Hi guys! This is my first ever multi-chapter story that I have been wanting to write for a while now. It has multiple shippings in, but the main one is Contestshipping. I decided to actually put in the Pokemon's reactions during the battle scene rather than just describe them. Have a read and let me know what you think about this in a review. Enjoy! Here are their ages:

Ash - 19

Misty - 19

Brock - 24

May - 16

Drew - 17

Dawn - 14

Kenny - 14

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or any of the characters

Chapter 1 – Coordinating a Tag Battle

Pokemon Isle. The perfect holiday destination for trainers and coordinators alike. A place for sun, fun and relaxation. This is where we find our heroes. Ash has decided to take a break from his journey and go on vacation with Pikachu and his two best friends, Misty and Brock. As the ship pulled into port, the four of them looked at the island up ahead. The battle arena was prominent, right in the center of the island, with various other buildings surrounding it such as the Pokemon Center.

"Here we are guys, Pokemon Isle." Brock said, shielding his eyes with a hand.

"Great, now can we please go get something to eat?" Ash asked.

"Ash, you just ate!" Misty said, exasperated.

"But that was hours ago!" Ash groaned. Misty got out her mallet and threatened to hit Ash with it if he didn't stop complaining, so he simply retreated with a sheepish smile and didn't say another word.

"Look guys, they're holding a Pokemon battle over there. Why don't we go check it out and then I'll make lunch, ok Ash?" Brock suggested, hoping for a compromise.

"Alright! Let's go!" Ash exclaimed, Pikachu nodding in agreement as they ran off towards the Pokemon battle arena.

"Wait up, Ash!" Misty yelled as she chased after Ash with Brock following closely behind, shaking his head at the two of them.

Ash, Misty and Brock entered the battle arena to find four familiar coordinators about to engage in a tag battle.

"Hey! May! Dawn!" Ash shouted over the arena at the two female coordinators standing on one end of the battlefield.

"Pika pika!" Pikachu called out to them.

Both girls looked over to see who had shouted, and smiled when they saw their good friends Ash and Pikachu waving at them.

"Hi Ash! You got here just in time!" Dawn exclaimed excitedly, waving back at Ash with a huge smile.

"Yeah, we're gonna show you how a real coordinator battles!" May admitted proudly.

"It's nice of you to compliment me May, but you shouldn't put yourself down." Drew retorted, a big smirk crossing his face.

"Yeah Dee-Dee, I mean I know my pokemon are stronger than yours, but keep trying." Kenny added smugly.

"Shut up, Drew!" May yelled back at Drew.

"KENNY! I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT!" Dawn screamed at Kenny. The boys simply smirked and snickered to themselves as they watched the girls become angrier by the second.

"Alright, this will be a two-on-two tag battle. The battle will be over when both of one side's pokemon is unable to continue. Battle begin!" the referee declared, raising his hands to the sky.

"Blaziken, take the stage!" May instructed.

"Piplup, spotlight!" Dawn called out.

"Roserade, let's go!" Drew commanded.

"Empoleon, hit it!" Kenny ordered.

All four Pokemon appeared from their Pokeballs in a flash of white light, revealing a big fire-bird Pokemon, a small penguin Pokemon, a green rose Pokemon and a big penguin Pokemon. Each one positioned itself in its battle stance.

"Blaziken, use blaze kick on Roserade!" May instructed.

"Blaze!" Blaziken roared as it charged at Roserade with a flaming leg aimed at it.

"Roserade, dodge it and use magical leaf!" Drew commanded.

"Rose!" Roserade cried, managing to jump out of the way, but Blaziken used its other leg to bounce up and it hit Roserade with blaze kick.

"Rose-rade!" Roserade yelled as it hurtled to the ground, leaving Drew slightly shocked.

"Roserade, are you ok?" Drew asked, concerned. Roserade got up with shuddering steps and nodded to signal it was ok, carrying out its trainer's orders and using magical leaf.

"Rose!" Roserade called out, as a flurry of silver leaves were launched from its roses and hit Piplup squarely on the chest.

"Pip-lup!" Piplup cried out as the magical leaf repeatedly caused damage to it, the swirling silver leaves blowing around him and hitting him in the face and chest.

"Piplup!" Dawn cried, staring out at the little penguin Pokemon with concern.

"Empoleon, use metal claw!" Kenny ordered, pointing out at Piplup.

