N/A: Hi! I'm Speisla. I speak Spanish, so I hope there is no mistake in my drabble. This is a Trinine (Tris x Jeanine). If you don't like, don't read.

Many thanks to my beta! asmurray95 (Ashlynn)

Sometimes, Tris plays with Jeanine's hair.

She simply could not help herself. Maybe it was the lack of toys she had in her childhood, or simply because she loved to feel the soft blond hair of her lover wound between her fingers. Either way, it was a habit for Tris, a habit she indulged in with every opportunity. At first Jeanine had been slightly reluctant but she quickly realized how much she enjoyed it as well. There was something alluring and relaxing to Jeanine when Tris would run her fingers through her perfectly kept blonde hair. It quickly became a routine for Tris to brush and fix Jeanine's hair every morning. Jeanine could apply her makeup as her lover would comb and brush her hair. Then at the end of the day Tris would brush Jeanine's hair again while Jeanine removed her makeup and got ready for bed.

Usually, if it was not too dangerous, Tris was free to do what she wanted with Jeanine. Tris would often find herself reading one of Jeanine's many books, taking a look into her notes, and even falling asleep in one of Jeanine's shirts when her meetings would run late.

Sometimes when Tris could not sleep she would simply lie awake and take in the view of her lithe lover next to her. She would start at Jeanine's face attempting to memorize every dip and rise on the beautiful woman's face in the pale moonlight. Her eyes would trail down past perfectly shaped eyebrows, over strong cheek bones and slightly parted supple lips before resting on the subtle rise and fall of Jeanine's chest. There were no defenses, no walls or barriers, Jeanine would be perfectly relaxed and peacefully slumbering through the night. Tris was irrevocably convinced Jeanine was most beautiful when she was sleeping.

Tris never had a doll as a child, and she quietly giggled and realized she did not need one now that she had Jeanine.

- "Why aren't you sleeping?" muttered the woman at her side, without opening her eyes.

- "I'm not tired" Tris responded with a small smile.

- "Tomorrow you will be if you don't sleep" came the soft reply.

Jeanine turned her head to face Tris and opened her eyes, causing the breath to catch in Tris' lungs as she met Jeanine's silver moonlit gaze. A smile spread across Jeanine's lips, and Tris let out a shaky breath.

-"You can't force me to sleep, you can't control me" Tris teased with a soft smile.

-"Right" Jeanine breathed. She arched her eyebrow and pursed her lips, her eyes never leaving Tris'. "Hmmm…Well, then I suppose we should do something to make you tired" and a salacious grin spread across Jeanine's face.

-"You can try." The words hardly got past Tris' lips before Jeanine crashed their lips together in a passionate kiss.

-"Now are you ready to sleep?" Jeanine asked as she looked into her lover's deep blue eyes.

-"Mmmmm… Yes, I think so" Tris responded before placing a soft kiss to Jeanine's lips.

Jeanine rolled over onto her back and Tris turned so she was pressed against Jeanine. She rested her head on Jeanine's shoulder then wrapped her leg and arm over her warm body.

-"Good night Tris" Jeanine whispered before she placed a kiss to the top of Tris' head.

Tris nuzzled her nose against her neck "Mmm good night Jeanine."

Jeanine wrapped her arm around Tris and smiled to herself before falling asleep. She had succeeded.