

"I am a Ghoul." -Ken Kaneki, Tokyo Ghoul

When the entire Bat-family arrived at the supposed destination, they weren't greeted by Jason, Cass, or Tim but the sight of a burning warehouse that was lighting up the Harbor. They all stared, all confused, unsure what to do but stare at the blazing building. They were left a gasped and did nothing to stop it, letting it continue as parts of the warehouse began to collapse.

"Are we…are we just going to let the building collapse?" Dick whispered out and gulped, the heat of from the fire whipping around them until Steph then bolted to the warehouse.

"Shit." Bruce ushered out as she made her way to the entrance but suddenly someone stepped out of the building.

She paused mid-step and her sky blue eyes widen as did the rest of the family's once they caught sight of the figure, who happened to be Timothy Drake.

His hair white as snow and bright blue eyes stared down at them in confusion. His body bore only the retainments of his Red Robin pants which were cut and burnt to around his knees. Scars from his oldest wounds remained on his body and new ones glistened its recent scar tissue. Burn tissues were marked on multiple strands of his body while lacerations were scattered violently over his body while dried blood was spotted near the top of his head.

"" she muttered out and his eyes crinkled at this while a smile spilled over his lip but once at the sight of his teeth, they were stained pure red.

Horror crossed over her features at this and he walked towards them, his bare feet padding over the wet pavement.

"You're alive." Dick ushered out while Kat looked at Tim with worry as she knew what had become of the bird and Tim then narrowed his eyes, turning back to the warehouse.

"Yes. Jason, Cass, and I set the place ablaze." he answered and then turned back to them, his smile changing its meaning once the next few words slipped his mouth "Don't worry, though. Scarecrow has been taken care of."

"What do you mean-?" Steph began but was silenced when he gave her a sad smile before he engulfed her in a hug as he had approached her while her eyes grew wide at his affection.

But something was very wrong.

Blood and other disgusting and horrifying smells counted his entire body and she wanted to retch away from him.

Suddenly someone pulled Tim away from her and snarked back, "The fuck are you doing, dumbass?"

They all looked to see Jason Todd, holding Tim by his shoulders and glare across his face.

Tim frowned at this and said, "I'm greeting everyone since they were all worried about me."

"Now is not the time for that." Jason snarled back at him and Tim frowned at this, unsure how to react at his statement

"What happened, Tim?" Bruce questioned him and Tim turned to face him, giving him a smile.

"Nothing of much concern. I'm fine. Everything is under control. Why do you ask?" he replied back to Bruce who continued to only stare at him more. He knew something was wrong with him, knowing he was hiding something from him since he was trying so hard to keep it undercover.

"Something did happen and you are purposely hiding it from us." Bruce accused of Tim and Tim frowned at this before turning to face Jason, their eyes locking gazes with each other.

"It's your decision, dumbass. You choose this, so whatever happens, you can figure it out with my help still." Jason told him and released his grip on Tim before moving a few steps from him.

Tim breathed in before pushing his hair away from his eyes and closed his eyes.

"Fine, since you all are curious." he mumbled under his breath before opening his eyes again, his left eye revealed to have his sclera black and iris crimson like blood. Slowly, six red large tentacles erupted from his back and horror spreading across all of their faces. The tentacles swung around dangerously around him and his family could not help but stare at him in shock and disbelief.

"No…" Dick whispered out from this realization that before him was the so-called monster that ate a part of his beloved little brother.

"It was you that stopped Devin…you killed him, didn't you?" Steph announced after seeing the sight of the tentacles and Tim sighed, cracking his neck at this which echoed loudly around them.

"I didn't mean to. I had lost control of myself after seeing you almost getting killed. That's actually when the tentacles appeared." He replied to her comment and then cracked his knuckles, bones cracking out of place.

"Wha-how? I don't…" Dick mumbled as he tried to comprehend the situation before him.

"You know that trip to Japan and the accident that happened? I battled a fierce monster and I got heavily injured to the point I needed organs. At the time, the monster I battled had been the perfect match so I was transplanted organs from this being called a Ghoul. They can only eat human flesh." Tim explained before sighing and the tentacles swirled around in the air, "So, any time you guys were around me-no, never mind that, any human that was near me, taunted my self-control to not you. Do you know how hard it is to stop yourself from eating your own family and friends? It's difficult because you don't want to hurt them but you can't stand the delicious smell coming off from them!"

He grinned madly and now nervousness approaching the Batman family. Steph paled at the announcement while Dick only looked at him in horror but Bruce remained stoic.

"But, the best taste in the world is eating your own fear alive. When it finally gives up trying to be better than you, it is so utterly delightful. Do you know the feeling of finally beating your enemies and they do give up, hoping that surrender would be acceptable but in the end you kill them instead?"

His eye returned back to normal before he pointed to the warehouse and said, "Now that's what happened to the Doctor. He begged to be captured but after what he has put so many through, he got what was coming for him."

Steph fell to her knees and shook from his words meanwhile Dick's eyes grew wider at every word he had spoken and his mouth was open but no words escaped his lips. Bruce remained still as he waited for Tim to do something possibly dramatic. Then Tim started walking towards them before stopping only a few feet away.