"Empo!" Empoleon yelled, as it sprinted towards Piplup and caused a direct hit to Piplup with metal claw.

"Pip!" Piplup called out as it was hit head on by the metal claw.

"Blaziken, sky uppercut!" May instructed.

"Blaz-iken!" Blaziken roared as it was able to get close to Empoleon and strike it with a sky uppercut.

"Empo!" Empoleon growled as Blaziken's blaze kick caught it off-guard and caused it to stagger backwards.

"Roserade, use stun spore!" Drew commanded.

"Rose-rade!" Roserade yelled as it spun and released an orange powder onto Blaziken, leaving it paralysed for a while.

"Blaz-iken!" Blaziken shouted as it struggled to move.

"Oh no, Blaziken!" May cried.

"Empoleon, use bubble beam!" Kenny ordered.

"Empo!" Empoleon shouted as it launched a barrage of bubbles that caused Blaziken to suffer a fair amount of damage.

"Blaze!" Blaziken screamed as it was continuously attacked by the super effective move, again and again and again.

"Piplup, use peck!" Dawn called out.

"Piplup!" Piplup called out as it used peck to destroy all of the bubbles that were coming to hit Blaziken. During this time, Blaziken was able to shake off the stun spore and jump out of the way to avoid any further attack.

"Roserade, use solar beam!" Drew commanded.

"Rose-rade!" Roserade shouted as it gathered energy in its rose hands and launched a white beam of light towards Piplup.

"Piplup!" Piplup cried out as the solar beam hit it directly.

"Piplup, are you alright?" Dawn asked, concerned. Piplup slowly stood up and called out its name to show its trainer that it was okay.

"Empoleon, use flash cannon!" Kenny ordered.

"Empo!" Empoleon roared as it sent out a long stream of blinding white light straight towards Blaziken and Piplup.

"Roserade, use petal dance!" Drew commanded. Roserade released a whirlwind of pink petals towards the flash cannon.

"Rose-rade!" Roserade yelled as it released a whirlwind of pink petals towards the flash cannon. The attack wrapped around the flash cannon to form a combination attack and increased the power of the move.

"Blaziken, use fire spin!" May instructed. Blaziken released a powerful spiral of fire and sent it towards the oncoming attack.

"Blaz-iken!" Blaziken called out as it released a powerful spiral of fire and sent it towards the oncoming attack.

"Piplup, use bubble beam!" Dawn called out.

"Pip-lup-lup-lup!" Piplup shouted as it sent out a barrage of bubbles, just like Empoleon did earlier, and aimed them at the fire spin. The bubble beam merged with the fire spin to form a fusion move, and create a fire and water tornado. The two attacks collided with equal energy and caused an explosion, releasing a thick plume of smoke across the battlefield.

"Piplup, use whirlpool!" Dawn called out.

"Pip…lup!" Piplup shouted as it created a massive whirlpool and sent it towards the opposite end of the battlefield.

"Rose!" Roserade cried out as it became trapped within the whirlpool.

"Roserade!" Drew cried.

"Now Piplup, jump into the whirlpool!" Dawn called out.

"Piplup!" Piplup called out as it ran forward and jumped into the center of the whirlpool to get close to Roserade.

"Empoleon, use bubble beam on Piplup!" Kenny ordered.

"Em-poleon!" Empoleon shouted as it launched a barrage of bubbles that headed straight towards Piplup.

"Piplup, use bide!" Dawn called out.

"Piplup!" Piplup shouted quietly as its body became outlined in white while it endured the bubble beam and got ready to fire its attack. Kenny growled because Dawn had used his attack to her advantage.

"Quick Empoleon, use metal claw to break up the whirlpool!" Kenny ordered.

"Empoleon!" Empoleon yelled as it ran towards the whirlpool and its claws started to glow as it got ready to help Roserade out of the whirlpool.

"Blaziken, use blaze kick to stop Empoleon!" May instructed.

"Blaz-iken!" Blaziken shouted as it sprinted towards Empoleon and managed to kick it in the face with its blazing leg just before it broke up the whirlpool.

"Empo!" Empoleon shouted as it hit the wall behind it.

"Ahh, Empoleon!" Kenny cried.

"Now, Piplup!" Dawn called out.

"Pip-lup!" Piplup screamed as it glowed white and then it released a powerful white beam straight at Roserade. Blaziken was hit by some of the water from the whirlpool, but it didn't cause too much damage.

