When Mike next awoke, he was sitting in his office as per usual, but with something rather unusual embracing him from behind. It wasn't the most unpleasant feeling in the world-in fact being quite soft-but it was far from the most.

"Oh, so you're awake now?" asked the person standing behind him. Mike held perfectly still, keeping his breathing low and his mental state sane. A slight giggle a moment later only slightly managed to unnerve him a little more.

"Playing the big, strong guy in front of little, ol' me? That's cute" the voice cooed cutely. Mike just gulped down a big knot that had suddenly formed in his throat and the grip around his chest lessen slightly, a hand coming up around his cheek and then caressing it.

"You know, I never figured what the other girls saw in humans, but I must say that you make me think differently" she added and then suddenly let go altogether. Mike watched almost in slow motion as the sudden assailant walked out towards where he could see her, his jaw going limp the second he recognized her by her long, blonde hair.

"G-Goldilocks…?" the guard breathed, unable to process the new information. Another giggle soon resonated through his ears and she turned, indeed being the same android that he had seen in the basement earlier that day. Looking at her now, she was definitely similar to Freddy, but she was noticeably shorter than she had been before. Was she perhaps standing up on something earlier, or was there something else making her height seem different? Her eyes though were black-out sclarae with red dots in the center of them, giving her the same kind of appearance as the others during their sleepwalk cycles.

Goldilocks just placed a paw in front of her mouth and giggled. "I'm so glad you know who I am, Mikey" she cooed with a big, Joker-esque smile.

"W-wait, how do you know who I am?" Mike asked, suddenly feeling incredibly nervous.

"It's written on the back of the photo" the golden she-bear deadpanned, pointing down towards the photo on his desk. Curious, Mike picked it up and looked at the back, noticing a small note that one of the others must have left for him. It thanked him by name for getting it in the first place.

"Oh…" Mike said, feeling a little calmer. That is, until the sudden realization dawned on him. "Wait, how did you even…I dunno, wake up or something? I thought you were powered down?" he asked.

Goldy giggled again. 'Does she start every sentence with a chorus of giggles?' Mike thought for a moment as he leered at the android.

"If I could thank anyone in the world, it'd have to be you for being such a good turn-on" she purred gently as she walked closer to him. Every step she took, Mike went back a little in his chair. It was to no avail though, as he was almost immediately pinned against the wall with the she-bear standing just before him. Slowly, Goldilocks had placed her hands on his shoulders, lowered herself until she was sitting right on his lap, straddling him with bedroom eyes making perfect contact with his.

"I would've rotted down there until you saved me, you good boy, you" she leaned in closer, lowering her eyelids more and more. Mike couldn't even do anything before she delicately planted her cold, lifeless lips on his, the likes of which led to his entire face burning up and his heartrate escalating. She didn't have any kind of breath, but it felt like old, musty air was flowing into his mouth during the whole event.

About fifteen seconds passed before she eventually broke off, leaving a small trail of Mike's saliva connecting them by their mouths. Goldilocks smiled and Mike simply sat there, stunned as she lidded her eyes again and leaned her forehead against his. A moment later and yet another giggle was heard. Mike wasn't entirely certain what had been going on, but didn't know what to think after something so…disturbing happened.

"Was that as good for you as it was for me?" she asked him in a sweet voice, further adding to the confusion. Mike just pushed the she-bear back and then got up. Looking at her now, she was just barely taller than Foxy, and that wasn't really saying much. When he looked to see her reaction, Mike found that she was pissed. Typical.

"Don't you know anything about pleasing a lady, Mikey? Because if you did, you'd know better than to do that" she complained, raising her paws up to him.

"Well, I just…" Mike stumbled a bit. He wasn't certain what exactly he was supposed to be saying after that. Just then, a sudden thought came to mind. "Wait, so were those weird things going on during the inspection your work?" he asked her suddenly, making her smirk and deliberately nod. "Why did you do that?"

Goldilocks giggled for the umpteenth time, which was quickly getting on Mike's nerves. "Well, I thought it'd be nice if people could see me. But for some reason, nobody was around, not even my little siblings" she stated, making Mike go wide-eyed.

