Author's note: This story is for Chhavi who had asked for a Leo and Kara fanfiction story. I hope that you like it Chhavi!

When it comes to pulling the wool off of Emma's Eyes, no one can for Emma is just that smart at the age of 16. She already has her ticket

to attend Yale university, sadly though when it comes to being perfect there is a price to pay and Emma's price is her life. Granted, I too

have had to give up a big part of my life but that doesn't mean that the big part that I have had to give up isn't as important as Emma's. As

a matter of fact I believe that the big part of my life that I have had to give up maybe a little bit bigger then Emma's for not only have I lost

a leg, but I have lost my hair as well as my future soul mate. That is right! At one point of my stay here at the hospital I had strong

feelings for Emma, but not any more. Now my new focus is all on the new comer, Kara Souders. You see Kara isn't at all like Emma. She is

hot, athletic and o, did I mention that she is good looking because she is! Now the only down side to Kara is that she is way more mean

then Emma. Emma has her mean points, but when it comes to Kara, her mean fulls up most if not all of her life, but I have gotten use to

the mean Kara and I have started to like her. She has a fire in her. A fire that I would like to see keep going. A fire that is strong. A fire

that..."Emma, you bitch! How could you?" A fire that had just been put out all thanks to Emma's glass of water that she was asked to drink

for lunch along with the rest of her meal for meal time. Standing here, I watch as the two young ladies that I have different feelings for run

throughout Emma's room as though Emma was the water trying to put out Kara's fire. This went on for a while, until at least the nurse that

had arrived to pick up Emma's mostly untouched meal tray stood at the door way, not looking at all pleased with her hands on her hips.

"What is the meaning of this," asked the nurse as she stared at the two ladies who currently looked like two deers caught in headlights. The

two girls stood in place as they said nothing. Emma was still holding the glass of water that was now empty while Kara held in her good

hand a spoon that use to have food on it, but thanks to the chase, the food had fallen off and was now laying on the floor. Realizing that

after a few minutes of slience that neither of the two young ladies were willing to talk, Leo Roth took the opportunity to save both young

ladies from getting father into trouble. "Dr. Dobler, myself and Kara were bored sitting in our rooms and we both wanted to come and visit

Emma. When we had arrived, Emma was currently eating her pudding but thanks to our unannounced visit she had dropped the spoonful of

pudding onto the floor. That was when Kara had willingly offered to clean up the spill with the spoon that Emma was using, while Emma

believed that spilling water onto the floor would help clean up the spill even better. When pouring the water onto the floor, Emma missed

the food spill, but hit Kara's foot instead. That was when Kara started running to air dry her foot since there was no paper towels nearby.

Emma felt bad that she had gotten Kara's foot wet and so she ran after Kara to apologize, but with a head start Emma was never able to

catch up to Kara. That is when you had walked in." After Leo's explanation, Dr. Dolphen turned to the two young ladies to see if what Leo

had just said was really true or if he was just making this sort of story up just to get the girls out of trouble. The girl's faces looked sorry

and so with that the nice characteristics of Dr. Dolphen had soon came out. "Good job Emma," said Dr. Dolphen as she walked over to

Emma's table where her mostly untounched food tray still laid. With the tray in hand, Dr. Dophen turned around and headed back out of the

room, but before leaving the room, Dr. Dolphen had turned back around and had informed the young ladies that she would be coming back

with a roll of paper towels so that the food and the water could be cleaned up the right way. After that she turned back around to exit the

room. As soon as the nurse had left a sign of relief could be heard from inside the room. Both of the young ladies ended up not getting into

trouble and that was all thanks to Leo. Without saying anything, Kara placed the dirty spoon that was still in her hand back onto the table

before making her way out of the room, but before exiting she was once again splashed with water by Emma. Turning back around, an

angry Kara stared at Emma wanting nothing more then to get her back for what she had just did, but before she had a chance to Dr.

Dolphen had arrived back with the roll of paper towels that she had promised. Smiling, she walked over to Emma's table, before turning

around. That was when she had noticed that Kara who was wet just a few minutes ago was once again wet. Turning to Emma, Dr. Dolphen

had informed Emma that she was going to keep her promise with bring the roll of paper towels and that there was no need to try to clean up

the spill again with water. Emma apologized to Dr. Dolphen. Smiling Dr. Dolphen placed a hand on Emma's shoulder before saying "It is

ok. I know that you didn't mean it." After that Dr. Dolphen turned back around and headed back to the door, but it didn't take long for there

to be a fight. "How could you? You little bitch!" Recognizing a fight when he sees one, Leo quickly stood between the two very upset young

ladies, with his one arm starched out to hold back Kara while he hoped that Emma wouldn't try and take a shoot at Kara. "Ladies, I got you

both out of trouble! Do you really think that I can get you both out of trouble again? No, I don't think so! Now how about we just cool

down by working together to clean up the mess on the floor?" Dumbfounded by what she just heard Leo say about working together to

clean up a mess that he had caused in the first place. Kara stared at Leo before crossing her arms and asking "Who will it be Leo?" Emma or

myself?" Not believing that Kara was making him choose between her or Emma, but she was also making him choose right in front of Emma

as well. Leo looked to Kara, in a puppy dog sort of look, hoping that it would work but after a few minutes of seen the puppy dog look, Kara

had enough. "Leo enough is enough! Just answer the question! Is it Emma or Me that you will be with?"

Author's Note: Once again I hope that you liked this Chhavi! This isn't just the end of this story. This is just the beginning of this story. There is lots more to come. Thank you so much for reading and Please leave a review.