A/N: This is a 6 chapter fic that was prompted to me on twitter. I don't want to give anything away so just know that I am a Caskett shipper, always. I had so much fun writing this and I look forward to hearing what you think. Each chapter is based off of a different episode throughout the series but the story is continuous. The italicized sections are canon. The last chapter will move to M territory.

Disclaimer: The words in italics are directly from the episodes. They are not mine and I intend no copyright. I do not own Castle or anything associated with the series. I just love to write about it.

Kiss Me Again

They're undercover, pretending to be a drunken couple as they stumble towards the guard who's currently blocking the door to where Ryan and Espo are being held. But he's not just watching them; he's also walking towards them. "He's not buying it, Castle." This was his dumb idea, and it's clearly not working. She's about to grab her gun when he catches hold of her hand, spins her towards him and roughly attaches his lips to hers. She pulls away, momentarily stunned by what's just happened. Then she catches sight of the guard, who's still watching intently. They need to sell this if they want a chance at getting to the boys, so she leans back in and plays the part. She keeps her lips fused to his until the guard turns his back and then she knocks him out. It's no secret that both of them are breathless and her cheeks are flushed. She ignores it at the time.

It's been an extremely long and stressful day. It had taken some time and a ridiculous undercover ploy to save Ryan and Espo, but they'd managed to do it. Kate Beckett will never admit it to anyone, but kissing Castle had saved the day. He had planted his lips on hers and kissed her like she was some kind of prize. He'd left her breathless and wanting and oh yes, she wants to do it again.

It's been hours since it happened, hours of remembering the way his lips felt against hers and hours of thrumming with need. She's been waiting for a chance since they got back to the precinct, a perfect moment to get him alone, because she can't stop thinking about that kiss. She's not sure what he's feeling, but if his reaction in the alley was any indication, he enjoyed it too. She knows he wouldn't turn down the chance to do it again.

He volunteers to get them some food and she nods as he leaves. The boys have finished giving their statements and are being sent home. They went through hell today and she's so glad she and Castle were able to get to them in time. She's also glad that since they have the rest of the night off; it means it'll just be her and Castle when he returns. This isn't like her. She doesn't let things like this get to her, doesn't let him get to her but she's ruined now that she's tasted him.

It seems like he's gone forever and she's antsy by the time he returns, working on paper work but thinking about only one thing. His voice registers and she hadn't realized he'd already walked over to her side, She jumps and almost knocks over her coffee.

"You okay there, Beckett?"

She quickly regains her composure and stands, putting some distance between them because she doesn't trust herself to be that close to him.

"Yeah I'm fine; I just didn't hear you walk up. Let's go eat."

Her eyes remain trained on her food as they eat, and the silence stretches on until it's extremely uncomfortable. He clears his throat and she finally glances up at him.

"So, long day huh?"

She nods and glances at her father's watch. It's late, they could definitely call it a night.

"Yeah, why don't we head out, I'll come in early tomorrow and finish the paperwork."

She motions for him to wait for her as she collects her coat and he seems surprised; it's not often that they walk out together. They walk beside each other until they get to her car and she knows it's now or never and the way he's looking at her tells her it's definitely going to be now.

"Castle, I - earlier when we were undercover, that kiss, I wanted to..."

He cuts her off before she can finish and she struggles to hide her frustration. "Kate, it's okay, I know it was just undercover and it can't happen again, you don't have to tell me."

Her brows knit together as she frowns at him, "No Castle, that isn't - I was going to - I wanted to tell you that..."

A throat clears behind her and Castle's eyes lift to focus on the person who's walked up. She turns to find her boyfriend and oh shoot, she has a boyfriend what was she about to do?

"Josh, hi, what are you doing here?" She keeps her tone light; pushing down the annoyance she's feeling right now. She hasn't been dating him very long - in fact she's not really sure she should be calling him her official boyfriend yet - but still, he's here and in spite of whatever it is she's feeling for Castle right now, she likes Josh.

"I thought I'd surprise you. I know you work late nights but, I just wanted to see you and then as I was walking towards the doors I saw you standing here."

She nods and looks from Josh to Castle and back again. "Castle, this is Josh." She leaves it at that, allowing the two men to shake hands. An awkward silence to settles between the three of them.

"Well, we were just about to head out for the night so…" She's about to come up with some excuse so that maybe Josh will leave and she can have another minute with Castle, but it soon becomes all too clear that the moment is ruined. Castle starts to back away and she catches the slight disappointment in his eyes.

"I better get going; I'll see you tomorrow, Kate. Nice to meet you Josh."

She lets him go with a small smile and then turns back to Josh. He smiles and leans in to kiss her, a quick peck that's absolutely nothing like her kiss with Castle. She has to stop herself from frowning. "So, any chance I could persuade you to come have a drink with me before you head home?" Josh asks.

She finally accepts that it just isn't meant to happen with Castle right now. Josh is a nice guy and she has no reason to tell him no. Maybe the universe is trying to tell her something.

Castle and Beckett don't talk about the kiss again. They just go back to the way things were, ignoring the feelings that they both clearly have. If they have anything to learn, it's that interruptions often come at the most unwanted times.

Thank you to Bri for her wonderful friendship and amazing beta. I couldn't have done this without her.

Thank you to Nikki and Jill for helping to bring this idea to life and for being amazing cheerleaders.

Hugs to all of you. xo