Guys, if you send me prompts I update a lot quicker. So send away! Also, if there is any Percy Jackson fans out there (that have read the Blood of Olympus) check out my newest story! And a new chapter of Breaking Point will be up tonight as well! Update Friday is here!

Love you all, and please send prompts!

"How do you know if you like someone?" Romeo Conbolt fidgeted slightly, his still boyish features contorted even though the question he had asked was simple in nature.

Gray Fullbuster, who had been peacefully sitting sipping his beer alone at one of the guild's rickety tables before the boy came up to him, found the liquid burning up his nose as he attempted not to spit it up. He spluttered for a moment, probably effectively embarrassing the young Conbolt further as he choked over the question. Eyes watering, he considered the boy. He often forgot that the small boy who used to follow around Natsu like a lost puppy was gone, replaced by this teenager who was coming to Gray for advice.

In all honesty, Gray wasn't quite sure why Romeo was asking him all of people. Gray had only had one or two girlfriends in the past and had been glaringly single for the past three years… well three years for him, ten for the rest of the world. Besides, why wasn't the young boy asking his idol, Natsu (not like that bastard knew anything about love) or better yet his own Father.

"Uh…" Gray trailed off awkwardly, his mind going infuriating blank.

"I'm only asking because it seems like you've liked Erza for a long time." The teenager confessed quietly, his eyes staring at the floor . Gray's eyes nearly popped out of his head. His hand moved to clap itself quickly over the young fire mages mouth. His eyes shot around the guild frantically, making sure no one was within ear shot to hear that comment. Luckily, the guild was at it's usual pitch and nobody was paying attention to the odd remark here and there. He released Romeo's mouth, and seized him around the wrist, effectively yanking him out the guildhall, abandoning his mug on the table.

The young boy looked terrified as Gray slammed the door behind him and descended upon him.

"Just where did you hear that?" He asked in a low growl, his eyes narrowing dangerously. He was trying to keep up his tough guy act so Romeo wouldn't delay his answer, but on the inside he felt as if his insides had been turned to soft delicate mush, impressionable by any fate Romeo may dictate onto him. If Romeo, a fourteen year old boy who knew nothing about love knew about this, how many others did as well? Had it fallen on her ears as well? Perhaps she was been laughing at him with Cana behind his back for months now! Maybe he was the only idiot in the whole place, thinking that his private thoughts were actually private. Maybe everything he ever thought was secret was in fact open for the world to laugh at it.

Romeo was visibly sweating, his black hair nearly standing on end as he splayed his fingers in mock defense, nearly backing into a clothesline in his desperation to escape the rage of the ice mage. His cheeks were turning red, probably because he was embarrassed he even asked the question in the first place.

"I suspected it!" He shouted. Gray stepped closer, his hands moving out to grip the boy's collar. He wasn't actually in face putting any pressure on the boy, because Romeo looked like he was about to wet his pants. Ha, take that Natsu.

"Does Erza know?" He demanded. That was really the only answer he cared about. He didn't want her to feel like he was forcing his feelings onto her, because he wasn't. He didn't have any attention… of well ever telling her.

"No I haven't told anyone!" Romeo promised, crossing his fingers over his hearts with a terrified look. "I mean, if I could figure it out I bet others know but-" He broke off nervously. Gray relaxed visibly, releasing his hold on the young mages collar.

"So you got the hots for Wendy?" Gray asked, smiling. Romeo cringed.

"It was that easy?" he replied, scratching the back of his head. Gray nodded, and the younger boy sighed.

Gray began to give the young boy advice, not knowing about the scarlet haired girl right behind the corner, having heard their whole conversation and was standing completely still—looking in shock towards the ice mage.