"Wait, so then…" he started before she put a clawed finger up to his mouth.

"Ah-ah, I'm still talking" she scolded gently before continuing, "I wanted you to know that I'm the center of attention. And when you didn't even acknowledge me, I punished you by making all of the others go crazy" she stated in a tone befitting a criminal mastermind. Why is that they always had to explain their entire plan without much work needed to force it out of them?

"You just kept on ignoring me all day though, even after all that. Do you have any idea," she scowled and lowered her voice, the dots marking her pupils quickly starting to glow a brighter, golden color, "how upset that made me feel?"

Mike was starting to feel a little intimidated looking at her now. He wasn't entirely sure why that was though, but one good look in her eyes had managed to make him shudder.

"In the end, you're no better than all those others. They all loved Freddy and those other rejects more and never thought anything of my shows. It all just makes me so mad" she balled up her hands into fists and then held by her sides as she seethed, the entire room suddenly warping into some kind of fiery landscape. How it was even possible for this to be happening, he had no idea, but he wanted to get out of it as quickly as he could. However, Goldy suddenly appeared before him again as he was about to try and turn away.

"Exactly. They always looked away whenever I made eye contact with them, they always avoided my gaze" she snarled as her entire body seemed to catch fire. Soon after that, Mike's breathing started to become scarce, things started to swerve all over the place. It didn't take long before he fell down to his knees, clutching his chest as he tried to avoid inhaling the smoke. Luckily, it didn't last long as Goldy calmed down and made the room return to normal seconds after.

"But, seeing as how you're still relatively new, I suppose I can forgive you for now" she smiled once more. She leaned down on one knee and her grin showed a much more malicious side to it. "All I ask if that you do a few…favors for me in the coming days. Do you think you can do that for me, Mikey?" she asked in a sweet tone, offering her hand to the fallen guard. All things considered, it was better to simply agree to her terms and keep her happy while trying to find out how she can be deactivated again. He grabbed her hand and was immediately pulled right back up onto his feet a moment later.

"We'll keep in touch, Mikey" she said as she opened up the nearby door and sauntered on out as she hummed a tune to herself. Mike found himself standing alone in his office as she left him, but felt a massive weight suddenly lift itself off of his shoulders. For such an individual, Goldilocks was definitely an intense one. Funny, because she seemed like she had a good head on her shoulders when she first appeared. It was a wonder as to why she was left in the basement.

It was at least an hour or so before Mike went and approached the stage, finding the rest of the gang just getting out in time to meet him. Curiously though, Foxy was scratching the back of her head.

"That's always a real pain in the arse" she muttered angrily.

"Seems more like a pain in the neck to me" Mike tried to joke, Chica doing a generic rimshot a moment later. "Y'know, because it's…closer to your head and…Well, anyway, how did things go, did you figure anything out?" Mike stated further, April and Frederick giving him curious looks.

"Maybe we should discuss what's wrong with you first?" April offered, stepping off the stage and approaching Mike.

"What are you talking about?" Mike was a little unsure of anything going on. Taking a look at himself, he couldn't see anything that was out of the ordinary.

"I'm talking about the mark on your lips" April pointed to his lip, carefully avoiding making contact with it in particular.

"What's wrong with it?"

"It looks like you got some kind of grime on it or…I dunno, but you better wash that off soon" April just walked away from that point, looking a little worried as she left. Frederick came up a moment later with a serious expression.

"Getting back on our original topic, it'd appear as though neither of them can remember anything" he explained as his expression hardened. Looking back, he saw that Chica and Foxy had their arms raised in a shrugging manner and shook their heads, adding to the news in ways only they could.

"What do you think this means?" Mike asked, trying to keep a clear mind. Frederick just crossed his arms and sighed.

"I don't know" he stated as he headed off towards his office. The androids headed back towards the backstage area, likely to recharge, and Mike was left with his thoughts again. The sun was beginning to set in the background, and he had been unsure as to how to continue from that point. His thoughts were interrupted as he suddenly got a test message on his phone. Pulling it out, he found in big bold letters "IT'S ME!" waiting on it, and from an unlisted number for that matter. With a sigh, Mike turned to face the sunset one last time, fearing it may be the last time he sees it.