
So there the two Shadow Slayers were stood, in total silence. Ebony's eyes were on the ground as she composed herself with deep breaths and nails digging into the palm of her hands. Rogue could only watch, knowing she needed space so fought the need to hug her and tell her everything was alright. He couldn't give her strength, as she believed herself too strong to accept it.

The whole world around them seemed to have still, the slight wind had died and there was no noise around them. The sun still continued to beat down upon them, but in this cold silence they couldn't feel the heat. Their connection to the shadows was the only thing alive, bouncing back and forth between them like a child who couldn't decide which parent it wanted to go to. Usually, it would pick Ebony for the Dark was a more powerful place than just in the Shadows but her powers unused made her connection weak.

"Nothing I can say will make you feel any better or change your mind on the subject. You have to be willing to make the change happen." Rogue said, to which Ebony only rolled her eyes and turned back around, hands behind her neck as she looked to the sky.

"It takes one to kill one." Ebony said, looking behind her slightly and offering him a serious look. "I become the Monster so you don't have to… not again. Either way standing here isn't going to get the job done, it's a trip across town to the other warehouse district. Are you coming?"

"I don't believe I have a choice." Rogue replied and Ebony nodded.

"Correct answer. I need someone to write down my exploits." She said and began to walk, letting him follow her in silence through the quiet town and out into the rural areas before they reached another large, seemingly empty warehouse but Ebony could sense the aura's of people moving around, Rogue could smell the chemicals and herbs they combined.

Ebony reached out and touched his sleeve, motioning that she would go in first and that he was her backup. Not that she needed backup, the expression on her face had said. She moved forward, but made no sound as she slowly slid in and attacked a man, unaware of her presence.

Rogue found himself bored, watching Ebony defeat wave after wave of men pouring through. She used no magic, but it wasn't like magic was needed. Every punch and kick was carefully calculated, she used the men against each other and finally no more came. Ebony stood victorious, as she usually did.

"Come." She said, straightening and walking towards some doors that she threw open, to reveal a haze of chemicals and scientists all weary and tired and obviously not there by choice. "If you run now, I won't have to kill you." She said to them. They didn't need to be told twice. Once the room had been emptied Ebony walked through the room to the very end, to find a chest that had been her mission for what seemed like the best part of forever.

The wood was worn, scratched and damaged. She ran her hands along it, feeling every bump and groove before slowly and carefully lifting it slightly to check for traps. There proved to be none and she lifted it, only to sigh and drop back onto her behind.

"There's more than one!" She exclaimed. "How am I supposed to know which one is which?"

"Take them all?" Rogue suggested as he peered into the chest, to see it lined with many unlabelled bottles. They were all different shapes and sizes, varying in colours and contents.

Ebony got to her feet and crossed her arms, glaring into the chest as if to intimidate the one she sought to come out. "Rogue?"

"Yes?" He asked, turning to face her.

She placed her hands on his shoulders and sighed, looking down momentarily. "Kiss me."

He suddenly fell silent, frozen with shock.

"I didn't know I was that unappealing to you." She said, removing her hands and rolling her eyes but he took a step forward, catching her waist and pulled her too him. At first it was a hug, a warm one filled with hope but then he leaned back, and pressed his lips against her own in a tender, loving kiss.

For the few moments it lasted, Ebony broke away and picked up a glowing bottle triumphantly. "Love potions, always showing themselves up in the sight of affection, or trust... or a lot of things."
"I'm not sure how that will help Cassiel, and how did you know kissing me would work? It's not like you liked me four or so hours ago." Rogue said, crossing his arms and watching the God Slayer who just smiled and shrugged.

"This is a love potion, but also proves to be the base of a potion that will allow us to delve into Cassiel's mind which should allow us to fight whatever is blocking her from regaining magic and to then sever Cobra's connection. Did you not feel how my god and your dragon reacted before? That bestial, primal need to claim, to protect and to mate. By the Gods, I'm surprised we managed to fight the need... Although it wouldn't have necessarily worked." She said as she offered him a bright smile. "If you want a repeat performance, you'll have to talk me out first. I don't want people to think I'm easy."

She moved forward, carefully wrapping her arms around him neck making sure the potion was securely in her hands before smiling gently, content. "We have to go see that old woman from Fairy Tail, Porlyusica I think she was called. She sent me on this… adventure."

Rogue put his arms around her, pulling her closer so that their bodies were pressed together. It was as if he was trying to make up for the two months they just let go, ignoring each other. "And Cassiel's with her?" Ebony nodded. "But I assume it'll take some time to create the potion to fix her." Ebony nodded again. "You're a wanted criminal."

