Hey guys, so I'm sure some of you probably got excited but this isn't exactly a chapter, but an update. It's been too long and I've procrastinated writing this for a long time as well so I apologize for this.

So I've been getting a lot of messages and some of you have commented on my other fic about this as well. It's been a year, nearing a year and a half actually, since I've updated this story and a lot of you have been asking when I'm going to post the next chapter.

Truth to be told, I no longer have any interest in this story. I know a lot of people liked this a lot but when I look back at it, it's not something I'm proud of. There are parts from beginning to end which made me really cringe from how I've written it and sometimes I feel like taking it down. But I won't take it down since I'm sure a lot of you would be upset but I don't think I'm continuing it either.

I've said that there's only about 2 chapters left and that's true. That's all I have planned but to be honest, the ending is abrupt and bad.

For people who do want to know how the story ends, here's how it goes. My A/N continues after the italicised part.

- During their date, Buttercup and Butch run into some trouble in an alley with some guys and this reminded Butch of what had happened previously. They manage to fend those guys off, Butch is upset and Buttercup comforts him.

- In the final chapter, there's been a timeskip and it's Christmas. The boys are better off now and they're living in a more comfortable apartment. In the last uploaded chapter, the good thing that was mentioned was that Brick got offered a job by the government or something due to his hacking skills and he's secured himself with a stable salary that'll be enough to cover Boomer's fees up. Boomer's is working on his portfolio. Butch is still contemplating what he wants to do. The story ends with Blossom and Brick talking about taking their relationship to the next level and they kiss.

- There was also supposed to be an epilogue about HIM watching them and laughing over how naive they are and that he'll continue messing with them. His plan all along had never been whatever it was that he had told the girls and the boys in the story. He just hates the six of them and wants them to be miserable so that he can derive pleasure from watching them suffer. HIM implies he's coming up with something new.

At some point in time, when I came up with that epilogue, I had messed around with thoughts about a sequel but I realized that's a stupid idea and sequels are never a good thing (see what happened with Pink Hearts?- yeah that).

This story is not something I'm proud of. Blossom's and Brick's relationship has been terribly written here in my opinion and I don't like how I portrayed them. I can't even remember what I wrote about the other two and I can never make it past a few chapters to remember either. And to be honest, I was much more immature when I wrote this and I ended up romanticising a lot of things which I don't like now, especially with Blossom and Brick. And also, I hate the bit with Emily. Fuck that part. Also, I've talked to a few people and some have agreed that this story had seemed a little rushed nearer the end and truth to be told, after they rescued Butch, I no longer had the motivation to write.

I still did write them but then I lost the files in my computer so the draft for the newest chapter ended up deleted. Forcing myself to write a chapter is one thing but forcing myself to re-write it is another thing and I really couldn't bring myself to do that. I tried so many times and I really ended up failing.

Also, I find myself not invested enough in this series anymore to actually write it out. This goes the same with Red Eyes, but I'll make a separate post for that. I'm sorry, like really sorry, but this story is discontinued.

I'm sure this might upset a lot of you but I hope that you understand that completing this story is not an obligation I have to you. I don't mind anyone expressing civil discontent but please refrain from expressing any violent and hateful opinions directed at me into my inbox, especially if you're someone who's all along shown no appreciation for the story. Nothing bothers me more than seeing messages claiming to have followed this story from the beginning and ordering me to continue with it, yet being someone whose username I had never seen before in the comments (or even in notifications for favs and follows).

I want to thank those readers who have been following and leaving reviews. Thank you so much! I really appreciate all of you guys and it's a pity I can't finish this for your sakes. I'm truly sorry. If your are fans of my writing, do check out my other PPG fics! I have one oneshot, as well as two completed stories- Red Eyes and How Do You Say No To A Dying Man. All of these are fics that have received less recognition but are fics that I am much more proud of than this one. The sequel to Red Eyes is discontinued but I think it's ending is a lot more meaningful without the sequel (translation: don't read Pink Hearts, please).

Thank you everyone! I hope you have a great day! :)