Disclaimer: I don't own FFVII and make no profit from this work.

Something fluffy because I couldn't leave it alone.

Cloud choked back a tired sob. She was used to having a few missions here and there that required little to no sleep over several days.

She wasn't used to having a demanding wail be the reason for staying up. She loved her daughter without a doubt, simply loved her.

But she couldn't take it much longer.

She had her mother here to help, but she wanted Sephiroth. He didn't like Luna crying either, but he was better at calming her down. He so calmly and easily deciphered what she wanted. Just the sound of his deep voice chatting nonsensically at his baby made Cloud feel more at ease.

But he was on a mission. ShinRa listed 'lack of manpower' (due to Cloud still being on leave) as an excuse to beg one more mission from their former General.

Little did Cloud know, that Sephiroth was counting the days when he could come back to their screaming little bundle. More than one man blinked when Sephiroth muttered quietly to himself that he should be "at home with my daughter".

Cloud felt dread when the key turned in the lock after the sound of familiar boots being shucked in the foyer. Luna was screaming her head off, refusing to rest at all. Cloud had hoped fore a better reception.

Sephiroth felt relief. It was true the bawling wasn't exactly pleasant for his ears, it was a sound reminder that he was needed. He was missed in a way. He took Luna from Clouds arms and kissed his wife above one tired eye. Her knee kept bouncing once the baby was gone.

"Shh," Sephiroth said, "Don't torture your mother like that. She loves you so."

"I'm sorry Seph," Cloud said wearily. Luna hadn't slept well the night before. Or the night before that.

"For what?" Sephiroth asked. Cloud stared at him, at a complete loss for words.

"How can you stand it?" Cloud asked.

"After not hearing it for three days it's almost music," Sephiroth said kissing a red, wet face.

"Okay," Cloud said, "I dunno what the hell Hojo did to your ears, but this is one I approve of." Together it was easier to calm her down in time for bedtime. Cloud was so exhausted and frazzled, even with enhancements, that she was relieved with Sephiroth's orderly and calm checklist of making Luna satisfied. Marianne turned in as soon as Sephiroth got the Luna to shut up and eat, having tag-teamed all day with Cloud with little success. Cloud finished feeding Luna and Sephiroth ushered her off to bed as well.

Cloud woke up a few hours later to the dreaded whimpering. The heat source behind her shifted. Lips pressed against her ear.

"I got it," Sephiroth said and stood up. Cloud wasn't in the mood to argue and rolled over into the warm space he left behind miserably.

Sephiroth was more than happy to get up. This wasn't doing chores his wife had to do alone in his absence. This was Daddy Time. He didn't know why, but there was sudden electricity when he was alone with his daughter. It was the same when he was alone with Cloud, but this one was newer.

Luna was making the almost bawling noises when he stepped in.

"Shhh," Sephiroth said, "I've got you." He picked her up effortlessly. She squirmed for a moment then got an unpracticed grip on his hair and decided it was good enough. He rubbed a firm hand up her back and she relaxed entirely. After a few blissful minutes of silence, he thought she had dozed off again. She squirmed and fussed when he stopped.

"Okay," Sephiroth said and resumed his soothing of his sleep deprived love. He didn't mind in the least. It meant he had an excuse to hold her more. After a moment of contemplation he started humming. He didn't remember the entire melody and knew there were supposed to be words in there, but it would have to do. Marianne and Cloud both sang pretty little melodies that he didn't understand and Luna usually dozed off to them. He hoped his was good enough. He ran through it around three times and stopped. Luna remained still. He laid her back down, kissing her perfect little hand as he pried his hair free from her grip.

"I love you sweetheart," he said, "and I always will."

Cloud was sitting up when he got back. He paused.

"What?" he asked.

"I didn't know you could sing," Cloud said. He shrugged.

"I don't know any songs," he said, "there were supposed to be words, but I've forgotten them."

"Where did you learn it?" Cloud asked, "It was beautiful."

"I don't know," Sephiroth said, "I think someone sang it to me when I was much younger."

"...Sing it to me sometime?" Cloud asked. He nodded. She reached for his hand and he let her pull him into bed.

"I love you," Cloud said.

"I know," Sephiroth said. She laughed quietly and dozed off again. Sephiroth stayed awake a little while longer, thinking about what it meant to be this happy.