"Rose-rade!" Roserade cried out in pain as it suffered a direct hit.

"Roserade!" Drew cried out.

As the whirlpool and bide dissipated, Piplup, Blaziken and Empoleon were revealed to still be standing but Roserade was knocked out on the floor."

"Roserade is unable to battle! Piplup wins!" the referee called out.

"Thanks Roserade, you were awesome." Drew said to Roserade as he returned it to its pokeball.

"Alright!" Dawn exclaimed, pumping her fist into the air.

"Empoleon, use flash cannon!" Kenny ordered.

"Empo!" Empoleon roared as it released a long stream of white light towards Piplup, hitting it head on.

"Pip-lup!" Piplup screamed as it was knocked into the wall behind it.

"Oh no, Piplup!" Dawn cried out. Piplup had fainted from the attack and was slumped on the floor.

"Piplup is unable to battle! Empoleon wins!" The referee announced.

"You were just great, Piplup!" Dawn said to Piplup as she returned it to its pokeball.

"Should have been paying attention, Dee-Dee!" Kenny taunted. Dawn clenched her fists and growled at him for using that nickname.

"Beat him, May!" Dawn called out to her fellow teammate.

"My pleasure!" May replied.

"C'mon Empoleon, you're strong enough to beat that Blaziken!" Kenny called out to his pokemon who nodded in response.

"I don't think you should underestimate the power of my Blaziken. Besides, there's more to a battle than type advantage." May called across to Kenny. Blaziken overheard his trainer and positioned itself in its battle stance once again.

"Empoleon, use bubble beam!" Kenny ordered.

"Em-poleon!" Empoleon shouted as it launched a barrage of bubbles at Blaziken.

"Blaze!" Blaziken cried out as it was hit by the bubbles and caused it damage.

"Blaziken, use fire spin!" May instructed.

"Blaz-iken!" Blaziken yelled as it released a powerful spiral of fire and aimed it at Empoleon.

"Empo!" Empoleon cried as it was hit by the strong attack head on.

"Empoleon, let's finish this, hydro cannon max power!" Kenny ordered.

"EM….POLEON!" Empoleon bellowed as it mustered up a glowing light blue ball of water and threw it towards Blaziken.

"Let's show them true strength, Blaziken. Overheat, max power!" May instructed.

"BLAZ…IKEN!" Blaziken howled as it launched a white hot beam of fire straight towards the oncoming attack.

Both attacks collided and created a huge explosion that shook the whole stadium. Empoleon and Blaziken were sent flying backwards from the power of the attack, and May, Dawn, Drew and Kenny were all forced to shield themselves from the smoke created by the explosion.

As the smoke disappeared, both pokemon were left still standing, neither one of them wanting to give even an inch. However, after a while, Empoleon's knees gave way and it collapsed on the ground.

"Empoleon is unable to battle! Blaziken wins! Which means the victors are May and Dawn!" the referee declared. By now, a crowd had gathered to watch this intense match and they all cheered and applauded May and Dawn for their win.

"Alright! We did it, we did it, we did it!" May and Dawn squealed in unison as they jumped up and down while holding hands.

"Thanks Empoleon, great battle." Kenny said as he returned his pokemon to its pokeball.

"You do realise that we're never gonna live this down." Kenny said as he sighed dejectedly.

"Don't remind me." Drew groaned.

"Oh great, here they come." Kenny grumbled, watching as May and Dawn ambled towards both of them with big grins on their faces.

"Well boys, we won." May declared triumphantly, smirking at Drew.

"Which means you have to hold up your end of the deal." Dawn added as she smirked at Kenny.

"What if we don't want to?" Drew replied.

"Too bad, we made a deal, so you have to." May responded.

"Make us." Drew retorted as he smirked at May, watching her begin to fume. May huffed and puffed out cheeks as her face became red with fury. Suddenly, May had an idea and she grinned like a Cheshire cat at Drew, which made him slightly nervous (and curious) as to what she was planning.

"Hey, Misty! Can you come over here for a second? And bring Ash with you!" May shouted across to Misty.

"Sure thing, May!" Misty shouted back in reply, dragging Ash by the arm over to where the coordinators were standing.

"Oh, you two haven't met! Misty, this is Kenny, and Kenny this is Misty." Dawn said as she introduced the two.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." Misty replied with a smile.

"Yeah, it's nice to meet you too." Kenny responded, eyeing Misty with caution.

