bed. "For a king-size bed this crawlspace is ridiculously small" complained Luffy as he finally made it under the bed. "Note to self, buy a bigger bed."
"There it is" he shouted in victory "but how did it get so far under there". Reaching out and grabbing it he slipped it into his chest pocket. Attempting to get out from under the bed he realized something that was a huge setback for the date he was now running late for.
"Crap I'm stuck, this can't get any worse" Luffy sighed as he laid his face on the floor in defeat. He was soon proved wrong however as his "pet" Chopper slipped effortlessly under the bed, dropped a wet, nauseating animal fart and then quickly ran down the stairs towards a knocking door.
Not realizing the banging on the front door Luffy's eyes began to water as the effects of Choppers fart kicked in.
"AW I CAN TASTE IT!" AND WHY IS IT HOT!" yelled the Billionaire as he began rolling around as best he could in an attempt to escape the silent death. With his screams, the knocks on the door began getting louder and louder.
Bumping more than just his head Luffy began to flail his arms and legs. Cracking sounds could be heard with every hit but he was too busy trying to focus on getting breath air that he didn't notice. With a final hit to one of the bed legs, the bedframe crashes on top of Luffy with a loud THUD.
This being the final straw, the front door is kicked open revealing a tall man with black hair and freckles. Rushing up the stairs he stops in front of Luffy's room's open door. "Luffy what happened?" he yelled as he ran over to the bed.
"Ace is that you, get me the hell outa here!" Luffy screamed from under the bed. With their combined efforts, they were able to lift it enough for the Billionaire to roll out.
"What the hell was that all about" said Ace throwing his arms in the air to express his anger. His voice slighlty rising in pitch.
"No big deal I'll buy a new bed" the brunette replied giving Ace a face splitting grin.
Now getting angrier Ace began to speak in a hushed tone, his voice seemingly laced with poison. "You're lucky I was visiting you today ok?" "I don't give a damn about the bed." "There's only one of you so screw the bed" he continued. "What do you have to say for yourself?"
"What are brothers for" was all Luffy could say as he checked on the gift that caused all the trouble. Realizing what the box was Ace softened up.
"That's adopted brother idiot." "Is that why you were under the bed" he said pointing at the rectangular box?
A melodramatic gasp was the sound Luffy made at the fact that Ace would make "the adopted brother" distinction. "Still love you bro" replied the billionaire sarcastically. "Yeah this is for Nami, our anniversary dinner is in an hour." "Three months is pretty good for me" he said with a laugh.
"Don't you get her a gift every date?" "Why is this one special?" asked ace with a quizzical look.
"Yeah but this one is a heart necklace with tangerines on the heart loopies" pouted Luffy like a child. "You know how much she likes tangerines"
"Heart Loopies?" asked Ace with a chuckle.
"Whatever I'm running late" said Luffy as he brushed past his brother. "There's food in the fridge if you and Nojiko wanna hang for a bit"
"Luffy" said Ace serious now. "Be careful with Nami, make sure she's treating you the way a Normal person would be treated" continued the man as he stressed the word normal.
Now confused Luffy looked at his freckled brother. "How else would she treat me, I am normal" he asked apparently not understanding and feeling like he'd been insulted. "You make her sound dangerous, she's Nami, Nojiko's sister, remember?" countered Luffy putting weight on his girlfriend's name.
"I know, just think about it ok bud?" said Ace in a brotherly tone.
"Ok fine weirdo" called Luffy now on his way down the stairs. "Oh yeah I almost forgot, play nice on my couch with Nojiko would ya?" "I don't wanna have to pay to fix that too" continued the brunette as he ran out the door.
Ace now slightly blushing "tsked" before dialing up his girlfriend to come hang out.
Now outside the house Luffy clicked the button on his key pager to open the garage. As the door swung open it revealed his blue haired mechanic and friend Franky. "Taking her out for a ride?" asked Franky as he noticed his boss approaching. "Just finished her oil change so she's all set."
"Yeah I'm going to pick Nami up for our date" Luffy replied with a grin.
SUPEERR ROMANNCEE! yelled the mechanic as he watched Luffy get into his silver Lamborghini and drive away.
In the car with Luffy
"I wonder what Ace meant when he said to be careful" thought the billionaire on his way to pick up Nami. "This is gunna bother me for the rest of the night isn't it?"