"Turn me in and you'll never get to see my breasts again. I would have thought you'd want to make up for the first time." She said, offering him a wink as she broke away and rolled her shoulders. "It'll take a week to two weeks to do, that's what she said anyway, so Cassiel and Cobra will remain with her and we'll go back to the guild until we're called back. Or I will, it depends if you want to fight the demons in her mind."

"I will join you." He said and Ebony nodded.


The journey there was mostly uneventful. Porlyusica accepted the position, and had told Ebony she had been slow about getting it. Then proceeded to complain that she had to put up with two humans in her home, Ebony had just stood there allowing the woman to rant before excusing herself and made her way to the train station.

"Why don't you use your magic?" Rogue asked as they sat there waiting for the train to come. Ebony rolled her eyes and remained silent as she glared at the conductor who had told them the train would be an hour late. "Ebony."

She proceeded to let out a sigh. "It holds me back. I'm effective with my fists, and being a God Slayer lets me see auras. I don't need anything else."

"But you need it to fight the Old Gods."

"I'll cross that bridge when it comes to it. My magic can only be as strong as I am physically. I need to hone my body into a perfect weapon before I can even consider allowing my magic to sharpen that blade." Ebony shook her head. "Anyway, I'm only there to break through the barriers of the Old Gods, I need you to make it hurt."

"That annoys you?" He asked and she shook head head.

"Surprisingly, no. It just annoys me how much the media overstate mine and my brothers importance in all this." She sighed. "I hate the attention."

Rogue put his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer half expecting her to fight it but she submitted, allowing herself to pulled. "You and Blake lead the fight, you've been fighting this battle for so long. Everyone looks to you for guidance and for protection."
"Yeah but who protects the protectors? If we die, what then?"

Rogue nodded. "Indeed, what then?"

"So we're dating now." Ebony stated, in a monotone emotionless voice that she used when she didn't want to let on anything. He didn't respond, instead took her hand in his own and held it as he watched her for a reaction. She leant on him, just a little bit, allowing him to hold her close. It was then when he brought her hand up to his mouth, and brushed kisses across her knuckles, that he saw her blush. Her eyes were downcast as she looked away, trying to hide the fact her cheeks were bright red.

"I would have thought you'd have better control of your emotions."

"How can I steel myself against something I'm not used to?" She mumbled as she edged away slowly. "I'm not good with romance gushy stuff…"

He offered a sigh. "Your brother isn't fond of me."

"He blames you for me acting off." Ebony said, as she composed herself.

"An understatement." It gained him a glare.

She stood up, stretched and turned. "Everything was fine until the fight between us but he believes that we got into a relationship but… well… the Gods know." She sighed. "Perhaps he believed I'd truly dedicated myself to my patron Mother, Artemis, but you took the one things that keeps me so connected."

Rogue, briefly, looked confused before the realisation dawned on his face. "Are you?"
"Truly dedicated? No. Artemis made her choices, I'll make mine. I praise her, follow her words and teachings but I am a mere mortal. I could never hope to be able to abstain all my life." She offered a sly smirk. "Not while you're a dragon slayer anyway."

"I can't not be."

As to be expected, Rogue slept the journey back so that he did not have to put up with being travel sick. So the journey was uneventful, the trip through town to the guild was even more so.

"Maybe I'll dedicate myself wholly to Artemis… actually no that might just piss Erebus off." Ebony bit her lip gently in thought as she opened the doors to the guild. "Lucy has a lead to one of the Gods Keys, it's selfish but I hope it's one of my gods or at the very least Apollo."

"Will you be aiding her?" Rogue said but Ebony sighed and shook her head.

"I want to, I really do but… My place is on the front lines but I volunteered Orga up, he promised to guide her on this task. Fairy Tail offered Laxus up, with a God Slayer and a Dragon slayer, of the same Element no less, everything should be fine." Ebony offered a tight smile. "I just hope they find them in time."

"We must play with the card we're dealt." Rogue said solemnly.

"Doesn't mean we can't cheat beforehand to get better ones." Ebony said as they reached the door to Sting's office. "We need to see if we can Unison Raid our powers. I'm reluctant to delve back into the darkness but… I'm not sure there's anything I wouldn't do to defeat the Old Gods."

"I'll schedule us into Practice together, I assume the same for Sting and Blake?" He asked and Ebony nodded.

"While you're at it, get someone to research Elemental Keys. They should be able to make attacks more powerful, similar to a God Key but… unlike a God key, they can unison raid with other elements." Ebony paused for a moment. "I think that's what Blake had said to me."

"Research and find them, anything else?" Rogue asked.

"Find someone and make them explain when I'm leading all this?"

Rogue laughed gently before leaning forward and brushing his lips against hers. "We trust you."

"And why do you trust me?" She asked. "I think you're rather biased."
"You've been leading us without realising it."