"So, what's up, May?" Misty asked.

"Well, you see, we made a deal when we agreed to have a tag battle and since they lost they have hold up their end of the deal! But they refused, so I was wondering if you could use Ash to demonstrate what will happen if they don't agree." May explained.

"Oh, I see. Sorry about this, Ash." Misty said apologetically.

"Wha-" Ash was cut off as Misty took out her mallet and whacked him over the head with a resounding CRACK.

Drew and Kenny gulped nervously as they saw Ash sprawled out on the floor and looked back up with wide eyes to see all three girls smirking at them.

"So, now will you say it?" May asked teasingly, already knowing the answer.

"Fine, we'll say it." Drew grumbled.

"Great! out with it then." Dawn said expectantly as she awaited their replies, crossing her arms across her chest in expectation.

"May and Dawn are the best coordinators that we will ever have the pleasure of knowing, and we should be grateful to be in their presence because we, Drew and Kenny, will never possess the same amount of style and grace as they do, when we compete in contests." Drew and Kenny answered in unison in a monotone voice.

"Thanks for finally recognising our true talent as coordinators, boys!" May and Dawn exclaimed happily with bright smiles on the faces as they walked over to Drew and Kenny before kissing them on the cheek. May and Dawn giggled as they saw Drew's and Kenny's eyes widen slightly and a small pink blush dusted their cheeks. Both boys shook it off and returned to their cool demeanor.

"I don't know why you're so happy Dawn, no-one's going to believe that we actually said that." Kenny pointed out as he smirked at Dawn triumphantly.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, Kenny." Dawn responded as she took a tape recorder out of her pocket and waved it in Kenny's face. Kenny simply growled at her in response.

"Hey guys, can we please get something to eat now? I'm really hungry." May whined.

"YES! FINALLY!" Ash yelled as he and Pikachu sprinted out of the stadium. Everyone else was left standing and sweat-dropping at Ash's behavior, before following suit…

The seven of them found a nice spot by a big blue lake and helped to set-up for lunch as Brock was busy making food for them and the Pokemon. The Pokemon ran around on the lakeshore, pouncing on one another and playing tag.

"Okay, guys, lunch is ready!" Brock announced, standing up with their lunch.

"Thanks, Brock!" they all answered, running over to him eagerly.

"Now, you all eat up, there's plenty of Pokemon food for everyone!" Brock told the Pokemon and they all replied happily.

"You guys deserve it after battling so hard." May added, leaning down and petting one of them fondly.

"Yeah, you guys were awesome!" Ash declared.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu agreed with its trainer, grabbing a pellet of Pokemon food and nibbling on it.

"Pip-Piplup!" Piplup answered proudly. They all just chuckled at the proud penguin Pokemon.

"So, Ash, what brings you to Pokemon Isle?" Dawn asked curiously, looking over at him.

"Well, I just came runner-up in the Kalos league, so I thought I'd take a break from my journey for a while and I decided to bring Pikachu, Misty and Brock along with me on my vacation to Pokemon Isle." Ash explained.

"What about you, Dawn?" Brock asked, glancing over at the blue-haired girl.

"Well, Kenny and I just finished competing in the Grand Festival in the Hoenn region and we decided that we'd take break a here for a little while before we head back to Twinleaf Town and see our parents." Dawn replied.

"How about you, May?" Misty asked.

"Drew and I have been traveling together around the Unova region, and we thought we'd pop over to Pokemon Isle for some R&R and then take the ferry back to Hoenn before we head out on our next journey." May answered, taking a sip of her drink.

"So, May, I guess this must be the famous green-haired jerk that you're always talking to me about." Misty said as she grinned at May. May choked and spluttered out her drink as her eyes widened at what Misty said, while Drew just smirked at her.

"You do, huh?" Drew asked arrogantly.

"Well, I just tell her how you always tease me, and that you're big, fat meanie, Grasshead." May retorted with an annoyed tone in her voice.

"Ouch, words can hurt you know, May." Drew responded sarcastically.

"Oh, shut up!" May snapped back at Drew.

Suddenly, screams and yells from trainers and pokemon could be heard coming from the arena. All seven of them and their pokemon immediately ran over to the arena to see what all the commotion was about.

"What's going on?!" Ash yelled…

Well that's it for chapter one. Sorry I left it on a cliff-hanger, but I want to see how many people read and review this before I post the next chapter. Please R&R!