"Now, if you don't mind moving out of my way." He said and then Steph grabbed his arm, which was coated with blood. Confusion was written over her face and her eyes wide in terror yet he did nothing but stared down at her.

"Even after coming back from Japan, you stayed the same. But this isn't you. Something really bad happened to you when you were held captive. What did Scarecrow do to you?" She questioned him and that's when his eyes narrowed, anger flared up and his eye returned to that of a Ghoul.

She paled at this and released his hand as the tentacles started to lash out at the mere mention of his disappearance and capture.

"He is nothing but the past, an insignificant factor. I don't need to get angry over something that has changed me for the better." He mumbled under his breath and pushed his hair back, looking to see Bruce already running at him to tackle him to the ground.

He easily dodged the attack by moving aside and grabbing Bruce by his arms, pulling them behind his back and squeezed hard enough to bring tension on his bones.

"That is quite rude, Bruce. Is that how you great your son that has been through much these past few weeks?" Tim questioned his father and Bruce scowled from this, wincing also at the pain, "Now, I'll be on my way and none of you will stop me. If you try to, I will not hesitate to put you down."

He looked to see Jason with his arms crossed over his chest and observing him as if he were testing him.

"Are you going to follow me, Jason?" Tim asked and Jason sighed before shrugging.

"…Sure. I promised to keep watch over you so I'll continue to do so." He stated and Tim nodded at this before kicking Bruce away into the ground, pain erupting in his shoulders. He scowled and saw as Steph stood up on her feet, trying to prepare herself to fight him, and Dick remained still but Kate got into a stance.

"I go to."

The voice of Cass caused everyone to turn and see the Black haired girl who bore the Black Bat uniform. Tim smirked at this and said, "Well of course. The more, the merrier. This little adventure will get interesting, isn't?"

She just stared at them before walking over to them, no emotion seen on her face before Tim turned back to Bruce and the others.

"Now, don't try to find where we go, Bruce. It will prove you little justice and you won't be able to stop us. Just let us be and we will do no harm to you. I am only on a hunt, whoever gets in my way will suffer." Tim explained to Bruce and began to walk away from them with Jason pulling out a cigarette to light up and Cass following with them.

"Who are you hunting?" Bruce asked and Tim stopped at this before turning to him with a sly and twisted smile across his face.

"Oh, the man who created this monster." He replied and then the new group disappeared into the shadows and smoke of the warehouse.

"Who are you?"

"I am no one. My name has since been forgotten and I only have one goal to achieve."

"Oh, what is this goal?"

" To get my revenge on one man that has wronged me."

"How come?"

"Because he deserves too."


"He has done many things that are viewed as wrong and evil. And evil needs to be punished."

"Interesting. What about you though?"

"Me, evil? Of course, I've killed men before but they were known as monsters too many before being called human."

"How am I not surprised. But what about you? Are you a monster?"

"Well, of course. Only monsters can kill monsters. There is no denying that."

"I see…so I shall be killed by a monster then."

"Indeed. For I am a Ghoul. A being that feasts only on human flesh. And because you have done so much wrong in the world, you shall be my feast to enjoy. So, what are your last words before you are taken from this world, Riddler?"

The Riddler sighed and his red hair fell before his eyes, looking up to the one black-eyed young man with a red iris. White hair pulled back from the young man's face by the fact that it was long enough to be in a ponytail and black fingernails greeted the Riddler's view. The young man wore a black hoodie with the shelves ripped with but a red long shelve shirt was under it with black leather fingerless gloves. A black-painted skull was placed on the center of his chest but blood coated the entirety of the shirt while he also bore black baggy jeans with many pockets. He also wore a black mask fashioned to resemble a leather gimp with an eyepatch over his right eye and bares lipless mouth that shows gnashing teeth like some of Gotham's monsters but his real lips and teeth did greet the Riddler. It also had two bolts sticking out from the neck of the mask as if he were Frankstein.

"What is black and white and red all over?"

The young man grinned at this before answering the riddle, "The Gantai."

The Riddler smirked at this before nodding and saying, "Correct. Good game, Gantai."

Then the Gantai launched himself at the Riddler, tackling his throat and easily ripping his apart from his muscles and skin of his body. The Riddler ushered out a cry of pain before his veins ripped apart from his body. Blood coated the Gantai's mouth and dribbled down his lips, ripping the piece of flesh and ending the man's life too soon. The blood splattered in an open direction and sprayed itself onto the Gantai. The Riddler's mouth hung gaping open, begging for breath before the Gantai swallowed the piece of flesh. He stared at the Riddler before wiping his mouth to draw away the blood and onto his shelve.

The sound of a metal knocking forced him to turn and see Red Hood staring at him. He smiled at the Red Hood and said, "Well, he had nothing much to say although he knows that Ra's al Ghul has been sending some sort of shipments to Japan."

"So, we are heading to Japan, then?" Red Hood questioned him and the Gantai nodded at this.

The Gantai then stated, "Back to where everything began and ended."

"Indeed. Are you prepared?" Red Hood asked and motioned to the body of the Riddler.

"Of course, you have to face the past anywhere you go. Now it is Ra's time for his past mistakes to go haunt him." The Gantai stated and his eye transformed into the form of dark, navy irises, ready to take on his revenge after so long of being a monster because of this man.

The End…