It was after midnight, the gray moon giving off an eerie light on the empty streets of New York City. Jack Kelly walked through Newsies Square, kicking up the ripped newspapers they had destroyed earlier that day. He hated himself for even coming up with the idea of the strike. The strike that had nearly killed them. He thought of Race with his black eye, Specs's glasses that had been broken in half (Jack was paying for new ones himself), and little Les with his arm in a makeshift sling. But the thought that pained him the most was Crutchie. Jack watched as his friend was beaten senseless, then dragged off into the Refuge, a place Jack had barely survived. Crutchie would never make it in there.

Why had I done this? How could I have been so stupid? I put everyone in danger! Theys all lying back home, groanin and whinin, and its all my fault! Jack screamed in his frustration. He picked up a newspaper that danced along the street, and ripped it to shreds, the ink smearing from his tears. He saw something stuck underneath a wagon wheel. Jack lifted up the cart, to see a long piece of cloth with STRIKE in black paint. Crutchie he thought to himself. Crutchie was so excited to show Jack that little banner he had made that morning. Jack pressed the piece of cloth close to his chest, crying into it.


Crutchie snored softly into his pillow. Jack took out his sketchbook to draw a picture of the sleeping boy, his candle giving off a warm glow. Jack finished his drawing, signing his signature with a flourish. He closed his sketchbook, putting it back in his tube of drawings. He climbed into bed, his hand instinctively falling underneath his pillow. No one knew it was there, and he planned to keep it that way. Jack fell asleep, his hand clasped around Crutchie's strike banner, grateful that his brother was sleeping on the opposite side of their "penthouse."

Hey guys! This was just a stupid little one-shot I wrote in like 10 minutes. I know it kinda sucks, but I wasn't too picky about how it turned out. I also realize its kinda sad, as all my stories are, so I apologize if I cause you any depression from anything I've written. But anyway, reviews please! If you have any ideas for any other one-shots, or for chapters in some of my longer stories, don't be afraid to tell me. I like know what other people want to read about. Newsies forever, second to none!